A few months after the funeral of Mr.beam"s mother and father-

many biggest businessmen were present in Mr.beam"s house. being an elder son, Mr.beam had to carry on the business of his ancestors. after Mr.beam"s grandfather, Mr.beam"s father took the business forward. now when Mr.beam"s father and mother are no more, all the responsibility had come on Mr.beam"s shoulder.

- excuse me, all of the ladies and gentlemen may I have all of your attention, please? (speaks picks a gla.s.s from a few gla.s.ses of decorated wine on the table in the middle of the hall) I don"t know how I will handle this business in the future, but I will give my best. today I promise to do everything honestly. so enjoy this party. (towards upstairs gets up his wine gla.s.s) cheers to all.

everyone drinks wine after cheers.

- dude, that means you are not going to school? what will happen to your study? what about studying abroad after school? (taking a wine gla.s.s in his hand, Haruto asks standing in front of Mr.beam).

- I"ve thought a lot about it. I am thinking to do my study privately because I know that I will not be able to spend time in the study as much as I have to give time at work. (smiling slightly) don"t worry about me, think about yourself. try to fulfill your dream of studying abroad. okay, you enjoy the party, I see the guest. (Mr.beam goes to see the guest after patting the shoulder of Haruto).

after drinking a sip of wine, suddenly the eyes of the Haruto goes to Luisa. holding a gla.s.s of juice with her hands was standing alone in the corner and her bitterness glancing eyes focus at Mr.beam. Haruto, forward his footsteps towards Luisa.

- what happened? you looking upset, is something bad happened? (Luisa does not answer anything, she only concentrating gazing at Mr.beam). Luisa??? (after holding Luisa"s shoulder, Haruto speaks with a slight shake of the shoulder of Luisa).

- ohhhhh, (comes to sensing). what were you asking? sorry I couldn"t hear. can you say it again what you said earlier?

- I have been watching you for a long time, you look upset. has anything happened?

- (smirks) nothing has happened . what will happen to me? I"m all right.

- okay okay, I just asked you.

Luisa drinks a sip juice with a slight smile and starts looking at Mr.beam again. Mr.beam was talking to the guests with a smile.

- (Moving a little closer to Luisa) how happy is Mr.beam, isn"t he? it seems now Mr.beam is ready to take the business further. after all, uncle and aunt had love Mr.beam so much. sometimes I used to feel very much jealous by seeing the love of Mr.beam which uncle and aunt used to him.

Luisa doesn"t answer anything about Haruto"s words. she just gazing at Mr.beam with her bitter glance and holding the gla.s.s of juice with her hand more vigorously.


9:00 am in the morning.

Mr.beam was going to the police station by driving a car. Ronal was sitting beside of Mr.beam. suddenly Mr.beam"s phone starts ringing. Mr.beam is about to parking the car on the side of the road only then Ronal speaks.

- Mr.beam, you keep driving, I receive the phone. (looks the name on the mobile screen, Haruto"s name was on the screen. Ronal turns on the loudspeaker of the mobile while receiving.

- yes, say Haruto. (Mr.beam speaks while driving).

- dude, the area that you told about is a very good place for the hospital. I like it.

- okay then. we should be work has started as soon as possible.

- (hearing talk in haste, Haruto asks Mr.beam) are you busy? talking in such a hurry? did anything happen?

- yes. (looking at the front of the car) detective chuya has caught the doctor who had made Ronal"s report erroneous. I and Ronal are going to the police station. ok, I keep the phone. (Ronal is going to cut the phone only then Haruto speaks to stops).

- I also want to see the face of that b.a.s.t.a.r.d. I arrive there after a few minutes.

- but there is no need for you to suffer so much.

- why not? Luisa is just like my sister. after a few minutes, I arrive there.

-(smiling slightly) okay. dude, if you want to come then you can come. (cuts the phone).

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