Chapter 2
Chapter 7. Yuuji Changing Jobs from “Farmer” to “Pioneer Group Leader”.Part 2. Bulletin Board Yuuji, Discussing Important Points when Going to the City
【It will soon be】I finally came out after 10 years, but my home kinda went into another world Part 31【the Kitty!】[1] 1 : Anonymous MEATThis is the thread to enjoy the reports, images, and videos of another world that「Yuuji」 has uploaded.Is it really another world? How did he fabricate it? This is the thread to verify this. Yuuji had zealously developed the fields together with the kemomimi slave.When the peddler arrived, he would go to the another world’s city for the first time!It had been 4 years since “transported to another world?” for the first city visit. Isn’t it too slow, Yuuji!We will be expecting images from you, Yuuji!Ah, also reposting is prohibited. The next thread will be set up by the one who posts the 900th! ・・・182: Anonymous NEET>>1It might be too late to mention this but,Isn’t the thread t.i.tle a typo? 183: Anonymous MEAT>>182I write city (街だ) as Kitty (町田)……[2]To think that I will need to explain my own bad pun, it make me so embarra.s.sed that I could dye.[3] 184: Anonymous NEET>>172How niceThis year too, I couldn’t go to the offline camping 185: Anonymous NEETMe tooBut if we consider that we could really be transported to another world… 186: Anonymous ETNE>>185There is a good news for you lot!On the Third Yuuji’s House Offline Camping next yearThere is a plan to add forest park camping site as the lodging!Next year we will do a campfire! Everyone would have a barbeque in the campsiteThen the usual lodging patternThe ones who wished to go to another world will move to Yuuji’s house site and stay there! 187: Anonymous NEETBut then it will just an ordinary offline camping…… 188: Anonymous MEAT>> 187Ssshhh! 189: Clothing Group Member AIn that case, I will partic.i.p.ate in the next year too! 190: Infrastructure Worker>> 189Hey hey heyThe guys who had started working couldn’t get off from the NEET’s stage, is it? 191: Anonymous NEET>> 190How should I say it… that: you too? 192: Anonymous ETNE>> 189You can always return to our side 193: YuujiEveryone, I want to ask about the important points when going to the city, where I will be soon going ・ Only carry the clothes and baggage of this world・ Carry the money as close as possible to myself・ Do not separate from Kevin, Alice, and Kotarou・ Always carry a weapon・ Do my best to avoid talking to others Is there anything else? 194: Anonymous NEET>> 193The list is on the same level as a first errand[4] 195: Former Talented SalesmanIf you want to buy something, consult with Kevin-san the peddler first 196: Cool NEETWhat about your fellow travel member? 197: Anonymous NEETA speeding carriage couldn’t immediately stop 198: Professor AcornIt will be three or four days to the cityDon’t forget anything when preparing camp on routeEspecially, something otherworldly 199: Camera OssanDon&rsqu

o;t forget the camera and its maintenance tools!Of course, taking pictures! 200: Yuuji>> 196Me, Alice, Kotarou, are confirmedI want the beast-kin family to look after the field, butLately, the monster frequently appears 201: Anonymous MEAT>> 194It couldn’t be helpedTo begin with, Yuuji is going to the city after a 13 or 14 years of HikiNEET period Eh, seriously?Isn’t the hurdle suddenly seems too high? 202: Cool NEET>> 200You must consult with Kevin-san!You can leave the adventurers behind as guardsOr give up this year field and trust your luck It’s important for you to go to the city for the time when something happens 203: YES Lolita NO TouchCarry a back mounted rack or baby carrier for Alice when she is tired from walking in the forestOtherwise, have me go to another world to carry her! 204: Kemona MAXMoney to increase the number of beast-kin slavesNot only the number but the variety too, make it as many as possible! 205: Cool NEETBefore you depart, check how the toilet will be in the journey itself and the cityThere is possibility that your will have to sully your left hand 206: Anonymous NEET>> 205oh… 207: Anonymous ETNE>> 205The toilet function to clean the a.r.s.e with water is the Best! 208: Yuuji>> 202That’s true, I will try to consult with the people who will take me to the city >> 205Aw, man!Thanks! 209: Cool NEETConfirm the level of the civilizationI want you to take pictures of the houses, the market, the city wall, and the soldier guarding itIf I can be greedy then I also want to know about the state of metallurgy technology,I want pictures of weapon workshops, soldiers or knights 210: Anonymous NEETDefense facilities, metallurgy technology, equipmentThis is guy is straightly in conquest mode……Everyone, don’t be fooled! 211: Well-Informed NEETYou will need an engineer to build the house for land developmentEven if for temporaryYaranga won’t last for long 212: Anonymous NEETPictures of elves, dwarfs, and other beast-kins! 213: Anonymous NEETBring along a dwarf!Use metallurgy technology or liquor as a bait! 214: Anonymous NEET>> 212Hey-hey, don’t omit the female knight! 215: Verification Thread’s Images DetectiveFor now is thisWhen taking pictures or videos when you go to the cityUse the exterior camouflage that Camera Ossan had mentionedThough, different from this side, taking peep pictures at that side might not get found out 216: Anonymous NEET>> 215Different from this side? This guy is suspicious 217: Infrastructure Worker>> 215G-Gunji-sensei!There is a peeping b.a.s.t.a.r.d here! 218: Anonymous NEET>> 215It’s scary if this ended up real 219: Well-Informed NEETThe maximum priority is to apply for Pioneer Citizen and Pioneer LandBefore departing, please confirm with Kevin-san about things to note 220: Cool NEETSummary ・ Consult with Kevin-san about who will be the people to take alongIf it is possible, leave some people as combat force and to take care of the field・ Before departing, check about the toilet and think the proper countermeasure・ Don’t carry any clothes and baggage other than another world’s articles, except for camera・ Don’t carelessly leave any another world’s goods for camping in the journey・ Bring a back rack or baby-carrier for Alice-chan・ Make sure to equip your weapon・ Photographs the city using the camouflaged camera・ Always consult with Kevin-san when shopping・ Carry the money as close to you as possible・ Never separate from Kevin-san, Alice, or Kotarou・ Do your best to avoid talking to others・Ask Kevin-san to accompany you when applying for Pioneer Citizen. Let Kevin-san do the talk・ Sought a craftsman to build a house, even if it only temporary So manyBut for the time being, this is itIf you able to enter and exit the city then in the future you will survive in one way or anotherSince we have come this far, we can only put our trust in Kevin-san Do your best 221: Anonymous ETNEYeah YuujiDo your best! 222: Clothing Group Member BTo go to a city after ten-odds yearsSeriously impossible B-but if it’s you Yuuji, you can do it! 223: YES Lolita NO TouchAt any rate, put Alice’s safety at the foremost!If you sense danger, run away! 224: Overwhelmingly Dog-PersonIt will be alright Yuuji!As long as Kotarou is there, then you can manage it somehow! 225: Anonymous NEET>> 224I am troubled that Kotarou seems to able to do anything lately.I mean, it is a dog, right? 226: Anonymous NEET>> 223You are the most dangerous thing! 227: Anonymous NEETReturn safely!I will be waiting to enjoy the pictures and videos! 228: Infrastructure Worker>> 227Your real intention is leaking out too much! 229: Anonymous NEETAfterwards, no one ever saw Yuuji again…… 230: Sakura’s Friend>> 229Don’t say something sinister like that! Yuuji-san, do your best! 231: SakuraOnii-chan will be alright, since onii-chan can do it!You are already old, after all! 232: Anonymous NEET…… 233: Anonymous NEEToh…… 234: Anonymous MEATIt’s Sakura-chan’s way of encouragement. Is it? 235: Anonymous NEETHer natural nasty tongue is vicious…… 236: Anonymous ETNEHow strangeEven my chest feel the pain…… 

  [1] A rather bad pun. Here’s the jokes explanation: Rather than街だ! (machi da!), it’s 町田! (machida!) . In the first form, the da is a copula to signify “to be” informal sentence. While the second form, although it’s also a da, it had the meaning of “Rice Field” and Machida is a valid j.a.panese surname. 街and 町could be read as “machi”, a city. Hence the pun. I couldn’t create a good pun from this…… city – Kitty… well……[2] See above[3] He used氏ねto write “die” not the proper 死ね[4] Hajimete otsukai is a j.a.panese social concept (and also a famous TV Show) where young children would be tasked by their parents to buy something from local shop for the first time (to a.s.sess the child independency and reliability). The advice is usually: cross the road when the light turns green, don’t talk to strangers, don’t buy sweets, etc. This would be unthinkable in most US cities and other places with children unfriendly environment.Just go and read some children manga or Yotsubato Chapter 46. This was considered as a hallmark for the children growth and development.

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