"Sarah? Sena?"

"H-ha? Sena is my only name. Okay I"ll go now." I turned, I really want to escape here.

"Wait Sena!" he caught my arm, I felt his hand in my skin.

I don"t know, my heart is beating and my knees felt weak, I suddenly miss the feel of his touch, especially the times when we are holding hands while walking or his arm on my shoulder.  AAH! This is not even the time to reminisce! >.

"What? Do you need anything? You see I’m in a hurry and if you want to say something, say it fast."

"Are you the supposed to be James blind date?"

"James who?" I pretended, "And do I look like blind to you? Like duh, blind dates are for blind people and I’m not even one."

He chuckled, "I don’t know if you’re trying to be witty or sarcastic but that was a good shot though, haha!"

"Okay, times up. You’re wasting my time, I said I"m in a hurry and it looks like you won"t say something proper to say, then bye!"

"Wait, wait. You"re the one who didn"t answer properly, I asked you properly if you’re James’ blind date. Now, I don’t want to hear silly jokes."

I raised my eyebrow, "Silly jokes? Who was kidding with whom? I don"t know about you but I don"t know any James."

It looks like he is not convinced to what I said, he dial a number in his phhone and a second later my phone rings.


"What?!" I am a bit panicky.

"It’s not impossible that you know James ‘coz he gave me your number, "

I don"t know, there is something in his phrase that makes me mad, "Oh really?? When you received it, did you not even realize that it was my number before calling? This is unfair, all this time, I still remember your number, but you? You don’t even recognize my number?"

"W-what Sena?" he was shocked and I was too. I covered my mouth, I don"t know what I"m saying, it just suddenly came out from my mouth, I think its because of what I feel right now, what do I do? Now I’m too obvious, he’ll know that I’m still madly deeply crazily inlove with him. I wish there’s CTRL + Z, an undo b.u.t.ton.

Panic. Panic. Ah!

"WAIT!" I shouted but just enough that you can tell it"s loud in his ears.

"WHAT?" he was shocked at my shout..

"LOOK! A bird!" I pointed above behind him.

"HA? WHERE?!" He look behind and he didn"t notice that his grip in my arm loosens, I grab that chance to escape and run.

"Wait! Sena!" he called me but I did not look back, I don"t want to be with him, I don"t want to talk to him, I don"t want to see him, I hate him, I don"t want to be near him because I don"t like the feeling that you are near to the person you like but he is like in another side of the world.

"Sena! Wait, I wan"t to talk to you!" I covered my ears with my hands while running away from him, atleast I can"t hear him, "Sena do you know–"

That the last thing I heard. It is good because I still don"t want to hear whatever he is going to say I want to not care about I because I want to accept in myself that Allen doesn’t care and love me anymore. I want to accept in myself that our fairy tale is over, our forever is over. What Kate said before is right, the word FOREVER is just a term UNLIMITED of SUN, GLOBE and SMART, the word is use to NEVER ENDS when the real deal is, maybe tomorrow, NO MORE, THE END. Like an inside joke.

Allen did not follow, why would he? But the truth is, I was hoping that he will follow me but until the end he just called me. He’s not really interested in me. He must be thinking that running after someone like me is tiring. I guess, working out with the 5th way could have been a good idea if only it wasn’t my ex. I can’t even consider him a "new person". Bah, this is drama. I’d better distract myself with other things. Well, I would still consider the 5th way though…

WHen it was 8 pm, I decided to go to the bar and consider the 5th way, meeting new people? I guess you can easily find the "new people" in a place like this, always full of different people. And I’ll be needing those so-called brokenhearted’s beverages, alcohols. I guess, I’ll be hitting two birds with one stone.

♪♪ J-LO!

It’s a new generation

Of party people

Darling get on the floor

Darling get on the floor

Let me introduce you to my party people

In the club…

I entered the bar with Jlo’s & Pitbull’s On the Floor playing. It was dim inside, the only light there comes from the dis...o...b..ll in the center of the dance floor wherein lots of wild, crazy and drunk people are dancing in such unexplainable att.i.tude. And whenever I look around at the tables and couches, there are some who are plainly chatting, arguing, kissing and even making love or something like that(?). It’s not likely to be my first time but I’m not really a party girl so I don’t really go in such place that often. And, I’m not used going to bars alone, usually I"ll go with Kate and uhh… yeah, before it"s Allen. Argh. That effin TOOOOT just won’t get out of my effin mind. Darn you TOOOOT!

♪♪ I"m loose

And everybody knows I get off the train

Baby it"s the truth

I"m like inception I play with your brain

So I don"t sleep I snooze

I don"t play no games so don"t get it confused no

Cos you will lose yeah

Now pump it up

And back it up like a Tonka truck ♪♪

I headed straight to the bar counter and sits on the stool there.

"What can I get for you, maam?" the bartender greeted me immediately while wiping one of the drinking gla.s.s there.

"Uhh…" I’m still undecided, I don’t even know what to order, "Something heavy and fast…umm. I would want to drink some Vodka."

"Do you want a pint or a gla.s.s of it?"

"I’d want a triple."

"On the rocks or straight up?

"On the rocks with a squeeze of lime, thank you."

"Wait, I would want to ask, are you a minor?"


"Are you insulting me? Do I look like a little brat to you?" I’m only acting, this is what a friend of mine who always goes to bars taught me, she said if the bartender ask if I"m a minor, just act cool and insulted at the same time, in that way the bartender will get scared because they don"t want to insult a customer. Well, let’s see if it’ll work.

"A-ah! I’m sorry maam, I was just asking. You look so young though…"

"Well yeah, they often tell me such. I’m already 20 and d’you know how it sucks to be called a 16yr old girl?" and let’s add some more acting! Haha!

"Oh, I’m sorry about that ma’am. Anyway, I’ll serve your drink right away!" mehehe. Mission completed! I’m such an award winning actress. Mehehe.

When the drinks arrive, I drink it straight. Only just two shots and I"m feeling dizzy already, I"m not used in drinking alcohol, only during occasions and just light drinks.

I think my body is feeling hot, that"s why I tried to remove the jacket that I"m wearing earlier, I"m wearing a gray sleeveless with a star print in the center.

I"m wearing jeans and a not that high heels. Clean attire, nothing scandalous.

But because its hot and I feel I don"t know what to do and I"m not sober, I decided to go to the dance floor and dance to anyone. I don"t know what is happening, someone was holding but I did not really care, I"m not really on my right mind now. It"s really hot and I"m dizzy, that"s the only thing I feel at that time. I really know, but my body has the urge to went crazy at that time that"s why I just dance and dance like a fool in the dance floor.

Not long after, someone grab me away from the dance floor.

"H-hey! What are you doing! Let me go!" I tried to remove my hands but he just tightly grip it and put my arm on his shoulder so that I can walk properly.

"Shut up Sena."  I was shocked when I heard him say my name.

"Ha? Do you know me? Do I know you?" I tried to focus my sight to look at him but I feel really dizzy and I can"t see him properly. His voice sounds familiar though but because of the alcohol, I can"t really figure it out what is happening in my surrounding Alcohol really makes you stupid.

"Tss. How drunk can you be?" he brought me in the bar counter. I don"t know what"s the next thing he do, I"m really drunk that thee voices I heard seems to be only buzzing and I I think I"m having a double visions, I don"t really know what"s happening,

"Here, read this when you’re in proper shape." I don"t understand what he whisper to my ears but I think feel him putting something in my pocket. I really but I just woke the next day in my room with a splitting headache and my parents scolding me. My head aches, and your parents is scolding you, really hurts.

"Ma! Where is my phone?" I shouted to the living room, I"m in the second floor in front of my room and my mom is watching tv in the sala.

"I don"t know." she answered also shouting..

"Eh I remember it"s just in my jeans pocket last night! Where the jeans that I"m wearing last night?"

"Look at it in the laundry, I think I put it there!"

Ay. What the eefff really this mother of mine, just putting it in the laundry without checking the pockets, that"s why one time he wash dads jeans without checking it and in the pocket there is five thousand pesos, we need to blower the wet five thousand to save it.

I check at the laundry near the CR and look for it from the mountain of dirty clothes, when I found it, I search it in the pocket and found my cellphone. When I took it a paper fell.

"Huh?" I pick it up and saw what is written.

#6. Entertain suitors

How did it go in the pocket of my jeans?


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