“Don’t be scared, being afraid won’t help you now.” The girl laughed lightly, her eyes looking toward Xun Hou, waiting for his commands: “Master?!”

Xun Hou still held some lingering fear towards Lin Ying Mei, but there was no room for hesitation. Sooner or later Star Knights will have to fight to the death, taking advantage of this chance while the enemy is still newly contracted and yet to have reached a harmonious connection to eliminate them, this was the most appropriate solution.

Xun Hou nodded.

“Red-Haired Devil” Liu Tang revealed a devilish smile. She raised her Blaze Refining Nine Prison Sabre, aimed at Ling Ying Mei and slash downward.

The blade shot out a scorching fireball, brightening the surrounding area.

Clang clang!!

A torrents of freezing air burst out in retaliation.

Before Liu Tang’s first sabre attack could even reach her, Lin Ying Mei instantly accessed her Star Knight mode, her forehead shining with a star symbol. Quickly stepping forward, her spear was like a venomous snake swallowing Liu Tang’s fireball.

Icy killing intent overwhelmed Liu Tang like a tidal wave.

She quickly shift to a defensive stance, her movement slowed, lacking the strength and clarity it previously had.

Lin Ying Mei who was on the offensive suddenly stopped and changed her technique.

A cold blue light shot out in a strange arc, sometimes straight and sometime curving, heading towards the Red Haired Devil.

A loud blast reverberated throughout the mountain.

Lin Ying Mei’s curving light collided with an emerald ring that came from the third party who entered the battle. Lin Ying Mei will indeed have to risk facing two people at once.

The third person was of course Xun Hou.

During this time, Deviance Star Liu Tang has already retreated to a safe distance.

Lin Ying Mei gave chase, but Xun Hou’s true aim was to only distract her to move away from Shu Jing. When the timing was right the emerald ring suddenly changed direction and headed directly towards Shu Jing.

Lin Ying Mei immediately spun around and transform her movements.

In a blink of an eye she was already in front of Shu Jing, and with a single shout she caused the emerald ring to fall back.

“Lin Chong, it turns out you are Lin Chong!!” Deviance Star (Liu Tang) Liu Qing shouted in surprise.

Xun Hou expression changed, unbelieving. He stared deeply at Lin Ying Mei.

“Qing-er, you must be wrong, what kind of person is Panther Head Lin Chong? Why would she contract with such a useless Star Master? Could it be that she is in love with him?”

Being evaluated as useless by the enemy made Shu Jing feel frustrated from the bottom of this heart, but he simply couldn’t refute their words.

He has been in this world for only ten days, don’t talk about Xun Hou’s attack before with his emerald ring Artifact, if it was just an Artifact Technique or Sword Technique Shu Jing basically had no chance of defending against them. Even with his current body of being a Star cultivator, he could only stand by and watch Lin Ying Mei fight for him.

“Master, this is the truth, that spear is the Arctic Star Serpent Spear, and she is Lin Chong descended!” Liu Qing smiled cruelly.

“If that is so, we can only take care of the Star Master first!”

Xun Hou said with no hesitation. Basing on his strength, they didn’t need to worry about Shu Jing, and as long as they are able to hurt him Lin Chong’s soul will also be affected heavily. After that, even if she tried to resist she would not be able to hold on for long.

Killing Lin Chong, he would be like a tiger who has grown wings.

Thinking that, Xun Hou slapped his bag, two jade swords shot out and flew forward.

“Worthless toys.”

Lin Ying Mei sneered, her Arctic Star Serpent Spear lunges forward and shoots down Xun Hou’s jade swords.

“Lin Chong, let me take a few moves from you.”

Liu Qing roared, her body moved as fast as an arrow towards Lin Ying Mei.

The menacing blazing sabre continuously slash forward but was all immediately deflected by Lin Ying Mei’s Arctic Star Serpent Spear, the wave of powerful Star Qi wrapped around the spear began to oppress Liu Qing. The constantly colliding forces finally caused the “Blaze Refining Nine Prison Sabre” to fly out of her hand.

“Go away!”

Lin Ying Mei spun around and appear behind Liu Qing, aiming at her spine.

This was a really good move and n.o.body can fault her technique. Unfortunately the thing that met her spear head on was a ball of fire.

The spear attack scatters streams of flames everywhere.

Liu Qing’s extraordinary Sabre technique once again resume attacking.

Deviance Star was not simple, even the Majestic Star cannot underestimate her.

Xun Hou stood on the side, waiting for the perfect opportunity to launch a lethal attack against Shu Jing. Lin Chong’s martial arts were extraordinary, even the both of them combined cannot defeat her. Her Star Master was only at Early Stage Stardust and she was already this powerful, in the future when they have a chance to mature their power could be unimaginable. This thought solidify Xun Hou’s intent of squashing Lin Chong here and now.

Deviance Star Liu Qing understood Xun Hou’s plan, so she immediately retreated, her hands slowly raising up the Blaze Refining Nine Prison Sabre.

Her maniacal flame and the sabre both resonated, and then slowly fused into one.

“Lin Chong, take my Phoenix Step Sabre Technique!”

Liu Qing shouted, her body shot high into the air, Blaze Refining Nine Prison Sabre aimed squarely at Lin Ying Mei. A slash containing overwhelming power shot out.

A strange black fire streams out from within the sabre and quickly converged at the tip of the blade, the fierce flame looked like it was almost untameable. This move was flying directly at Lin Chong.

In that moment, the entire world seemed like it was consumed by this powerful flame.

This was Deviance Star Red Haired Devil’s Phoenix Step Tactics!

“Nine Consecutive h.e.l.l Fire Demonic Slash!”

What a mouthful.

“Master be careful!!”

Lin Ying Mei gripped the Arctic Spear and gathered her Star Qi while facing the flame attack head on.

Nine fireb.a.l.l.s continuously attacked Lin Ying Mei, within a hundred metres the gra.s.sfield has transformed into a desert.

It took only a moment for the fireb.a.l.l.s to swallow Lin Chong up completely.

Feeling the intense heat from a hundred metres away, Shu Jing was anxious and wanted to help. But aside from the short pistol he always carried, he has not a single weapon.

Shu Jing has no idea if mere bullets will have any effects on these star cultivators, but the only thing he can do is draw the silver pistol out. The body of the silver pistol were carved with ancient decorative patterns. The gun was given to him as a commemorative gift when he was promoted to become the country’s youngest Major. The pistol was solid and sharp like a sword, so it was named “Silver Blade”.

Xun Hou saw that Liu Qing has surrounded Lin Chong with her ultimate move. Without any hesitation he immediately leapt towards Shu Jing, his fingers curled up into a claw attack to take Shu Jing’s life.

No matter how one look at it, Shu Jing was a weak and vulnerable Early Stage Stardust cultivator that does not have even a decent Artifact to defend himself with.

“Bang bang!!”

Shu Jing immediately shot out two shots, but the bullets were not able to even penetrate Xun Hou’s Star Qi.

“Are you trying to tickle me?” Xun Hou laughed loudly.

Shu Jing was very annoyed, on Earth no matter what he was still a renowned Military Major. Getting lost in this Liangshan Continent now means he has to rely on a woman to protect him. This was such a frustrating turn of event. Thinking up to this part, suddenly Shu Jing thought of something.

Being in the military, Shu Jing had also went through martial arts training, and his agility allowed him to dodge several claw attacks from Xun Hou while he put his plan in action. His hands grip the pistol as he gathered all the Star Qi in his body and fused them into it. He then aimed at Xun Hou and fired.

A silver bullet shot out with a flash of bright light.

Against this seemingly pathetic attack, Xun Hou simply sent a palm strike forward. But something unexpected happen.

The bullet shot through his hand and after that continued to penetrate Xun Hou’s shoulder.

Xun Hou screamed.

Shu Jing’s heart lifted, without pause he loaded two more bullets.

After adding Star Qi the bullets became ferocious. It has nearly cost Xun Hou his life to defend against three of these consecutive bullets using his Late Stage Stardust cultivation. Instead of retreating, Shu Jing pressed closer and threw out a punch.

Without any Artifact, he had used just his fist. Xun Hou had not antic.i.p.ated that Shu Jing was so bold, his punch nearly caused Xun Hou to threw up.

Xun Hou became enraged, his Star Qi lashed out in response.

But suddenly a beautiful figure appeared in front of Shu Jing, casually cutting off Xun Hou’s attack.

“Master, are you alright?” Lin Ying Mei looked at Shu Jing, her eyes grim, her heart genuinely worrying about Shu Jing’s safety.

Shu Jing nodded, he never thought that the “Silver Blade” in his hand could be so useful.

“What kind of trash are you, not even able to take care of an Early Stage Stardust cultivator with no martial arts.”

Red haired Devil Liu Qing said while looking at the injured Xun Hou.

“This person has an unnatural Artifact.” Xun Hou has never felt so ashamed.

Liu Qing glared at Xun Hou full of hatred, not a shred of worshipness was left in her eyes. She turned towards Lin Chong, smiling: “You are indeed worthy of the t.i.tle Majestic Star Lin Chong, I already used the Phoenix Step Tactics “Nine Consecutive h.e.l.l Fire Demonic Slash” but it has only end up burning a bit of your clothes. This kind of result really makes people feel frustrated.”

Because her contractor Xun Hou was injured, Liu Qing also suffered no small amount of internal damage. Shu Jing has already shown that he can defend himself, not to mention Ling Ying Mei who still has more than enough fighting power.

“Master, do we kill them?” Lin Ying Mei’s grip tightens around the Arctic Star Serpent Spear as it radiates an intense bone chilling air.

The temperature of the air suddenly falls dramatically, the burning gra.s.s became covered with frost.

Liu Qing and Xun Hou’s face suddenly changed.

Not good.

Not only did they fail to steal the chicken, they also lost the rice.


Shu Jing spat out coldly.

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