, Trey went to my house to fetch me, I introduce him to my parents as my suitor. My parents don"t have a problem with Trey because he"s a decent guy and my parents is okay with me accepting suitors and having a boyfriend so long as I don"t neglect my studies.

We commuted going to the enchanted. We rode a bus since we don"t have a car and we are both minor. The ride was not long, just a one hour ride. I"m very excited.

We rode almost all the rides, we both don"t have a fear riding rides no matter how high it is.

"Uwaaaa! I"m nervous." we are riding now in the roller coaster and waiting for it to start.

"Ahaha, No backing out." Trey said,

"I know, I"m not going to back out, it"s just that I"m nervous. This is my first time."

"Don"t worry, just hold my hand." I was surprise when he reach out his hand to me, "Don"t be scared, if we"re going to fall at least we are going to fall at the same time."

I smiled at him and hold his hand, then the ride started slowly. When it suddenly went down, the people riding with us screamed and also me.

"UWAAAAAAAAAA!" it"s very loud, their screams are loud, because the roller coaster is very fast.

"I LOVE YOU SENA!" Trey shouted something but I didn"t heard it, the noise is mixing here because og the people riding with us.


"I SAID I LOVE YOUUUU!" I did not utter any words after that, I"m blushing.

We are both dizzy when we get out of the s.p.a.ce shuttle/rollercoaster.

"That was great!" while my hand is on my chest panting, catching my breath.

"You are right, do you want to drink?"

"Yes please. I become thirsty after the screaming hard."

"Okay, just sit here. I"ll just buy a drink in the stall." he leaves me in the bench to buy drinks. While waiting, I"m looking at the surrounding because I don"t have anything to do, when I look at the left I thought I saw Allen.

I"m not sure, I think it"s just my imagination but I stood up and tried to go there. But when I was there at the position where I saw him, I did not see him. I think it"s just my imagination.

"Uy, why did you leave the bench? What happen?" I was surprise when I heard Trey"s voice behind me while he is holding two pepsi in can.

I took one of the pepsi, "Ah it"s nothing, I think I saw someone I knew. I think it was just my imagination."

"I think you"re still dizzy from the roller coaster that"s why your imagining things! Ahaha!"

"Maybe you"re right! Ahaha!" was just my imagination that I saw Allen.

All in all, I enjoy our date. It"s tiring but it"s super memorable. We had pictures together then he gave me a gift, a necklace. I ask him what is it for, and that there is no occasion.  He said it was a remembrance of our first date. After that he kiss me on my cheeks. I did not get mad because he deserve a kiss after all, he gave me a wonderful date. I hope he is the one, I feel that if I"m with him I"m going to be happy.

He sent me home after, it was seven pm when we went back. When I entered the house, I headed straight to my room to rest. It was only eight pm, only an hour since we separated I heard my phone ringing.

Trey calling…

I smiled when I saw his name and answered his call.

“h.e.l.lo Trey!”

“h.e.l.lo princess! I miss you.”

“Waaa. It"s only an hour pa.s.sed since we separated. And we are together the whole afternoon.”

“I know, I just can’t get you out of my mind. Only an hour had pa.s.sed since I saw you but I already misses you. Earlier when we go separatef, I"m slightly sad, I don"t want to go home and be separated with you yet. If I can I bring you home, I will bring you.”

“That can"t be Trey!”

“I know, if you don"t want to go home with me, I hope you will get out of my mind. Did you build a tent in my mind? You"re always here, you don"t want to go. Shuuu!”

“Ahaha! I did not build a tent in your mind! Haha!" I fell in my bed while holding my phone. I"m blushing at what he is saying.

We talk and talk, I did not notice how many hours had pa.s.sed. It"s already 11:12 pm, it"s almost midnight. We talk for more than three hours.

“Uy, it"s super late already. Let"s go to sleep.”

“Wait, just a little bit more.”


“Can I serenade you?”


“I will just sing for you and after that I will end the call."

“Umm.. fine.”

And he started singing in the phone, his voice is so nice. It"s warm that I almost fell asleep, it"s good in the ear.

“There will be no ordinary days for you
If there is someone
Who cares like I do
You got no a reason to be sad anymore
I’m always ready with a smile
With just one glimpse of you
You don’t have to search no more
’cause i am someone who will love you
For sure…
So…” ♪♪~

He is singing the “If we fall inlove of Yeng Constantino and Rj jimenez. I didn’t know that he has a talent for singing because when we are at the karaoke his voice is not that good.


“If we fall in love, maybe we’ll sing this song as one
If we fall in love, we can write a better song than this
If we fall in love, we will have this melody in our heads
If we fall in love, anywhere with you would be a better place”


If we fall inlove? If I fall inlove?


“You can watch sad movies in a different light, so I’ll be right there beside you, huggin’ you oh so tight… (oh so tight…)

Has from never felt so cold and empty again, ’cause i will keep on holding on, and won’t let go… (never let you go…)

You don’t have to search no more, ’cause i am someone who will love you for sure…


If we fall in love, maybe we’ll sing this song as one

If we fall in love, we can write a better song than this

If we fall in love, we will have this melody in our heads

If we fall in love, anywhere with you would be a better place” ♪♪~

Could he really be the one? Should I really let go and accept him? I feel that my tears fell, I don"t know why I am crying, because of sadness or happiness? I really don"t know, I"m really a cry-baby.


“Feel so good when you’re around, one smile from you… (one smile from you…)
One thing that it feels so right…
If we fall in love, maybe we’ll sing this song as one
If we fall in love, we can write a better song than this
If we fall in love, we will have this melody in our heads
If we fall in love, anywhere with you would be a better… plaaaace…” ♪♪~

The song finished but I did not utter a single word.

“h.e.l.lo princess? Are you still there?”

I stayed silent, I am keeping myself from sobbing. I"m wiping my tears with my free hand.

“Sena?” I really don"t have plan to answer him, because if I do he might hear me crying. It"s weird if he will know that I am crying.

“Maybe she"s asleep? You sleep while I"m singing.. but it"s okay. The important thing is you fell asleep while I"m singing a song for you. Sena, I hope you will forget about Allen. I hope you will not cry because of him..I hope you will really notice me. I promise that I will not hurt you. I love you Sena, I really do. Goodnight."

The call ends. I cried louder at his last sentence..

I hope you will forget about Allen. I hope you will not cry because of him..I hope you will really notice me. I promise that I will not hurt you. I love you Sena, I really do.

I hope you will forget about Allen…

I hope you will forget about Allen…

I hope you will forget about Allen…

I hope you will forget about Allen…

Just a little more Trey, help me just a little more.


You can hear the song here If We Fall In Love link~


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