
Chapter 1

Wayo"s Point Of View Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image.

"Hey, Ming, look! I made it! I got accepted! Oh my G.o.d! I got accepted! See that?! I made it to the university, you p.r.i.c.k! Hahah!"

At that time, I was half crying, half jumping with joy hugging my best friend"s neck all at the same time.

The exams results have finally arrived and I was so happy to see my name being admitted to Kantaphat University.      

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"No, no, no... Stop it, Yo! My neck! Oh, my neck! I can"t breathe! Heeeelp!"

"We"re going to the same university, a.s.shole. It"s not important whether we go to a different department or not. I don"t care as long as we"re together. Fine by me."

I know this guy has gotten excited as much as I did. But right now, his main concern is his neck which is still wrapped around my arms all over that"ll probably strangle him soon.

"d.a.m.n! You"re killing me with your excitement, dude."

"Oh... I"m sorry... I"m sorry. I didn"t mean to. I just got overwhelmed."

"At least, you can try spreading the news without trying to break someone else"s neck, will you?" He was scowling at me.

(Shows a goofy grin)

"And don"t you use that "we"re-finally-gonnbe-together-in-the-same-university" over my a.s.s. You"re just excited because you"ll finally meet that guy at school, am I right?"

Man! How can my best friend Ming know about me that much, eh? I sat there frozen getting slapped with such heavy truth right on my face.

"How long haven"t you seen him? I lost track of the time you"ve been talking about him way back since middle school."

"... More than a year." I told him sheepishly.

Great! Now, he"s showing me that evil grin of his. It"s more of a teasing smirk, but for me, Ming is evil when it comes to nosing my life around.

Serves me right for getting caught red-handed.

"Are you happy?"

"..." I told him "yes" but he didn"t seem to hear it.

"I haven"t heard you, p.r.i.c.k."

"I said yes!" That"s it. There"s no point in hiding that wide grin on my face anyway. "I am so d.a.m.n happy, I wanna roll on the floor or fly up in the sky right now like a rocket!"


This is what you get for having a mental friend like Ming. The a.s.shole just burst into laughter.

Yup. That"s him alright. Ming is so good at teasing me.

"Ming, listen. A stupid person like me would never make it to this university unless I make my obsession in seeing him as my motivation to pa.s.s the test. And guess what? It worked! I made it! See this?" I showed him my laptop screen with Kantaphat"s congratulatory letter sent to me via email. "See how f.u.c.king awesome I am, huh? Huh? Huh?"

"Right..." Ming rests his chin on top of his hands while throwing me that lazy look. "You"re too f.u.c.king awesome for someone who never even laid his eyes on you - ever."


He hit me right on point again.

Ming was right. But there"s no way I"m going to admit that in front of him.

"Well, anyhow... If he still couldn"t notice you after all the changes you"ve been through. I may suggest you steal your daddy"s gun and shoot him on his crotch, Baby Yo."

"What? No way! It"s not that." I retorted. "The reason why I chose this university in the first place was just to see him for quite some time... even from afar."

"Oh, really? That"s way too soft for you, little guy. How long have you been loving him again?"


"It"s been so long. I don"t really know when but long enough for me to end up with at least twelve ex-girlfriends and some few one-night-stands. And here you are stuck with him. Man! At such state, I don"t think you can be in love with anybody else until you get old single and he ends up marrying a girl."

Ming was babbling endlessly at that time, but I couldn"t utter any single word to make arguments with him. Those things he said are all true.

Well, as they say, "Silence is always the best weapon especially when you don"t know how to fight your way back". So I opted to remain silent.

"Well, baby bro... You"re my best friend. If that"s what you think would make you happy, I wish your dream comes true."

I rolled my eyes at him. Trying to make me feel comfortable, brother Ming?

He playfully ruffled my hair which causes a few locks of it to ruin my bangs. He knows it as the only way to distract me from sulking in front of him right now.

"Don"t worry, okay? We"ll go get him for you."

"You"re saying it like he"s some kind of prey you"re looking on a duck hunt."

Ming raises his brows. "Hmm... Let"s just say it"s something like that."

I don"t know what to say about this guy anymore.

I"ll leave it to time making its way towards him. I"m not that in a hurry anyway.

For as long as I can see him every day, I"m happy with it.

It"s all I ask.

And so...

This is where my journey begins. 

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