
Chapter 16

Credits to Chiffon_cake for the original story


Wayo"s POV...

So I finally decided to drop the issue. There"s no need for me to linger on this Prink-Phana love affair because it won"t be doing me any good.

Like I said, it"s none of my business. ?

Yet still, I don"t feel like going to sleep at all. ?

I went to open my social media account using my Macbook. There were a few friend requests in the notification field. I scanned the profiles one by one and made sure I carefully accept only those people familiar to me. There"s P"Ging, my coach; my Star partner Nate; a few Moons and Stars from different faculties, and Park? Who the h.e.l.l is Park?

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I ignored the last request. And I"m bored.

I don"t know what to do now for me to fall asleep.

I already finished reading the 5th volume of my One Piece Manga Series but my eyes are still plopped wide open. ?

Aaarggh! Sleep! Where are you? ? Come to me, na na na...

Wait, is that my bonsai plant right there in the corner? Oh.. I haven"t noticed it since I put it there when I first arrived here. I guess I"d better water it.

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I went to check my Macbook again to browse on my timeline. ? Gosh, this is so booriing...

I have lots of collections of One Piece and Naruto action figures in my room. Remember that box I was carrying when I met P"Pha on my first day? I carefully have them arranged on the shelves and since I feel so bored, I have them rearranged again.

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Now let me go back to checking my timeline! ? I"ve been doing this for the nth time already.

Aaaarghh!!! ?

This is getting ridiculous.


So I decided to go to my room"s terrace and breathe some fresh air. Maybe it"ll help. The breeze is cold and looks like it"s going to rain. I looked below but I couldn"t see P"Pha"s infamous Audi R8 which is always parked beneath my unit.

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He hasn"t returned yet. P"Pring said he was tutoring his friends for the makeup test.


Maybe I"ll just wait for him to come home. Then I"ll go back to sleep.

10pm... 10:30pm... 11pm... 11:15...

It"s already late. Still no sign of that white sports car. I"m starting to get worried like a crazy wife.

What? For heaven"s sake! What am I thinking? I"m not his wife and will not gonna be even if I want to.

That"s not gonna happen. ?

Why would I even bother in the first place?

I just want to make sure he gets home safely. That"s all. ? Afterall, he was my P" since we came from the same High School.

? d.a.m.n, who am I kidding?

I was already enjoying playing this Strawhat Luffy Action Figure when the cracking roar of thunder could be heard outside. Then, heavy rain began to pour.

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Oh dear, I could no longer wait for P"Pha inside my room. He must be soaking wet on his way here by anytime now.

I grabbed my umbrella and hurried downstairs. I"ll wait for him at the lobby.

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