
Chapter 5

Wayo"s POV.

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

The next day, I was awakened by these endless knockings on the door. Who would care to wake you up when you"re fast asleep? The activity starts at nine o" clock,  it was only six in the morning.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

This time around again. I"m already screaming out loud and cursing on my bed.

Whoever"s room is that, please open the G.o.dd.a.m.n door, NOW! ?

The banging on the wall is getting louder and louder. 

If he"s not gonna open by now, I"ll break it open myself!  ?

I hear the sound of the door open. 


Finally! No more knocking. I"m going back to sleep.

"Pha? What"s up early this morning?" I can make out a girl"s sleepy voice from the room across mine.

"I was wondering if I could borrow your textbook in Neurology. I fell asleep halfway during the discussion." Wait, I recognize that voice! 

It"s P"Pha"s!

"Nah, I thought you"re inviting me to join you for breakfast." She giggles. What a s.l.u.t! "Wait here for a while."

They"re like some cheesy couple, I want to puke but I"m still compelled to walk to my door and take a peek.

I almost doubled back the moment I took a peep on the slit of the slightly opened door and saw him standing right in front of me!

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"Shia!" I almost scream out in surprise and slam my door shut as per instinct.

It was indeed him outside and he"s d.a.m.n f.u.c.king looking hot! 

I can see now why he"s so popular and became the Campus Moon. The way he carries himself and exuding with charisma, who wouldn"t be drawn to him? My heart keeps racing, it hurts. I have to clamp my fist on my chest.

Knock! Knock! Knock!

This time, I know which door the knocks are coming from. And it"s on my freakin" door! I"m sitting with my back pressed against it and I can feel how hard he"s pouncing like an angry bull.

"I know you"re in there, spoiled brat! Come out and face me. You think I didn"t see you swear at me?!" 

He"s definitely angry again.

Hey! I didn"t mean to... I was screaming in my mind, rather exasperated. I was surprised and that just came out. I didn"t mean to swear at him.

"I"m warning you, open this f.u.c.kin" door or I"m going to kick it down!"

"What the h.e.l.l do you want?" I"m not moving anywhere and I don"t care if he thinks of me as some spoiled brat and a disrespectful freshman right now.

I can"t let him see me with the state I"m in. I"m a total mess with only a pair of old boxers and some oversized shirt. I haven"t even brushed my teeth yet, not to mention washed my face.

No can do, I"m staying put. ?

"I told you, open this f.u.c.kin door!" He"s in full rage now, I guess.

Why can"t you just leave me alone, P"Pha? You"re such a bully, but when a small curse was thrown at you all the gates of h.e.l.l will break loose and that"s not fair!

"Who are you talking to, Pha?" I hear my neighbor say.

"No one, I"m talking to a bull." He answered. 

Huh! Is he referring to me? I"m not a bull, for f.u.c.king whoever"s sake! 

"Pring, you better watch out for that bull across your room. Thanks for the notes, though. I gotta go."

"You"re talking nonsense, Pha," Pring says.

"Don"t think this is over, you brat." He threatens. "I"ll be back. And once I do, you"re in for some beating!"

I"m sure that bit"s for me. Why the h.e.l.l do I always have to mess up every chance I meet him?

But really, what"s up with the bull? That"s silly.

Knock! Knock! Knock! 

What? Not again! ? I thought he already left.

"Ai"Yo! Let me in. Why aren"t you answering my calls?"

Phew! It"s Ming. I hurriedly let him in. I"m not bothered by him seeing me in my dorky look. We grew up together and he had seen the worst.

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"Oh, you"re up. So why aren"t you still getting ready?" He asks in such a lazy tone.

"And am I supposed to ask you why you"re here this early?"

"Of course I have to be early. And why are you still slouching? We"re supposed to be there by 7:30." Ai"Ming told me with a hint of urgency this time.

I checked my phone. He called me five times. Two more from P"Ging, my trainer and another missed call from Nate, my star partner.

"Shia!" I curse out loud. "You"re right... But how did you know about my schedule?"

He just shrugged, scratching the back of his head.

"Hey, you slimy b.a.s.t.a.r.d. Don"t tell me you"re the Moon of The Engineering Faculty?!" I was surprised. I should have known!

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His guilty face with a sly grin gave me the answer.


"Hey! I only did it so I can help you with your love problem." He was saying defensively. "But d.a.m.n! I almost didn"t make it. There are lots of good looking guys in my faculty. I have no choice but to use my charm on them."

"Yeah right. You did this to help me. Too bad I know you. You"re just here to watch me make a fool of myself in front of P"Pha."

"You got that right! Hahaha."

"You jerk!" I was going to give him a smack on the head but he held my hand in place.

"Hey! Your breath stinks. Go take a shower first!" He was scrunching his nose.

"....." d.a.m.n this guy.

"You know, P"Pha"s going to be there." He playfully wriggles his eyebrows.

No wonder P"Pha is looking fresh and smartly dressed when I saw him a while ago. I headed straight to the bathroom and took a shower.

I"m grateful to have Ming as my best friend. If it not for him, then I would"ve messed this one up too. Maybe it"s better if I have him by my side when I face P"Pha later.

I"m still annoyed he called me a bull though.

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------ To Be Continued ------

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