
Chapter 40

Credits to Chiffon_cake for the original story 

Media files by: PinkMilk Subs 
Phana"s POV...

I was in total panic after Pring pulled me inside the changing room.

And it happened right before Nong"Yo"s eyes for crying out loud!


Now, I"m not sure if he saw what happened but if he did, we"re sure gonna have a long talk later.

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"Hey! Pring... Why are you doing this?" I"m a bit mad at her as I try to yank her hand off me so I can leave the room.

"I have something to talk to you about."

"Is it anything urgent? I"m in a hurry, you know..." I"m not letting Forth get closer to Nong"Yo anymore.

"Have you ever had feelings for me at all?"

What the f.u.c.k!!! ?

h.e.l.l... I"m quite stunned hearing that question from her. This is something very serious indeed that I have to clear up things with her right away.


"I want to hear it from you."

Why the heck does she suddenly wants to know about how I feel for her right now? This isn"t the right time for this thing at all!

"Pring... You"re my friend..."

That"s all I can say for now.

"What about those things you have done to me? Those kindness you have shown me?"

"I"m sorry to make you misunderstand... But if you come to think about it, I"ve been treating you no different from those other female friends of mine." I am so ready to lose a friend right now. This mess has to stop. "If those things I did for you made me think I have feelings for you, then... I"m sorry."

"I don"t need your apology... How about my feelings?" She starts yelling at me. This conversation is getting way dramatic as of the moment. If she raises her voice even more, people outside will definitely hear us. "Can"t it be me? Can"t you make yourself love me at all? Or are you being in love with someone else then?"

I was about to tell her first, but it was her who brought it up.

"Please don"t tell me you"re in love with that silly little brat next door."

Pring was shocked to see me nod. I didn"t even refuse her allegations.

"But he"s a boy!"

"It"s not important."

"It is important. It"s wrong... You have never been like this before. You"ve never been into guys."

"I never liked guys. I only like Nong"Yo."


"Excuse me, Pring."


I don"t give a d.a.m.n worrying about her anymore. I don"t know what will happen to our friendship from now on, but it better end this way because I"ll never be able to get myself love her more than just a friend, whether Yo is involved with my feelings or not.

That"s the truth.

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"f.u.c.k!" I yelled at my two best friends after they left me alone with Pring. "You guys totally ditched me, you a.s.sholes!"

"Well, she said she wants to clear up on something with you. That"s why we gave you guys a bit of private time to talk." Kit pa.s.ses on the drinking water he was holding to cool myself down.

"Where"s Yo?"

"He must be ready by now, but it"ll be a while before his turn."

"Wanna go with me?" I asked Kit.

"Why do I have to go with you?"

"Perhaps you want to see Ai"Ming..."

"Shut the f.u.c.k up, Pha... You piece of s.h.i.t."

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I shrug as I left my friends to visit the people at the backstage. Most are taking selfies while the others are waiting for their queue. There are a few running here and there getting themselves ready for their performance.

Everything is chaotic, just like last year.

I stumbled on a few people before I came across this group of staff from the Science Faculty. One of the Fairy Angels was even jumping up and down the moment he/she sees me.

"Aaaaw... So handsome." He clutches his chest. "Can I help you with something, kha? Doc Phana."

"There are lots of choices to choose from... Pick any. We have all sizes from the biggest to the smallest ones." The staff who"s working on Nate"s make up throws his sweet smile.

"Have you seen Nong"Yo?"

I think I had just burst their dream bubbles out. "Sigh... Too bad he doesn"t prefer any of us." They look fine though, they"re not really mad at me or anything. "I saw him walking to get his music scores at the parking lot. And... There"s this Moon from engineering who went to accompany him."


"Which parking lot is it, khrub?"

"Over th..." He hasn"t finished talking yet but I decide to head for the place he mentioned right away. I"m starting to sweat like a pig after running around looking for Yo.

Lucky that the parking lot has a lot of free s.p.a.ce so I can just walk around comfortably, but the problem is with the dust all over since it"s located on a ground area. There are way so many vehicles parked around since there are a lot of guests coming even from other universities as well.

But which one is it?

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There! Forth"s height becomes quite handy this time. I can see him standing beside one of those cars where Yo must probably be busy getting his things. I was right the moment I walked towards the car as I saw him getting something from the compartment while Forth is looking right at me.

No need to greet each other.

"Coming here for Nong?" He whispers. Yo didn"t seem to hear us because he"s quite busy at the backseat.


"I saw you went into that room with Pring."


"Which of both do you want exactly?"

Well, on normally occasions, we talk comfortably accompanied most of the time with a good laugh, but when I comes to Nong"Yo, it"ll only take the smallest matter to start a b.l.o.o.d.y fight between the both of us.

"I came looking for him all over the place no less than ten minutes after that. Isn"t it enough for an answer than you think?"

Forth trailed his eyes at me from head to toe. Of course, I"m such a mess right now. I no longer look as neat and handsome as I was on stage. Then he looks between me and the boy behind the car before saying those words in a serious tone. "If you hurt him, I won"t guarantee your safety." And walks away.

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I heave a deep sigh. It"s just the same time Yo takes his music scores along with the garment bag out of the car which probably contains his dress for tonight"s performance.

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"P"Pha..." He almost drops the garment bag he was holding while trying to hide those music scores away from me. Good thing I was right on time to grab it for him before it even hits the dusty ground.

"I"m not a ghost, you know."

"How did you get here? And where"s P"Forth?"

"Gone." I"m a bit mad. "You wanna go after him?"

f.u.c.k!!! He seems like he"s really doing what I am suggesting him to do. I rearranged his dress quietly then followed behind him. If Forth saw me being dragged by Pring into that room, how much more Yo?

"Are you mad at me?"

"No... Can you just leave? I need to concentrate."

"You"ll be up in no less than thirty minutes so we still have time." There are only a few shows left to perform.

"It doesn"t matter... Just go." He pushes me a little.

"Hey... I know you"re mad."

Yo just walks away without uttering any single word. I have to do a bit of a run to catch up his pace.

"We need to talk. You can"t go up on stage like this."

He halts. I can see his mixed emotions right through his eyes. He"s confused, mad, stressful and worried all at the same time.

"Don"t you trust me anymore?" I was trying to make him feel better. "I couldn"t resist Pring from dragging me into that room. Haven"t you seen my face? I was surprised about what she did too."

"It"s..." Finally he speaks, although it comes from the conflicting mind inside him. "I don"t know... But when I saw you two getting into that private room... Both of you seemed... perfect for each other."

"It"s you and I who"s perfect. One is getting mad while the other tries to make it up for him."

It probably worked, I guess. Yo seems to get uncertain about his moody feelings by now.

"Yo... You have won my heart for so many years. Why are you still worried?"


"You don"t have to speak anymore."


"It was nothing. Look at me... Can"t you tell how much time I have spent running around looking for you? I"m such a mess, see." I don"t even know nor care about my makeup anymore. The little guy in front of me sigh deeply as he tries to fix my wrinkled shirt.

s.h.i.t!!! That cute face (The I-already-forgive-you face) is almost an inch away from me now. I am stunned completely. He couldn"t even look at me in the eyes with his face flushing beet red.

"I have to get ready." Yo continues to walk away.

"Don"t you need these clothes?"

He stops and turns at me. "... Ain"t you coming with me?"

A few minutes later...

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I am about to see Yo perform in no time.

I"m so excited, a lot more than Ai"Ming"s breath-taking Muay Thai Show. Well, seriously talking about that tall best friend of his. Why is he so f.u.c.king awesome on that sport? I have no idea where he learned all those advanced level of martial arts like those "Hanuman giving rings" and "Crocodile thrashing tail" which aren"t easy to learn at all. At first, he can get so much screaming from his fans during his first appearance wearing nothing except that Red Thong (Ancient Thai Garment) with boxing gloves along with that ancient head ring on his head. Not to mention, his body can get so much screams from those ladies and a few... Gentlemen? Well... Not just his body but also the way he fights with those stunt actors (All of whom are Ai"Forth"s friends) accompanied by a Muai Thai song on the background can get even louder screams from his fans.

The energy surrounding the place during his performance will surely make Ai"Ming reach the top three. I"m certain of it.

And then it"s now Yo"s turn...

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Beam pats my shoulder while we could hear the Fairy Angel"s screams from behind. Now the Moon from the Facuty of science walks on the stage wearing his natural naïve shyness. Yup... That"s him. That"s his charm, alright.

My little boy is very shy. I can tell because he keeps on scratching himself adorably as he forces himself to smile in front of everyone. That"s the money shot. He"ll definitely get a lot of votes from his fan club.

He sits in front of the grand piano on stage that made his fans scream for more because they finally realize it will be Nong"Yo who will play the piano which has been standing quietly on the stage since the beginning of the compet.i.tion.

"Err... Khrub... Wayo Khrub... From the Faculty of Science."

I couldn"t stop smiling. He acts so goofy while his face looked a bit surprised from the enormous spotlight light that was focused directly at him along with thousands of people inside the auditorium which probably made him a bit nervous.

"Before I begin... I would like to tell you a story." Everyone went quiet as they listen to him. I did the same wondering about what he"s going to say. Will it probably be about me? "... The reason behind me being selected to become the Moon representative from the Faculty of Science was because of a question."

"What"s the question? E-Yo!!!"

"b.i.t.c.h!!! How dare you call him E-Yo! Are you even close?!!"

"Oh... Okay... What"s the question, then? E-b.i.t.c.h Yo!!!"

Seems like those fairy angels are pretty close to Wayo. He smiles at his friends before answering.

"The question was... What is love in your opinion?"

His words caused some adoring humming sounds from the audience. But...Wait... I remember. I"ve heard about this question before. Was it from the meeting of the freshmen students from the Science Faculty at the gym when I went to play basketball along with my friends that I was even forced to say something during that meeting too?

If I could have been there a little bit longer, I might have seen him after all. Well, anyway... I would be stupid because I couldn"t recognize him yet back then.

"What was your answer, b.i.t.c.h?"

"b.i.t.c.h E-mon! Be polite."

"What was your answer kha?"

The loud conversation among those Fairy Angels becomes a joke in front of the stage for the audiences. Everyone is laughing at them. It probably helped Yo feel more relaxed while talking.

"I told our faculty president and my friends during the meeting that day..." Right. The Science President is a friend of mine. He"s standing right next to me acting as feminine as usual while smiling proudly at Yo. "Love is something that doesn"t expect for anything in return... That was my answer."

Everyone in the audience exchanged confused faces. I believe they were probably expecting for something fancier or something more arrogant than what he had mentioned.

"I am just an ordinary person... I learned to love based on my personal experience. I am no different from anyone else... That"s why tonight, I am going to sing a song called Ordinary Man to everyone khrub..."

Ordinary Man?

"And I would like to dedicate this song to someone." I can hear his voice being a little bit shaky. Everyone clap their hands to cheer him up... but why does he has to be shaken when he"s only talking about me?

"Thank you for paying attention to an ordinary person like me. Listen to what I"m going to sing for you, okay?"


The first note is rolling on the background since he already started fumbling his fingers on the piano keys. He turns toward the spot where I was standing then suddenly winks at me.

"Let"s go have some dinner after this, okay?"

"FUUUUCKKKKK..." Kit and Beam starts teasing me real big time while everyone is screaming out loud. I"m not so sure if it was because of his wink or it"s because of the piano starting to play. [Note: Or probably after hearing him asking you to have dinner in front of all these people! Kyaaaa ?] "That is sooo sweet!"

I"m not paying attention to my friends anymore because I"m only staring at Nong"Yo while listening.

"f.u.c.k, Ai"Kit... record it!"

"Shia! Right... I almost forgot."

They took my phone to record the video.

"เธอไม่ต้องกลัว ไม่ต้องหวั่นไหว" (You don"t have to be afraid. You don"t have to be uncertain.)

Hey... wait a minute...

"ไม่ต้องแปลกใจ เธอไม่ต้องกังวล" (You don"t have to be surprised. You don"t have to be concerned.)

He"s good at singing.

Way a lot better than me.

The screaming from the audiences are getting loud at this point.

"สิ่งที่ฉันนั้นทุ่มเทให้กับเธอ ไม่เคยคิดอะไร" (All that I have been dedicating or done to you. I"m never expecting things in return.)

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"Doc Phana..." The Science President walks his way to stand beside me. I turn to see him for a moment while Yo is singing.

"แค่อยากจะดูแลเธอเท่านั้น ไม่ได้ต้องการให้เธอมาสนใจ" (I just want to take care of you. You don"t have to pay attention to me.)

"Hey... What"s up?"

"ได้ใกล้ชิด ได้เป็นห่วงอยู่เสมอ แค่นี้ก็สุขใจแล้ว" (Only being this close to you. Only taking good care of you. That alone already makes me happy.)

"WaYo"s answer on that day didn"t really make him win the t.i.tle as our Faculty Moon."


"ไม่ได้หวังว่าเธอจะก้มมองคนธรรมดา ไม่ได้คิดคว้าดาวที่อยู่บนฟ้า" (I never expect you to look down at me. To a simple guy like me. I never think of reaching a star from the sky.)

"After he answered the question I gave him. He whispered to my ear telling me that his love is the same person who just came walking out of the Gym. Do you remember? It was the day I asked you to say something during the freshman meeting."

"แค่คนเดินดิน คนธรรมดา ไม่มีราคา ไม่มีคุณค่าใด ไม่ใช่ผู้วิเศษ อย่างใครใคร มีแต่ตัวและหัวใจเท่านี้ ที่พอจะให้ เธอ" (Just a normal guy... Just an ordinary guy... Nothing special... Nothing important... Like everyone else... But only me and my heart that have already been given all to you.)

"He told me how he likes you... He came here because of you. He walked down from the stands on that day because of you... And now, he becomes a Moon also because of you. It"s too bad I couldn"t tell anyone. Everyone had been so curious why I picked him."

I was listening while staring fondly at the cute adorable guy playing the piano. Staff members used some dry ice to make his performance on stage look even more romantic as part of the special effects.

Everything seems to have lost their importance that nothing can stop me from looking at him.

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The truth revealed by the Science President is like a charm bewitching me to stand there quietly. I could no longer understand the lyrics at all. I"m even no longer aware of my surroundings. Not anymore. It"s like there"s only Wayo and I inside that huge auditorium, him singing naturally while I am just watching from the audience... He doesn"t even put his feelings to what he plays that much. He simply sings right through his heart... With that alone, makes everything else perfect... He"s perfect.

"แค่คนเดินดิน คนธรรมดา ไม่มีราคา ไม่มีคุณค่าใด

ไม่ใช่ผู้วิเศษ อย่างใครใคร มีแต่ตัวและหัวใจเท่านี้ ที่พอ

จะให้เธอ..." (Just a normal guy... Just an ordinary guy... Nothing special... Nothing important... Like everyone else... But only me and my heart that have already been given all to you.)

That"s it. The song is finished while everyone is screaming and clapping so loud. The show host walks on the stage as they repeat introducing WaYo as the Moon Representative from the Faculty of Science.

As for me? I couldn"t feel a thing anymore.

I"m just standing there stunned still.

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"Hia, Ai"Pha."


"f.u.c.k... Ai"Pha." They have to call me twice to wake me up from being bewitched by his song.

"What"s wrong with you?"

"What the f.u.c.k are you still doing here? Where are the roses for the Popularity Vote?"

"s.h.i.t! I forgot." I pulled out some cash from my wallet as I make my way to go buy the roses for Nong"Yo.

"What are you doing, Boss? Just give us the money. We"ll go get it for you." Beam holds his hand out asking for the cash so I gave it to him. How much do I need? "s.h.i.t!!! Pha! Are you f.u.c.king crazy? 5,000 baht? Are you planning to buy a truck full of roses?"

"Seriously, boss... Pull yourself together, will you?" Kit couldn"t stop himself from laughing so hard at my stupidity. What? I can"t help it. I"m always like this when it comes to Nong"Yo.

"This should be enough. We"ll be right back." Beam said after returning 3000 cash to me. I looked back at the stage. Right... This is going to end soon. The results are coming in anytime. The next part will allow the audience to vote for the Star or Moon of their choice by giving them roses. After that, the final results will be announced for this year"s Campus Moon and Star.

Oh... Right... There"s something else. Right after the talent show, the hosts will need to ask some questions so the judges can give their final scores for the nominees. By the time Yo was called in for his question, I wasn"t able to hear his response because I was busy dealing with Beam and Kit about buying the roses, but I think it still goes well because everyone is cheering loudly after he gave his answer before the judges.

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"Pha..." Pring walks toward me with an angry face. "We need to go on standby for the awarding."

"Just a moment please..." I still need to give Yo the roses.

"No... We have to go now. It will start in about a few minutes."

Geez! I want to give him the roses myself, ? but it seems like Pring is not playing a trick on me this time since one of the staff members came rushing behind her to fetch me as well.

While getting ready with my makeup and my hairstyle being fixed, I threw a very disappointing look at the stage. Giving him those flowers later will be different from giving it to him right now. ?

------------*- To Be Continued -*-------------

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