100% Love From The Boss

Chapter 186 Misunderstanding!

Chapter 186 Misunderstanding!

Xia Xiaoluo was busy knitting a cashmere sweater for Ling Tianyi in the living room. She felt sweet. Suddenly, she heard the sound at the door. She looked at the European style wall clock, and it was already half past six.

“G.o.d, it must be Ling Tianyi.” Xia Xiaoluo jumped from the sofa. She quickly took everything to the bedroom, putting them in the closet Ling Tianyi bought for her. It was a surprise, so it could not be exposed now.

When Xia Xiaoluo came out of the bedroom, Ling Tianyi has already sat on the sofa in the living room. He bounded his number to Xia Xiaoluo’s card. Although he was busy dealing with business affairs in the afternoon, he knew that she was paid at noon. She withdrew 300 yuan first and then 1500 yuan. 1860 yuan was almost used up. When he got home, he saw the table first. She didn’t buy him anything to eat, and didn’t prepare dinner for him either.

“I’m hungry!” Ling Tianyi crossed his legs, looking at Xia Xiaoluo with a smile.

“Ah! I… I… I forgot to cook the meal.” Xia Xiaoluo was shocked. She was thinking about knitting the sweater, so she forgot everything else.

Ling Tianyi was speechless, Xia Xiaoluo told him that she forgot to cook for him. He really didn’t know what was in her mind! He was depressed. In order to make her happy, he bought a Western Restaurant to let her work there. Right after she was paid, she was so proud that she forgot to prepare food for him, not to say sharing the joy with him. He was imagining what kind of dinner she would prepare for him today all the way back home. But the greater the hope was, the more disappointed he was now.

Xia Xiaoluo was stunned, so she rushed to the kitchen and said to Ling Tianyi, “Darling, I will cook for you immediately. Chef Xia will prepare some small dishes in half an hour!”

Xia Xiaoluo was preparing food in the kitchen. She was guilty. She could forget everything, but she should not forget to cook for Ling Tianyi.

Ling Tianyi sat on the sofa, smiling the disgusting hot pot flavor from Xia Xiaoluo’s down coat. He threw it into the rubbish bin.

Xia Xiaoluo was good at cooking. In half an hour, she cooked three small dishes.

“Darling, let’s have dinner.” Xia Xiaoluo shouted at Ling Tianyi, who was sitting on the sofa.

Ling Tianyi ignored Xia Xiaoluo. She shouted at him when he was setting the table, in a daze, “Darling, aren’t you hungry? Let’s eat something first. The rice in the Rice Cooker will be done in a few minutes.”

Ling Tianyi took a deep breath and sat at the table with anger. Xia Xiaoluo shivered at once. Ling Tianyi was staring at her coldly.

“Darling, what’s wrong?” Xia Xiaoluo was nervous, pretending to be calm. “Darling, have something to eat! You are hungry, right?”

“Are you hungry?” Ling Tianyi asked coldly. He thought that she has already had dinner outside, because her down coat was full of hot pot flavor. She didn’t care about her husband, so he was very angry.

“I’m not hungry! Darling, you eat first, I will cook a soup for you.” Xia Xiaoluo did not know that Ling Tianyi misunderstood her inadvertently. She was a little hungry, but she thought that he must be hungrier, because he has never said that he was hungry. He told her that he was hungry, so he must be very hungry today.

Xia Xiaoluo was meaning for the best, and she asked Ling Tianyi to eat first. After all, the food was cooked in a hurry, so she wanted Ling Tianyi to eat enough. As for herself, she was not in a hurry.

“Did you have dinner? With whom?” Ling Tianyi asked. Xia Xiaoluo did not invite him to celebrate for her. She had hot pot with someone else, Ouyang Ziqian? Fang Ruichen? Or the male employee? Ling Tianyi was wondering in his heart.

“No! I don’t have dinner!” Xia Xiaoluo said with grievance. She had hot pot with Ma Qianli and Chu Tong at noon. She has been busy knitting Ling Tianyi’s sweater since then. Not to say eating, she did not even drink water.

Ling Tianyi thought that Xia Xiaoluo was not honest, so he was angry. At this moment, Chu Wei called him.

Ling Tianyi talked with Chu Wei on the phone, and then he went to the bedroom and packed a small suitcase without eating anything.

Xia Xiaoluo saw that Ling Tianyi was leaving, so she stopped him and asked, “Darling, where are you going? You haven’t eaten anything yet!”

“I will go for a business trip!” Ling Tianyi left directly, ignoring Xia Xiaoluo.

Chu Wei told Ling Tianyi that there was something wrong with the project in C City. Chu Wei wanted to go for the business trip himself, but Ling Tianyi was angry with Xia Xiaoluo. He was afraid that if he did not leave, he could not help shouting at her or even doing something wrong, so he left, leaving her alone.

Seeing the three dishes, Xia Xiaoluo was uncomfortable. She tried her best to cook for him, but he left without eating anything. She felt so wronged that she burst into tears when she saw the empty room.

Xia Xiaoluo didn’t know where Ling Tianyi was going and when he would come back. His birthday was coming. She didn’t know whether he could come back on time. She called him after adjusting her emotions, but he didn’t answer it, and he even powered off the phone.

Xia Xiaoluo thought that Ling Tianyi must be busy with his work, maybe he was on the plane, so he powered off the mobile phone. She decided to call him again tomorrow morning.

Xia Xiaoluo did not want to eat anything. She went to the bedroom, continuing to knit the sweater on the bed. She did not sleep until mid-night.

Early in the morning, Xia Xiaoluo woke up to the sound of her alarm. She called Ling Tianyi first without washing her face, but it was still powered off. She was anxious, so she sent a message to him. “Darling, I miss you. Where are you going? When will you come back? Please reply me as soon as possible. If I do not receive your message, I will worry about you.”

Xia Xiaoluo sent the message, then she hurried to wash herself. She had to go to the Wisner Western Restaurant to do a part-time job. She couldn’t quit the job after being paid. She still wanted to do the job to ensure her income.

Xia Xiaoluo rushed to the gate of the community, a Cayenne stopped in front of her. “Miss Xia, please get on the car!”

“Sorry, I don’t know you!” Xia Xiaoluo did not know the driver, so she would not get on the stranger’s car.

Xia Xiaoluo wanted to take a taxi, but the Cayenne slowly followed her. “Miss Xia, Manager Ling asked me to pick you up. I will pick you up when Manager Ling is on his business trip. This is for your safety, please get on the car!”

“Why should I believe you?” Xia Xiaoluo ignored him! According to the TV and Internet, there were many female students who got lost due to unlicensed car. She was not that foolish.

Finally, Xia Xiaoluo went to the Wisner Western Restaurant by taxi. The Cayenne was following the taxi to protect her!

When Xia Xiaoluo finished working, she saw the Cayenne waiting for her. “Miss Xia, please get on the car! Do you want to go to school or go home?”

Xia Xiaoluo thought that she was followed by a bad guy, so she must be more careful. Ling Tianyi was on his business trip. If she had an accident, he could not save her. Thinking of being followed by a bad guy was very dangerous, she stood downstairs in the restaurant, waiting for Chu Tong. It would be safer to go with a man.

Xia Xiaoluo’s mobile phone rang, Ling Tianyi sent her a message. “I’ll come back on Christmas Eve. You should be obedient these days! Take care and pay attention to your safety!”

After seeing the message, Xia Xiaoluo was at ease. She called Ling Tianyi at once. “Darling, where are you now? I am followed by someone today!”

“What? You are followed?” Ling Tianyi was so anxious that he threw the doc.u.ments to the ground.

“Yes! When I got out of the community, a driver was there, asking me to get on the car. I refused, but the car was following me all the way. Now it is still in front of me!” Xia Xiaoluo said anxiously.

Ling Tianyi suddenly relieved. “It’s a Cayenne, right?”

“I don’t know the brand of the car. It’s a black car!” Xia Xiaoluo said. “I will not get on a stranger’s car. I will go with a male cla.s.smate, and I will be safer then.”

“Don’t ask a male cla.s.smate to be with you!” Ling Tianyi shouted immediately. What he disliked most was that she stayed with another man except him.

“But…” Xia Xiaoluo was anxious, and she was afraid of being followed by the bad guy. As the old saying, the concern of the thief was worse than the theft itself.

“The unlicensed car is a Cayenne. The driver is a balding middle-aged man. His name is Xu Ziguang. He is the driver I arranged for you. He is responsible for picking you up these days. It is also good for your safety. You can get on his car!” Ling Tianyi was depressed, because his goodwill was misunderstood by Xia Xiaoluo.

“Ah? Why didn’t you tell me earlier? I was frightened!” Xia Xiaoluo said, and then she came to the Cayenne. “h.e.l.lo, what’s your name?”

“Xu Ziguang!” The driver replied.

“What’s the brand of your car?” Xia Xiaoluo wanted to confirm if he was the driver Ling Tianyi arranged for her. If he was not the right one, it would be terrible.

“Cayenne!” Xu Ziguang said.

“Miss Xia, can you get on the car?” Xu Ziguang asked.

“Okay, okay!” Xia Xiaoluo got on the car quickly and said to the phone, “Darling, I am already on the car.”

“OK. The mobile phone should be available all the time, and pay more attention to your safety.” Ling Tianyi hung up. Although his arrangement was misunderstood by Xia Xiaoluo, it was good for her to have such precaution consciousness.

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