
Chapter 34

Credits to Chiffon_cake for the original story

Media files by: PinkMilk Subs
Wayo"s POV.

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I"m all drained out. There"s no energy left in me at all, I couldn"t even lift up a finger. I slept so early last night up to now until I have totally lost track of time.

How I wanted to call and tell Ai"Ming about what had happened yesterday. He"s the only person who knows about my feelings for P"Pha and he, being my ever loyal best friend who"s always been there through my ups and downs deserves to hear about it first, but... Oh well... Not right now. Let me get some more sleep first. He"ll know about it soon on his own anyway.

Talking about what had happened, can somebody slap me on the face and tell me all of it wasn"t just part of a dream?  

He said he likes me too! He told me has feelings for me the way I do! Moreover, he likes me since the day I was still a ... Skinny and ugly little boy.

Vibrate... Vibrate... Vibrate...

My phone is vibrating unstoppably on top of the desk which caused me to hit the "pause b.u.t.ton" on my dream for a minute. The caller"s number isn"t even included in my contact list. Who can this be? My eyes are still half shut while speaking over the phone.


"Open the door."

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I recognized the owner of that voice on the other line immediately. There"s only one person I know who has that cold and persuasive voice.

What the f.u.c.k is he doing here in front of my room anyway?

Ai P"Pha.

"Open it."

Since it"s already clear to me that everything is no longer part of a dream, my eyes propped wide open as if I have seen a horrible ghost. It"s not because he"s here, but it"s because I"m so not ready to see him now. Look at me! I"m such a mess in my sleepy and untidy form sprawling in bed like a seal.

"If you don"t open it. I"ll break it."

Okay fine... I give up. Let"s forget about how horrible I look right now and go open up for him. What the actual f.u.c.k? I couldn"t believe I"m letting him see me like this. I got up and went for the door while I"m still half awake-half asleep.

Yeah... There you go... His bright aura hits my eyes so hard the moment I saw him standing outside.

I"m not sure though if it"s because of the bright white shirt he"s wearing or it"s his shimmering handsomeness that hits me the most.

After all, my senses can smell his fragrant perfume so well despite my drowsy state. It"s kind"a lovely and dreamy for me. He also got a very nice hair style which are quite different from mine, a messy one.

Well... I"m here now. What does he want?

"Step back."

He walks into the room brushing my shoulders along the way.

"Hey! Hey! Hey, wait! This is supposed to be my room." I complained. It seems like he"s so ready to go to school but what the h.e.l.l is he doing sitting on my bed and playing with my pillow? "P"Pha!"

He looks right at me. "I love the way you call me that. Why don"t you keep on calling me that from now on? P"Pha... Say it again please..."

"Don"t try to change the subject." I snarled while standing in front of him "Why don"t you just go straight to school? Yo wants to get some more sleep."

"It"s way too early na." He said while still playing with my pillows."

I turned to check on the clock on my desk. It"s six in the morning and he"s getting ready to leave for school? What the h.e.l.l! That"s two and a half more hours before normal cla.s.ses start in Thailand!

"What are you doing here then? Why don"t you stay in your own room?" I rub my eyes.

"I feel so lonely."

He raises one of his eyebrows. He"s not smiling nor doing anything else. He"s obviously teasing me when I can only gape at him in surprise. Lonely my a.s.s! ?

"You still look sleepy. Come, get some more sleep..."

"How can I go back to sleep when I have a stranger walking inside my bedroom like this?"

"Am I still being just a "stranger" to you?"

"Ai P"Pha..."

"That"s enough. Come. Sleep... Sleep... Sleep..." Yeah, he"s still a jerk, but a cute kind of jerk I should admit. He pats on the mattress right next to him. Seriously, why do I have to sleep right next to you? "Do you guys still have any activities for the compet.i.tion meeting?"

"Um.mm..m.. We only have to practice dancing tomorrow evening. As for today, they allowed us enough time to practice for our talent shows."

"Ummm...mm.." P"Pha seems to be pondering about something. "Well, I have cla.s.ses for the entire day."

"How does this have anything to do with your schedule?"

He"s about to throw a pillow at me. "I remember somebody just asked me for help with his talent show."

"Um... Just send me the address or at least let me know the direction. I can go there by myself."

"No. You can"t, because it"s my uncle"s studio."

"Um..m... Okay? How difficult can that be? I can go by myself."

"I told you, I want to come with you." Is he mad or something? His voice sounds so intimidating. "Have you already selected the song?"

"That"s easy. I"m good at singing. Whatever Yo plays will always be pleasant to listen to."

He opens his eyes widely but looks at me with an emotionless face to the point that I need to whine at him.

"What? Can"t you at least believe in me just this once?"

"Ahai, Khrub... Khrub... Khrub... You are the best singer and piano player in the world, my sweet little boy." Huh! Does he really think I"d fall for that lazy and half-hearted voice he"s using to compliment me? Nuh-uh. "So... Not going back to sleep anymore?"

I"m still standing right here, gaping at the most handsome man I ever laid my eyes into. How can I go back to sleep at such condition, eh? Oh great! Now he"s roaming his head around surveying my bedroom. But ...

OH! s.h.i.t!

... d.a.m.n! Those wide array of photo frames on my desk caught his eyes.

The point is there are so many pictures of him on that desk ranging from his middle school years up to his present ones. It"s a part of my huge collection of Phana items I have kept for quite a long time.

"What are those?"

Normally, I wouldn"t stop him from oggling around my room but at this point, I have to jump on the other side of the bed to block him using my arms spread wide open before he gets another chance to come near the desk.

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"Hey! Those are nothing... Just photos of some Korean Stars. They"re my collection."

"Korean Stars my a.s.s. What the f.u.c.k are you talking about? Those are my photos."

"No!!! It"s not!!! Stop!!!" I was shouting because he"s trying to push me away while trying to grab one of the frames.

"Let go of me, Nong"Yo. Let me see it."


"Let go or I"ll rape you." P"Pha stops and threatens me.

"You wouldn"t dare..."

Wrong move. I wonder where this brute gathers his strength when he couldn"t even shove me away when I tried blocking him but now, he pushes me on the bed, pins both my hands, and sits on top of me.

"Yo is sorry, khrub."

I shouldn"t have dug my own grave. I couldn"t even look at him in the eye right now who"s still straddling on top of me.


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He releases a sort of triumphant laughter  before letting me go. I"m not sure if it"s because he"s disgusted to see me on my morning look with no shower at all and haven"t even brushed my teeth yet or it"s because he really has no intentions of doing me. (I mean do what he had just said) But I think it"s the first one.

(I should have known that P"Pha really has no intentions of doing it actually.)

As soon as he releases me, He freely walks around my room until he reaches the desk to check on the frames one by one. It looks like he"s so fascinated with those photos that all I could do is sit on the bed and bury my face on the pillow. I bet he"s going to tease me my whole life about this one, I"m sure of it.

d.a.m.n it... d.a.m.n it...

"When did you take these pictures?" He points to one of his photos in his cropped hair while having lunch at the cafeteria. It looks like the camera was zoomed so close that every holes in his face could be seen. I wasn"t the one who took the picture, but I bought it from one of his Fan club at school. (There really was this business going on at my old school). "Were you that crazy about me so much?" He keeps looking on the other pictures one by one. There aren"t too many but they"re solely his pictures depicting his evolution stages.

I still have my face buried on the pillow without uttering anything.

"Hey... And what"s this?"

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He held the black velvet box (Please don"t ask me how much it costs.) in his hands while examining it carefully. "Hey... It has the same ribbon as the card you gave me."

"That"s the one I wanted to give you back there." I babble under the pillow where I was hiding.

"But you never did..."

"Because you said you liked girls."

"I"m taking it now, then." He already unwrapped the gift. Wow... I couldn"t believe my eyes. What I thought would remain untouched has finally reached its owner, unboxing it and putting it on. d.a.m.n! I want to take a picture of this very important event and keep it as a memoir.

I only took a quick glance of him wearing the bracelet and as soon as I got immersed at such a heartwarming sight, I went back to hiding my face under the pillow. I feel so shy and so happy at the same time. The only thing I noticed is the feeling of P"Pha"s big hand patting my messy hair.

"Thank you na." I look up to see his handsome face who"s also staring right back at me in return. "I don"t have anything to give Nong"Yo."

"There"s no need..." Just the two of us having the same mutual feelings for each other is enough for me to almost put up barricades in every streets to celebrate.

"I"m so happy right now. You made a very good choice." He looks so infatuated with the bracelet even if it"s no longer the latest model. He comes back to sit right next to me and looks admiringly on it adorning his wrist.

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I look at it with an accomplishing smile. YES!!! MISSION COMPLETED!!! (Wew! It took me about two years.)

"Go take a shower already."



"But Yo wants to get more sleep." I whine. I"m actually planning to go back to sleep after he leaves.

"If Nong"Yo sleeps, who"s gonna have breakfast with me, then?"


"Just wash your face and brush your teeth… That should be enough. We"ll only have rice porridge at the restaurant downstairs anyway."

"My treat."

Free Breakfast! That"s all he has to say for me to rush into the bathroom right away.

Inside The Porridge Restaurant…

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Looks like it was a bad idea afterall to join the soph.o.m.ore Campus Moon for breakfast. I haven"t taken any shower yet. I only washed my face and brushed my teeth and here I am, eating porridge with him. What will people say? Ai"Yo walking with Ai"handsome?

Look at all those ladies and guess whom are they staring at?

No need to ask to be precise...

"Gossiping about P" in your head again, right?"

The f.u.c.k!?!? "What?"

"You"re making a cunning face."

"No, I"m not." I shook my head swiftly.

"Hmm... Don"t let me find out."


"P" will..." He uses his big hands to pull my face close to him.

"Fine... I give in." I raised my hands indicating surrender while P"Pha laughs.

There... I only see that rare smile whenever he teases me... Then what do those smiles mean whenever he"s acting normal? All pretense?

"Good Morning, Moh"Phana... Got up early today, huh?" Khun"Par, the owner of that restaurant, greets P"Pha with a smile as soon as we arrive. [Note: Moh means Doctor while Par means Auntie]

"I wasn"t able to sleep well last night, khrub." He greeted back. They seem to be very familiar with each other.

"Why was that? Be careful or you will loose your handsomeness."

"Does Khun"Par thinks I will loose my handsomeness so easily? "

Gosh!!! I"m so giving up on you. You gorgeous narcissistic p.r.i.c.k! But it"s true, no one can argue with that, then why am I sulking?

"I"ll have the usual khrub. One egg porridge and lots of pork liver."

"Okay. How about you, Noo"?" [Note: Noo" means littile boy/girl]

I turned to the restaurant owner right away. "Me?"

"Yes, you... Noo". What do you want, sweetie? Same with his"?"

I"m still stunned with the word "Noo" a bit... a 178 cm. tall Noo".

"Khrub. The same is fine, khrub."

I scratch my head whilst following P"Pha to a vacant table inside the restaurant. He still has that big smile on his face after hearing Khun"Par address me as "Noo".

"What?" I"m loosing my patience towards this guy. ?

He smirks "It sounds so cute and funny khrub... Khun Noo"Yo."

I almost threw up after hearing what he said. "Stop calling me that. It"s not funny at all."

"It"s Par who started it, not me."

"Stop it."

P"Pha finally nods this time, but I don"t believe him. He"s a big jerk. He"ll call me that again for sure one of these days.

"You"re a Freshman, aren"t you, Noo?" Khun"Par serves us with two bowls of rice porridge. I nodded at her question.

Fine. ? I"ll be a "Noo" for her only. "Khrub, Par..."

"Come back more next time na... Come with him. You guys can help my restaurant survive."

"Why is it so, khrub?"

"There... Can"t you see? Whenever Mo"Phana is here, there will be so many girls around."

I gave her a forced smile, while P"Pha sits quietly quirking his eyebrows towards my direction. P"Pha, you jerk!

"And... Noo", please come with him more often, na? You guys are both good looking."

"Err..r...r.." From now on, you can hire me as your promoter, khrub Khun"Par. I charge less! Hahaha. ?

"Look there, see that?" She points at a large group of girls walking past yet they suddenly changed their minds and headed back into the restaurant the moment they saw P"Pha"s face.

I repeat... P"Pha"s face. ?

This is probably the reason why we got so many pork livers in our rice porridge.

"So popular! Aiish!" I talked sarcastically about the truth with P"Pha.

"That"s only the surface part."

"Aiishh..!" This narcissistic b.a.s.t.a.r.d is getting into my nerves!

"Hurry up, before it gets cold..."

"It"s too hot. It"ll burn my mouth."

"Blow on it first then eat carefully. Do you want to have someone blow on it for you?" P"Pha tries to grab my spoon and blows some for me that"s why I have to pull the spoon back from him. It"ll gonna be so embarra.s.sing.

"I can do it myself."

"But you"re a Khun"Noo, I almost forgot." [Note: Khun"Noo is a term called for a young master surrounded by many servants or nannies].

"Stop it. I"m not that spoiled."

He looks after me and makes sure I can eat that bowl of hot rice porridge by myself. He still probably thinks that I"m a Khun"Noo for sure.

Well, I wouldn"t be surprised but right now, the restaurant is full of students which most are females. It"s very obvious that they are here for P"Pha just to ogle at him while talking in hushed voices among themselves. P"Pha doesn"t care about them at all though. He focuses on his breakfast, while I can see that people are also staring at me too which made me feel awkward all of a sudden.

"Here." P"Pha scoops some of the pork liver from his plate and puts it to mine. "That"s my favourite. Normally, I don"t share it with anyone else."

Should I be proud? "Thank you khrub."

"Dig up. You"re way too skinnier than Ai"Ming. How can you beat him if you"re this malnourished?"

I gaped at him. "Beat Ai"Ming? No way. That"s impossible."

"Right. No way possible indeed." Aisht, P"Pha! Have you ever cheered anyone up for at least once in your life? ?

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"Pha..." I remember that voice. It"s P"Pring. She looks so beautiful as usual with brand names adorning her fashion all the way from her head to toe. ? She even make girls awe at her beauty.

"Hmmm?" P"Pha replies.

"Why are you up so early today?" She"s smiling at me and P"Pha. d.a.m.n! I feel like I could no longer swallow this porridge so smoothly. "Can I join you guys?"


"Khrub." We almost said it both simultaneously.

P"Pring preferred sitting next to P"Pha. "Par"Kha. Just the usual, kha." She calls her order for Khun"Par to hear. It seems like she"s also one of the regulars here, huh.

Did she came here together with him? And why am I even tightening my grip on the spoon this time? ?

"How was the trip? You"re not getting tanned even after coming back from the beach."

"Oh, we really didn"t get out in the sun that much khrub."

"Too bad. It"s a b.u.mmer I wasn"t able to come with you guys. It"s good though that I could spend more time studying for someone..." She teases P"Pha.

"Give me a break. You"re aiming for the high scores again, aren"t you?" He sips some water right after speaking.

"Pha chose to go to the beach instead of studying for the quizzes."

"Review some for me later, would you please?"

"Okay. When?"

"Up to you. I"m too lazy to read them all. I"d rather listen to you reviewing."

"I"ll text you then."

The rest of their conversation revolved around Medical terms and stuff. I can only catch up a few of their topics owing to the fact that Biology School also has subjects that are inclined with their lessons. It didn"t stop me from feeling left out from these two though. They are busy chatting while I was like a street child in front of them stirring the porridge in the bowl distractedly.

Since when did I begin to feel like I"m an intruder? Don"t ask me, I don"t know either. ?

"Nong"Yo... Why, you"re so messy when eating…" I raise my face when I was called and not long after that, P"Pha uses a tissue to wipe the smudge of porridge at the corner of my mouth.

P"Pring smiles at me. "So cute."

"Don"t praise him too much or he"ll become arrogant."

"It"s quite strange. You used to argue with him a lot, but these days Pha is really close with Nong."

"Well, just like what you"ve seen." P"Pha is acting like a nanny, wiping my mouth like I"m a baby while talking to P"Pring.

"Poor Nong"Suthee. He"ll be so sad if he finds out his senior only looks after the Moon from another faculty like this." Suthee is the newest Moon from Med School. It seems P"Pring equivocally teases P"Pha but he seems not to care about it at all.

"Naah, let him be." This guy looks more serious on taking care of me instead of Ai"Suthee. "You"re too hopeless, Nong"Yo... Pring, can you move a bit for me, please?"

He walks out from his seat and leaves P"Pring moving her chair back a bit looking confused. P"Pha then comes to sit next to me. "Such a baby."

Since I got a small mouth, b.a.s.t.a.r.d! ?

She witnesses everything from the time P"Pha holds my face to the time he uses the tissue to wipe my mouth clean.

"Enough already!" I complained. "It"s really not that messy."

"Every spoon is a mess when you eat."

"That"s not true." I feel so embarra.s.sed to both P"Pha and the people who"s looking right at us.

"Let"s see about that." He grabs my spoon and tries to feed me.


"Pha." P"Pring shouts out with a chilling voice that makes both of us look at her curiously. "Don"t you need to go to school? It"s almost time now."

"Nah. I can speed up the car. Shouldn"t take too long." He keeps looking at me while speaking to P"Pring.

I"m not a baby, you know!

"Can Pring go with you kha, Pha?"

His hand that"s trying to feed me stops instantly. He looks at P"Pring and asks. "Where is your car?"

"It"s in the garage. Needs some maintenance check for at least two weeks."

"Hmmm..." P"Pha"s pondering for a moment. I keep staring at my bowl of rice porridge to let them talk, but I can feel something touching me. It"s this big guy"s finger scratching my hand. "May I give her a ride?"

What the f.u.c.k? Why do you have to ask for my permission!?!?!


"I"m asking for your permission. Can I give her a ride today?"

f.u.c.k.... And why do you even have to ask me?

How about give it a try looking at the girl sitting right in front of you? She"s so angry right now. My jaw drops that I have no idea what to say other than scratching my head with a confused face.

"What do you say?"

It"s very clear that P"Pha doesn"t care about P"Pring at all.

"Okay." I said softly. My heartbeat is beating up a little. I"m not really sure if that"s the right answer.

"Are you sure?" He tries to make a double check.

I look down under the desk. "Umm.mm"

P"Pha pats my head and messes my hair a little before he continues eating his porridge.

Do you know what happened next?

He uses his other free hand to place it on top of my other hand which I rested on my lap and leaves it right there innocently.

I tried moving away since I"m worried other people might see us but he doesn"t let me to.

I"m not even sure if P"Pring sees that.

"I"ll wait in the car."

She speaks in her coldest voice I"ve ever heard. She left her bill on the table taking her Prada purse along with her before walking out of the restaurant.

"P"Pha... Let go of my hand."



"You"re worried, aren"t you?"

"a.s.shole. No."

"I have nothing to do with her since forever."

"Let go."


"Aisshh P"Pha..."

"Say it that you"re not going to be worried about this." P"Pha moves his face closer without bothering about other people"s eyes at all. Oh come on! You"re the Campus Moon for this rice porridge"s sake! ?


"Say it."

"I"m not worried."

"Are you sure?"


"It"ll only take a 5 minute drive from here to the faculty. Nothing"s gonna happen during this period of time, understand?"

My heart is beating like crazy now. Finally, he lets go of my hand. I couldn"t say or do anything else other than lower my head while staring anonymously at the bowl. I feel so embarra.s.sed to both myself and everyone else in that restaurant while the culprit sitting beside me simply pretends like nothing happened.

When he"s serious... everything becomes so clear and certain between him and I. Nothing else matters even those stares coming from the eyes of other people inside the restaurant.

"I have been waiting for Nong"Yo for quite too long. I won"t let any minute pa.s.s by having you misunderstand things about me." P"Pha speaks gently.

I... I couldn"t say anything in response. The only thing I know is that I"m so proud of this guy, the one I choose to give my heart to.

Hope you can be like this forever.

"Gossiping about me inside your head again?" P"Pha puts the spoon down looking right at me. "What do I need to do to make you trust me?"

He made a face like he"s in deep thoughts and takes the card out of his wallet then lays it down on the table right in front of me. It looks so old and shabby due to being folded but it"s obvious that the one handling it took very good care of it that"s why I feel strangely happy deep inside.

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"I"ll do the same method as Nong"Yo did."

What method? What did I do????

He takes a sticky note out of his wallet and writes something in it before folding and sliding it inside my own.

Everything happened so fast that I have no idea what he just wrote there.

"I"m going to school now, then you can read it as soon as I"m away. If you lose it, I"ll be very mad at you." P"Pha warns. "Par... Check please."

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It"s almost time for their cla.s.s to begin. We walk to his car while P"Pring is waiting beside it. She looks at me a lot different than before, I can clearly tell. The way she glares at me looks like she hates me.

"Sorry. Took me so long."

"Are we gonna make it on time?" She"s obviously a bit mad at P"Pha too.

"Take my call, okay?" He turns to me and messes my hair again. "Get some more sleep, but not too long or your face will look puffy."

f.u.c.k! How can I get more sleep now that he"s saying something like that?

"Just kidding." He smiles. "I"ll be leaving na."

I nod before he walks to the car. "Let"s go."

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P"Pring"s cold look throwing right at me caught my eye that made me step back a little before seeing her getting into the car with him.

If this was the same scenario that had happened only a few days ago, my heart would surely feel hurt, but...

Naah... ?

As soon as P"Pha"s car left, I hurried back into my room with a very curious thought about what he wrote on that sticky note.

I"m quite excited.

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I let myself collapse intentionally on the couch and took the piece of sticky paper out of my wallet.

I couldn"t stop smiling.

It"s the lamest heart shape being drawn I"ve ever seen.

To my dearest Nong"Yo,

You always have my heart...

From P"Pha.

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------------*- To Be Continued -*------------

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