“Sena, don’t tell me you don’t have the intention to touch your food again?” I just stared at my food and move my fork in circles, “The pain, Kate. It hurts so much. “ “Pain?” she asked chewing her food, “Your stomach? It may be a diarrhea? Why don’t you go to the bathroom and return here again when you’re done. “ “You’re wrong . I don’t have a diarrhea, it’s not my stomach that is painful.” “So which one? Lower abdomen? Do you have a period? “ I cover my face with my two hands, “Eeee. It’s not that! Its my heart! The pain in my heart!“ “Aaah.” She said without enthusiasm, “Do you want me to remove your heart so you wont feel pain? Oh Wait, I have to take it in my bag pack my scissors&h.e.l.lip;” She bent and act as to pick in her backpack, I stop her, “No! I don’t want to! I don’t want die!“ “Your over reacting, you said your heart aches so much. So that it wont hurt, I will just remove it!” “Your really a s.a.d.i.s.t!“ “At least I’m not a fool like you, it has been a long time since your boyfriend breaks up with you! Five month already yet you still can’t get over him!” “It’s not that easy you know.” “Are you saying that to me? I have already four major break up  and I know how much it hurts but I’m not like you sulking that long. I understand if you can’t move on quickly but sulking like that for long, that I don’t understand. It’s not normal, you becoming OA bestfriend. OA!“ “So what should I do?” I’m crying, “I still love him! I still feel the pain!“ “Oi, don’t start crying,” she pointed the forks to me, “I don’t want to see you crying again. Don’t weep you idiot ex, a boy like Allen not crying for!” “Sssh!” I quickly came to her and covered her mouth and whispered, “Don’t raise your voice, Allen is just a short distance away from our table. Don’t mention his name.”  Kate’s eyes tried to find Allen’s table and when she sees him, she then pull my hand from her mouth, and speak loudly “so what? Is he the only Allen in the world? There so many Allen in the world. The truth is, the name of our neighbor’s dog is Allen. they called the dog Allen, because of its rabies and its like a mad dog, and a monkey! “ “Hey Kate, your voice is too loud, people are looking at our direction.” I just covered my face with my hands, I’m sure this time around Allen is looking at us. I feel like I’m melting in shame.

“So what? Well today people will hear here in the canteen how useless a person that name"s Allen!”

A person suddenly yell from the side, “Hey! My name is also Allen, watch out for what you are saying miss!”

“So what?! Why?! Are you the one that I"m pointing at? Are you the ex-boyfriend of my bestfriend? Are you? HA?! ”

This time I reach my limit, she  even mentioned, “Allen’s name and ex-boyfriend” in  the public with a loud voice. And worst is, I even heard one of Allen’s friend said, “Hey bro, your ex is. .h.i.tting with you. Is she still bitter? Your charm is so strong bro!”

“I’m going back to my cla.s.s.” I took my things, I stand and leave the canteen. Kate called me but I didn"t look back, I need to exit here.

I"m frustrated, not to Kate or to anyone but I"m frustrated with myself. Why can’t I forget Allen?

I met Allen in the school festival 3yrs ago. Kate asked me to enter the haunted house, even though I don’t want to she forced me to enter. I"m a coward with this things specially if the surrounding is dark, I keep holding Kate but not for long, my hands slipped. I tried to find her in the dark because I very scared, I was more frightened when I walk there was suddenly a huge spider toys fell in my head. I automatically hold the person that is nearest to me.

“Mama!” I yelled in fear holding the person.

” Do I look like your mother?” I loosened my grip on him but I did not let go because I’m really scared. It was Allen, at that time I still don"t know him.

“Sorry but c-can I hold you until the end of this haunted house? I"m really scared then I was separated from my bestfriend.”

“Sure,” he smiled at the time, “30 pesos until the end.”

Even though my first impression of him is obnoxious, I eventually know him better and I liked his personality. I started having a crush on him until it had progressed more than I could bear that I confessed to him. I found that he also like me so we became a couple.

We lasted for a year and I did not think that we could last that long. I also did not think that it would just end like that.


4 months ago, he wanted to meet up to break up with me. The reason was he like someone else, and it was a cla.s.smate of his. His cla.s.smate when compared to me is really beautiful and I know it would be impossible to be together again. But I can’t really accept that he left me, I thought our relationship was perfect. I thought &h.e.l.lip; Haay, there are things you don’t really expect to just end suddenly.



When school ended, I’m depress and went straight to my locker. I have no intention of meet Kate because I still feel bad at what she did earlier in canteen. 



I took my keys in my pocket and opened my locker but I was surprised when I opened it, a small paper falls.


So what is this about? Maybe I forgot and it was my scratch paper in math? Or a sc.r.a.p paper that I forgotten to throw? Or maybe a love letter? Weh, I’m so conceited. I pick it, “To Sena Marie Reyes.” That was what it says in front, it’s folded. Perhaps its really a love letter?

I opened and read it, it’s not a handwritten but a typed written, “Your ex–boyfriend is not worth it. I know it’s not easy for you to forget him so that‘s why I’m here to help you. From now on, I’ll be to send letters in your locker. 11 letters which will tell young ways to forget your ex–boyfriend. I promise you that it will only take 11 ways to forget your ex–boyfriend. ”

***  OA- means over acting, a person who is over reacting.

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