Chapter 645

Hua Wanyue rapidly drew her bow . That arrow was like a meteor, maneuvering for Shi Xiuxiu’s flank .

Shi Xiuxiu launched her attack even more quickly . She leapt up in an instant . Her speed had been trained in the White Tiger Territory to the point of perfection, her realm to excellence . This maneuver was as fast as a beam of light .

Hua Wanyue’s archery was very strong . There was no need to doubt this . If she was a million li away, even the strongest martial general would feel absolutely terrified, but at such a close distance, Hua Wanyue’s archery could not properly flourish . Let alone that the opponent this time was Daredevil Third Brother Shi XIu, the Wisdom Star who trained in the White Tiger Territory for so long . Her martial arts realm was very incredible, and even if her body was injured, she was still unleashing such powerful force .

She was very clear about the Hero Star’s weakness .

She continuously evaded several arrows .

The Seven Colors Goose Feather Saber spun, and then it slashed downwards .

Hua Wanyue used her Heaven Earth Sun Moon Bow to block it .

Against her reactions, Shi Xiuxiu was endlessly impressed . The Hero Star appeared to be formidable indeed, but since she was the absolute in spear and bow, Shi Xiuxiu’s attempt would not finish so simply . She continuously attacked, swinging her saber again and again .

The white blade flit by .

Hua Wanyue’s body directly backflipped . Her arm felt numb, and the girl’s face could not help but show shock .

She was somewhat astonished at the power upon Shi Xiuxiu’s saber .


With a growl, Shi XIuxiu already swung her leg towards Hua Wanyue’s head as she was stunned . The woman then spun, the Heaven Earth Sun Moon Bow in her hand also turning into a shield . Once again, she warded off Shi Xiuxiu’s kick . While Shi XIuxiu’s a.s.sault flowed quick as mercury, HUa Wanyue’s display was already far beyond Shi Xiuxiu’s antic.i.p.ation .

Although her attacks were not as deadly or swift as before, Shi Xiuxiu would not throw the fight . Each strike was a way to find footing for victory .

Hua Wanyue made unimaginable movements again and again . Each step, each movement of her wrist was like a textbook, admirably accurate .

As her name implied, she was graceful and lithe .

Using movements that were frustratingly rational, Shi Xiuxiu’s clearly superior speed nevertheless appeared slow .


A white arrow fired . In the middle of her dodge, Hua Wanyue had surprisingly fired an arrow in that instant .

Shi Xiuxiu leaned . The arrow grazed by her body .

A graceful smile flit across Hua Wanyue’s lips . Swift as lightning, another arrow was fired with even more speed .

This one pa.s.sed by Shi Xiuxiu’s cheek, drawing a line of blood .

Shi Xiuxiu’s saber followed closely behind .

Saber-light was unsheathed from below, falling like frigid snow .

Hua Wanyue was slashed, but when the Hero Star’s body fell backwards, she once again drew her bow and continuously fired at the same time . However, the directions she aimed at nevertheless made Shi Xiuxiu greatly surprised . They were on either side of her, completely away from her .

Is this for real?

Shi Xiuxiu immediately sensed that there was a reason for Hua Wanyue’s complacent grin .

The arrows that flew out turned and surprisingly pincer attacked Shi Xiuxiu, as if they had grown eyes . The brilliance of this archery made Shi Xiuxiu very impressed, and this unexpected left and right archery succeeded in stopping Shi Xiuxiu’s a.s.sault .

With no time to think, Shi Xiuxiu’s body paused . The Seven Colors Goose Feather Saber slashed repeatedly . She gave up on attacking, smashing the incoming arrows to pieces with all her power . A numbing pain issued from her hands . It appeared this power could not be underestimated .

“Watch Dance Through The Willows!!”

Hua Wanyue raised her hand, stopping in midair . The Hero Star fully displayed her wonderful and poetic archery, continuously flashing and breaking through s.p.a.ce . She instantly fired, as if she was a b.u.t.terfly among flowers, somersaulting in the air . The arrows continued to spin as they drew odd trajectories, flying towards Shi Xiuxiu . A brilliant willow blossomed in front of her eyes .

Shi Xiuxiu did not dare underestimate the Hero Star’s Yellow Technique . She did not expect the Hero Star’s archery was so formidable . To be able to wield such a perfect realm at such a close range battle, she was not one bit inferior . With rapt attention, a clear saber-light resonated .

Shi Xiuxiu brandished the Seven Colors Goose Feather Saber, ray after ray of saber-light producing waves, completely warding off Hua Wanyue’s willow arrow .

Yellow Rank Saber Technique .

Water Ripple Hundred Turns!!

A new Yellow Rank!!!

To surprisingly force her to devise a new Yellow Rank Technique using a bow at close range, Shi Xiuxiu was shocked . Generally speaking, each of the Heaven, Earth, Dark, and Yellow Techniques of a Star General were their own specialty . It was very rare, normally speaking, not more than for one or two, but there were times when at extremely critical moments, a Star General would occasionally have an epiphany and create a new technique .

However, the creation of a new technique often required dire circ.u.mstances . At the same time, it needed significant luck . Shi Xiuxiu had stayed in the White Tiger Territory for so long, yet she did not create any second Yellow Ranks at all .

Daredevil Third Brother finally could discern that the Hero Star before her eyes indeed had the qualifications to become an arrogantly powerful martial general . She was not the simple archer Shi Xiuxiu had initially thought her to be . Perhaps she was another type of specialized adept .

Hua Wanyue continuously soared . She was apparently aware that Shi Xiuxiu’s advantages were speed and powerful close range strength . She made out of the ordinary movements among the trees .

Each tree was like a springboard for her . Following her movements, the arrows were endlessly launched .

Shi Xiuxiu gave chase, relying on her sharp saber technique to cut down each and every one of the arrows Hua Wanyue fired .

Hua Wanyue suddenly turned around, her beautiful eyes especially fervent and resolute .

The talisman script hovering around the Heaven Earth Sun Moon Bow suddenly spun . Dazzling arrows shot out with the ear-splitting speed of thunder, drawing a brilliant trajectory . In an instant, at least a hundred arrows were fired .

This was another Dance Through The Willows!!

Hey, two Yellow Techniques .

Shi Xiuxiu felt this was too overexaggerated . As a top-notch Heavenly Star martial general, to use two Yellow Techniques in quick succession was honestly surprising .

Arrows blotted out the sky, descending like a beautiful storm, more severe than the last time . If you did not dodge, there was only one ending, being inevitably turned into honeycomb .


The arrows filling the sky ignited blinding fireworks in this small grove .

Extreme saber-light and magnificent arrow-light mixed together, immediately annihilating the place Shi Xiuxiu stood at!

Hua Wanyue curled the corner of her lips . This time, she wielded her “Dance Through The WIllows” at its peak . Shi Xiuxiu perhaps could not be so easygoing . Just as she thought that, a giggle entered Hua Wanyue’s ears .

“Amazing, as expected of the strongest arrow among the Sisters!!”

Hua Wanyue turned her head back in shock . Shi Xiuxiu grinned from behind her .


Shi Xiuxiu took a deep breath . Hua Wanyue had underestimated the Daredevil Third Brother’s speed . Swaying her body, Shi Xiuxiu suddenly launched her attack, the Seven Colors Goose Feather Saber in her hand swinging .

Hua Wanyue continuously used her bow to block, but this time, Shi Xiuxiu’s saber technique had strange changes in direction, breaking Hua Wanyue’s thoughts, cutting directly towards Hua Wanyue .

Shi Xiuxiu descended, light as a breeze .

“Against the strongest arrow, Your Servant’s strongest saber is unable to remain aloof…” She said .

Hua Wanyue clutched her belly, half-rising, suddenly launching a high-speed attack .

Arrow-light suddenly appeared .

The arrow this time turned into countless a net of countless light rays, shooting towards Shi Xiuxiu . From every angle, Shi Xiuxiu was already trapped . However, Shi Xiuxiu still easily broke free of this sudden sneak attack, but Hua Wanyue’s intent was not for this . She already arrived right in front of Shi Xiuxiu, taking advantage of this gap .

Like a graceful b.u.t.terfly, the tip of her foot kicked off Shi Xiuxiu’s knee . Hua Wanyue then stepped onto Shi Xiuxiu’s shoulder . Her slender thighs then spun like drills, and an enormous penetrative force immediately pushed Shi Xiuxiu practically to a knee . Even though she barely resisted, this was hard for Shi Xiuxiu to avoid .

“I will keep you company!!”

Hua Wanyue’s expression was satisfied as she faced Shi Xiuxiu, shooting an arrow down towards her .

Bang .

The world rang .

Dong Junqing watched Su Xing forge his Fire Element Sword with his face of concentration, feeling that this man’s serious face truly was s.e.xy . Her originally sore and powerless body was even more limp right now .

“Is something the matter, Junqing?” Zhao Hanyan watched her restlessness and asked with concern .

“Princess Highness, This General really wants to rip his clothes off…” Dong Junqing’s face blushed in embarra.s.sment . She gazed at Su Xing with a face full of beast-like desire, “Princess, should we not properly reminisce with him? This is not the meeting that This General had envisioned . ”

Zhao Hanyan could hear the shamelessness in Dong Junqing’s words . She lowered her head and feigned embarra.s.sed anger: “Junqing, do not misbehave . This is not the time for that…” She gazed at Su Xing, also enraptured by Su Xing’s appearance as he continued his Flying Sword forging . Although he was sometimes on the frivolous side, he always made people feel at ease when he was serious .

“When Xi Yue is like that, do you believe Su Xing truly will be a beast?” Zhao Hanyan sighed . Originally, the Ling Yan Princess had been a bit jealous, but when she saw Su Xing work his heart out for Xi Yue, that bit of jealousy faded away, turning calm instead . To be honest, at least he was serious with the Sisters, and she would not have any regrets at the end of the Star Duels .

“This man truly is a flirt . Can it be that he will seduce all the women in these Star Duels?” Dong Junqing twitched her lip, “En, this idea is not bad . There would be no need to fight the Star Duels . ”

Zhao Hanyan guffawed .

Just at this moment, the entire world suddenly rumbled . Zhao Hanyan and Dong Junqing were taken aback . Gongsun Huang opened her eyes and blinked .

“What is happening?”

Zhao Hanyan flew into the air, apparently spotting the faint signs of battle . “The White Tiger Territory honestly does not let anyone have proper rest . ” The Ling Yan Princess said unhappily .

“Then have some proper rest, Hanyan . ”

A gentle voice laughed .

Zhao Hanyan was delighted to hear this voice . She saw that Su Xing was at her side .

“Has Little Lord Husband Su Xing finished refining the Flying Swords?” Zhao Hanyan covered her mouth .

Su Xing rolled his eyes at her . His hand beckoned, and twelve beautiful Flying Swords appeared . These twelve Flying Swords were forged from the Clinging Heaven Vermilion Jian’s feathers . The feathers inherently combined the beauty of the CLinging Heaven Vermilion Jian and the quintessence of its flames together . The resulting Flying Swords could be said to be shaped gorgeously . The bright flames were burned vigorously, and its curves were like a beauty’s, capable of ruining a country .

Especially the name of Jian Feather, Zhao Hanyan was quite amazed .

“Look after Xi Yue here, I’ll go look . ”

Su Xing moved .

The twelve elegant Jian Feathers unfurled . They surrounded Su Xing like phoenix feathers, and he suddenly flew in that direction .

“Ai, it seems This Princess has no choice but to recognize this Little Sister . ”

Zhao Hanyan smiled .

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