10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

Chapter 5: Yuuji Changing Jobs from “Magician of the Forest” to “Farmer”.Prologue 【It’s Another World, however】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 10【Something is missing】 1 : Anonymous MEAT This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that「Yuuji」 has uploaded.Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this. Finally, he started to interact with people from another world.So that means that until now there was no contact!This is the thread to watch over Yuuji’s livelihood attentively while only having another world feelings once in a while.Is there really anything to accomplish?!Repost is prohibited! The NEET who post the  >>900th message must set up the next thread and make the first post! ・・・ 113 : Infrastructure WorkerWhat will the merchant request?What kind of knowledge should be transfered?Let’s forecast it! Of course, it will be related to agriculture right?This is the standard “Aiming for Agricultural Revolution with Norfolk Method!”[1]

Chapter 5: Yuuji Changing Jobs from “Magician of the Forest” to “Farmer”.Prologue 【It’s Another World, however】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 10【Something is missing】 1 : Anonymous MEAT This is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that「Yuuji」 has uploaded.Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this. Finally, he started to interact with people from another world.So that means that until now there was no contact!This is the thread to watch over Yuuji’s livelihood attentively while only having another world feelings once in a while.Is there really anything to accomplish?!Repost is prohibited! The NEET who post the  >>900th message must set up the next thread and make the first post! ・・・ 113 : Infrastructure WorkerWhat will the merchant request?What kind of knowledge should be transfered?Let’s forecast it! Of course, it will be related to agriculture right?This is the standard “Aiming for Agricultural Revolution with Norfolk Method!”[1]
114 : Anonymous NEET>>113In short, you just want to kill some time, right?Do your work, salary-man Doing manual work to pa.s.s the time in winter when confined by the snow:Popularize the “you-know-what bear wooden carving” even in another world![2] 115 : Anonymous MEAT>>114Oh, the one where it’s biting salmon huh!?I have two of those in my home Since the Bear needs art skill, then kokeshi doll?[3] 116 :5Anonymous ETNE>>115Don’t underestimate the kokeshi doll!There was one that was sold for over 10,000 yen, you know? Then that, the staple “killing time” gameLike reversi, or chessOr Ga** of Life or Mo**poly 117 : Anonymous NEET>>116Because there were fellows who arrived at that other world in the pastI think that those games had already been popularized Wouldn’t a steam engine be better?Rather than an agricultural revolution, it is an industrial revolution! 118 : Well Informed NEETBoard games have existed since BCE you knowAlthough I don’t know the actual type, it might already exist in some form Since we had talked about developing the surrounding area, thenIt would be about things that will be useful for developing the land right? 119 : Anonymous NEET>>118Things that is useful for developing the land, huh? Chainsaw! 120 : Anonymous NEET>>119Where will you get electricity or gasoline…? Electric buzz saw! 121 : Anonymous ETNE>>120You too!Didn’t you also declare something using electric?! Then to power an electric power generatorWater power or wind power would suffice right? 122 : Anonymous NEET>121Hey hey, did you get cold feet? I propose nuclear power generation! 123 : Anonymous NEET>>122Are you forgetting?Since it is feudalism, there are n.o.bles, right?Then there would be military power right? Nuclear weaponry 124 : YES Lolita NO TouchYou foolsRemember Yuuji’s hardship in the winter Only one type of underwear!There are only drawers type!Make striped underwear for little girls! 125 : Anonymous NEETDon’t tsukkomi, don’t tsukkomi… Since there is military powerThen, of course that means KATANA right?If there are dwarves in other worldThen he could made it unbreakable, unbendable, could cut even dozens people well 126 : Overwhelmingly Dog-PersonSince he is a peddler of frontier areaThen of course it would be related to agriculture, wouldn’t it? I advocate for animal domesticationIf there is a dog, then that means there are also cows or sheep! 127 : Cool NEETSince Premie city is located near the water, am I kinda curious, Boats, or possibly water transportation 128 : Well-Informed NEET>>117,127How about we combine both of your ideasAnd create a paddle steamer? 129 : Anonymous NEET>>128We should start with something simpler right? SoapIt is the staple good to reduce mortality 130 : Anonymous NEET>>129AgreedSince it is simple There is also cuisineThis is also the staple tropeHowever with Yuuji’s cooking ability, it’s impossible, huh?The raw materials also are different 131 : Anonymous NEETAs for securing manpowerHow about introducing serfdom? Then Yuuji could purchase a beastkin or an elf girl!Don’t forget a female knight from a defeated country! 132 : Anonymous ETNENonono, there might be goblins or others right? Gunpowder and gun! 133 : Anonymous NEET>>132Yeah there it is!Yuuji will do magnificent GunKata moves!Completely impossible…… The safer one would be paper or alcoholic drinks, don’t you agree?All dwarves in the world  ---- will begin to cry in joy ---- at distilled spirits[4] 134 : Anonymous NEET>>133It didn’t sound even a little bit like a haikuIt completely didn’t sound good at all I suggest making confectionaries from honey beekeepingIt will be peaceful and safe towards the n.o.bles and commoners 135 : Anonymous MEAT>>134Heihei, don’t underestimate the bees of another world!Giant hornets are the staple of small fries! On this subject, what about anti-monster defense equipment?Like the ballista or other typical castle siege weapons 136 : Anonymous NEET>>135What do you know about bees of another world?Isn’t that just speaking roughly? But I suggest something that will probably be useful for anti-monster functionsBut also indispensable for warMetallurgy Technology 137 : Well-Informed NEET>>136You are also speaking roughly! However, I couldn’t possibly say anything about the technological level of the civilization if they also used magicCan’t the peddler return faster? 138 : Anonymous ETNE>>137If Yuuji is just developing the land, then it would be too plainIt won’t be interesting! 139 : Anonymous NEET>>138Don’t underestimate farming!Battling against weeds, against bugs, against plant diseases,Fighting against the sunlight in the middle of farmwork…… Ah, the summer begins…… 140 : Anonymous NEET>>139Hei!Aren’t you NEET?Or maybe from a farmer family? Or maybe it’s that!This thread seems to have guys who sometimes redeem themselves.[5] ☾☽☾☽☾☽☾☽☾☽☾☽☾☽☾☽☾☽☾☽   Moral of this stories… Don’t ask Forum/Thread Members, they hardly form any coherent consensus…


  [1] Norfolk four-course system, method of agricultural organization established in Norfolk county, England. The precursor of modern crop rotation.[2] Popular bear carving from Hokkaido (you might seen it several times in anime or manga), the bear usually depicted biting a salmon:  [3] Kokeshi doll is a type of doll from j.a.pan with large head and lack of arms or legs and was painted with lines for detailsOld-type KokeshiNew-type Kokeshi(Editor Note: Here is a video showing how it’s made. Clearly, it needs a lot of experience to make one. No mistakes allowed!  )[4] In case you didn’t understand… This is a Haiku. The originalドワーフが             Dowaafuga (5)泣いて喜ぶ             Naite Yorokobu (7)蒸留酒                        Jouryuushu (5)[5] In other world, NEET who do some work because they feel bad for their family or themselves

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