
Chapter 18

¹Dysmenorrhea - Painful menstrual cramps.²Marco - Male lead of Nagpatukso/Tempted. Mentioned on23:11"s and 11/23"s .³Barong - Native/Traditional Clothing in the Phillipines for men.The dead wear barong to their graves, but it can also be worn in special occasions.#TooMuchOfEverything

“Too much euphoria is perfect madness and destructive reality is melancholia.”


How can something be defined as too much? When it hurts too much the pain starts to feel numb? When too much happiness hurts like a b.i.t.c.h? A song once said, too much of everything is too much, and maybe it’s f.u.c.king true because Jhing’s dysmenorrhea¹ was killing her the first week of the first month of 2016.

Welcoming the New Year?

Too much… f.u.c.king… pain!

“It hurts.” She kept on clutching her stomach.

Miko asked,”You got your period?”

“No. Not at all. I had a circ.u.mcision."

“Ay yeah!” said Miko which made people near their table looked at them. “That really hurts indeed, especially when they injected your ski—”

Jhing cut him off. “SHUT UP!”

“Weird,” Facio commented. “I can"t tell if you"re happy because you"re together or because you"re so close to killing each other."

“Okay, Yayo and Fall need to know this,” July whispered, typing something on her phone.

Jhing wanted to stand up, raise her hand, look up and shout, take me, Lord! but maybe next time when there’s no pain anymore. f.u.c.king cramps and being a woman.

People in the book team were surprised Miko and Jhing were talking to each other; rather, were close. Their closeness may or may not started when Jhing dragged Miko to the doctor for a check-up. After all, she found out that Miko"s UTI-excuse was something that happened 2 years ago.

Even though it was a ha.s.sle to visit the Doctor to and fro for a test and remind Miko to drink his medicine, but at least, Jhing didn"t feel lonely that Christmas week.

He was her distraction from reality.

"Crux has no problems. It"s probably because of staying up late and work that he got low blood pressure," the Doctor had said. "Take vitamins and iron, rest well, and eat more properly."

Miko even joked and patted his stomach. “My stomach is too picky, Doc. It"s a rich kid. It only accepts lobster, caviar, and medium rare steak.”

Both the doctor and Miko laugh but Jhing didn’t. She even scolded him after consultation. “Why aren"t you taking care of yourself?" Jhing poked Miko’s bags under his eyes. “And what is that, a laptop?”

“No. 25.1 inch monitor of Asus and—” Miko laughed at Jhing’s sudden change of mood. Afraid of Jhing’s poker face, Miko nudged her in the shoulder and said, “Because I want you to take care of me.”

“Why don"t I just push you in front of the train?” She pushed Miko which made the car on the side honk.

Miko quickly stepped aside as he saves his life from Jhing’s hand. “Not the train! I can"t even survive a car ah," he said, looking at the cars on the road.

Jhing, even if it was tempting, didn’t push Miko on the road. She didn"t want to pay the hospital bills so… nevermind. After that, Miko kept on bugging Jhing - and she let him.

A few days after, Miko was proud of himself when Yayo asked him what the spelling of his name is. It seems like she"s considering of using his name for her baby. It was an absurd idea, Jhing thought. But how can she debate with a pregnant woman crushing like a teenage girl?

“You look so proud,” Jhing commented.

She had so many works to do; author signings, events, and publishing books. She needed an overtime because her deadline is crawling closer to her like a Grim Reaper.Miko did too.

“Of course,” Miko said with a smug. “Isn"t cool? Melchizedek will also be her baby"s name."

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