10 nen goshi no HikiNiito o Yamete Gaishutsushitara Jitaku goto Isekai ni Ten’ishiteta

Chapter 5: Yuuji Changing Jobs from “Magician of the Forest” to “Farmer”.Part 7 Bulletin Board Yuuji, Consulting the Bulletin Board about Preserved Food 【What to Popularize】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 11【in Another World?】 1 : Anonymous ETNEThis is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that「Yuuji」 has uploaded.Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this. Yuuji had a deal to transfer a knowledge of this world with the peddler.What kind of knowledge to transfer? It is prohibited to post only non-idealistic reply! Reposting is also prohibited!  The next thread will be set up by the one who posts the 900th! ・・・212: Anonymous NEETEro-book, ero-print, ero-novelEro will save the world!Turn the Otherworlds into HENTAI! 

Chapter 5: Yuuji Changing Jobs from “Magician of the Forest” to “Farmer”.Part 7 Bulletin Board Yuuji, Consulting the Bulletin Board about Preserved Food 【What to Popularize】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 11【in Another World?】 1 : Anonymous ETNEThis is the thread to enjoy the reports, images and videos of another world that「Yuuji」 has uploaded.Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this. Yuuji had a deal to transfer a knowledge of this world with the peddler.What kind of knowledge to transfer? It is prohibited to post only non-idealistic reply! Reposting is also prohibited!  The next thread will be set up by the one who posts the 900th! ・・・212: Anonymous NEETEro-book, ero-print, ero-novelEro will save the world!Turn the Otherworlds into HENTAI! 

213: Anonymous NEETThis will answer everythingLet’s popularize internet! 214: YuujiThe peddler cameWhat he wished for is preserved foodI repeatWhat he wished for is preserved food Also, I have received the books, weapons and armorsI have been taught the currencyAlso, I… am now able to use magic 215: Anonymous NEETGuns, gunpowder and cannons are too powerfulThey destroyed nations! 216: Anonymous ETNE>>214Wait a minute Yuuji!There are so many points to tsukkomi at! 217: I Love Movies NEETHuh?Isn’t Yuuji a wizard? 218: Anonymous NEET>>217The person himself is denying this!That guy said, I am not a DT![1] 219: Well-Informed NEETBook, weapons, armors, currency, magicI’m curious about these points 220: Anonymous NEETIs it ero-book?Are there ero-book in the other world? 221: Cool NEETBook, currency and magicYuuji could upload that information laterWe can then discuss this when Yuuji is not hereSince the messenger has come The knowledge about preserved food>>214The peddler still hasn’t returned?Did you heard anything about the preserved food just now? 222: Anonymous NEETWe can just teach him about calori**te right? 223: Anonymous NEETHow about nukazuke[2]?It can use vegetables and fish 224: Yuuji>>221The peddler didn’t return homeThis time he will stay for 4 to 5 days I have heard about themAlso, ate them Hard bread. HardJerky. Hard, salty. Boiled is okayDried fish. Grilled is okayVegetables salt pickled. SaltyVegetables vinegar pickled. SourNuts. Normal. Not very fillingJam. Delicious. But the bread is hardHoney. Delicious. But the bread is hardFermented fish pickles. Death stink. Death I took photos of them, but their appearances are normalHere it ishttp://************** 224: Anonymous ETNEIsn’t that a complete annihilation?! 225: Anonymous MEATFermented fish?Something like Hongeohoe or Surstromming?… You ate it? 226: Well-Informed NEETSo fermented food also exists in the other worldWell, in history, it had existed since ancient times, so it isn’t something strange 227: Yuuji>>225Only me who ate it.Since I was asked to taste everything The smell is clingingSo Alice and Kotarou went to my imouto’s roomThat thing isn’t a food[3] 228: Overwhelming Dog-PersonFermented fish to a dog’s sense of smell…Run away Kotarou! 229: Cool NEETRequesting preserved food while having such line-upMaybe that peddler himself had tasted them Then what the detail on the request? 230: YuujiPortable preserved foodBut if it can be sold to the villages in winter then it doesn’t need to be portable It’s okay even if it’s not the main foodSomething that can become a luxury food during a journey Also something not needing a water sourceHe only spoke about these 231: Anonymous ETNEIt didn’t go quite as we expected, Yuuji! 232: Anonymous MEATWhat a request without any relative obstacles, Yuuji! 233: Well-Informed NEETAlthough, since it can be said as the first business transaction with a VisitorThen isn’t he just looking for something innocuous 234: Anonymous NEETMUST conditions: 「Preserved Food that can be Produced in Another World」WANT conditions:1, Something portable2, Not needing water It’s relatively simpleJust like what Yuuji had saidthe WANT conditions could be one or another 235: Infrastructure Worker>>234The way the guy summarized itIt immediately turned into a job 236: Anonymous NEETI don’t want to work! 237: YuujiPerhapsAlso please teach it to meHow to make it and the hurdles… 238: Anonymous ETNEI forgot!The one we need to teach is Yuuji! 239: Anonymous MEATSuddenly, the difficulty turned into h.e.l.l Mode! 240: Well-Informed NEETThe technological level in the other world and the existing materials are still unknownWell, if we keep saying this, we can’t proceed forwardSo for now, let’s forward some ideas Canned food, bottled foodHad the biggest impact and popularity 241: Professor AcornHoshii[4], imogaranawa[5], dried sweet potatodried persimmon, dried plum[6], dried sliced daikonNot good, I got a “dried” gestaltzerfall[7] 242: Anonymous NEETSato** rice[8], retort pouch curry 243: Infrastructure Worker>>242If that so, then curry powder! 244: Anonymous NEETHey you guys, you forgot the most important thingCup ramen! 245: Anonymous NEETThen Chikin Ramen![9] 246: Anonymous NEETInstant soup 247: Well-Informed NEET>>244-246The chronological development order is reversed [10]I don’t know if this a coincidence or on purposeHow startlingSince the ingredients aren’t that difficult, it could unexpectedly be done, perhaps It needs toolsFreeze dried vegetables or other foodMaybe with magic… Dry fruitAlso fruit preserved in rum[11] Are there any noodles or pasta?Udon is also good Then confitSince it’s European techniqueI think it’s suited to the period level 248: Anonymous ETNEO, oh, confit 249: Anonymous MEATConfitI know this, I know thisI also just ate it now 250: Infrastructure Worker>>248,249Cut it, if you know about it, then stopI you put the confit into your chestYou might know something, so be relieved[12] 251: Anonymous NEETBy the way are there any dairy products?Cheese can last for years right? 252: Professor AcornIs there any smoked food?Yuuji once failed since he lacks the toolsbut the people of that world might succeed, right? 253: Anonymous NEETThe number of the answers are sloppy! 254: Anonymous NEETCan someone put it in order? 255: Cool NEET・Canned Food, bottled foodDependant on rust resistant metal plates and gla.s.s processing technology. If it is possible, then it’s plausible・All kinds of dried vegetables and fruitDependant on the ingredients. Or rather, doesn’t this already exist?・HoshiiConfirm if rice exists. If it exists then it can just be boiled・Dried noodlesConfirm if it exists. If it doesn’t, then it’s plausible・Instant noodlesDependant on the existence of dried noodles. If it exists then it’s plausible・Instant soupIs it practical? Someone, search for the production method・Freeze dryCan it be subst.i.tuted using magic? Will it be difficult?・Various types of pickles (in rice-bran, wheat-bran, oil, sake, sugar, salt, honey)Confirm if it exists・ConfitConfirm if it exists・smoked food, dairy productsConfirm if it exists However, since there were「Visitors」 in the pastDried foods, noodles, confit, smoked food, or dairy product could existSo the things that I think are probably feasible are…… Dependant on the technological level: canned food, bottled foodorIf dried noodles did exist then instant noodles are feasible, right? 256: Anonymous NEETI wish there were information whether the ingredients exists or not…Well, I wonder if the peddler would understand through second-hand information… 257: Anonymous NEET>>256Well, this couldn’t be helped right?But since it was second-hand information, misunderstandings might occurAfter all, we are talking about Yuuji here… 258: Infrastructure WorkerIt doesn’t need to be something that can last for years like canned food or bottled foodBut can be something that can last until winter, right?Then isn’t it possible to be achieved? 259: Former Talented SalesmanSecond-hand information, huh?...It will be easy if there are something like photographs or printoutsBut for printing, then we need to replenish paper and ink… 260: Yuuji>>259Ah, I got paper, ink and a pen 261: Anonymous ETNEThen, say this from the beginning! 262: Anonymous NEETYuuji, can you draw?You can draw a picture just by looking at a photograph, right? 263: Anonymous MEATDon’t demand something like a master painter! 264: Yuuji>>262That level is… 265: Cool NEETFor now, Yuuji need to・Confirm the existence of rice and noodles through drawings by tomorrowDraw pictures of the rice and noodles before and after harvesting or after being manufactured and after being cooked. ・Dried food and pickled food can be asked about directlySince there are dried and pickled fish after all,just ask 「Is there anything else」 to confirm it ・Is there only one dried version of jerky? Are there any smoked ones?I think it will be good to ask about smoked food and dairy productsEven if it they don’t exist, we are just asking about the existenceWe won’t arrive at the manufacturing method immediately Confirm up until this point, then return back here, alright? 266: Anonymous NEETSo, a protracted war… 267: Well-Informed NEETHow vexing… 268: Infrastructure WorkerQuickly temper yourself Yuuji!Your body and your knowledge of another world!Then go to the town! 269: Anonymous NEET>>268Not possible, since Yuuji can’t enter the city 270: Anonymous NEETJust say that he is a VisitorThen he can enter the city, right? 271: Anonymous NEET>>270Hey!If he is captured and held in the cityYuuji can’t come to this board again you know!

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