3 hours was further for 6 o"clock in the morning.

- (screaming) Luisa I know you"re here somewhere because all the way to the house to outside is closed. I know you would definitely do something. don"t insist, get out. you"re a good kid, aren"t you? and good kids should listen to the elders. get out, I won"t do anything to you. (goes inside his room) Luisa, I know where you are. (Luisa was hiding under Haruto"s bed at the time. looking at Haruto"s steps while pressing her mouth with both hands. after searching for some time, haruto gets tired and sits on the same bed under which Luisa is hidden). ahhhhhhh (sigh), look Luisa you made me tired. I don"t have as much stamina as you have. come out, don"t torment me anymore.

(starts swallowing spit from the throat. the face is soaked with sweat and heartbeat has become so fast that Luisa herself gets to hear her heartbeat. Luisa never thought that the person whom she will trust a lot will one day stabbing the knife from behind).

ahhhhhh, it looks like you not going to come in my hands. ok never mind I know you are adept at playing hide and seek. come on, I will try well play now. (haruto gets up from the bed and walks out of the room).

(Luisa gets up of the bed and as she exits the room, haruto strikes on Luisa"s head with a thick rod from the front. blood begins to glow from Luisa"s head like a river. haruto strikes again on Luisa"s head and she falls to the ground. Luisa had been breathing despite having strikes on the head twice. seeing that Luisa had been taking long breath haruto has furthermore struck on Luisa"s head and Luisa holds her breath forever at that moment).

6:00 p.m. (in the present day),

detective chuya was sitting in the room and was watching the wedding pictures of Mr.beam and Ronal adorned on the wall. with some food by the staff Ronal enters the room and he tells the staff through the eyes to keep the food on the table in front of the chuya.

according to Ronal"s instructions the staff places the food on the table and leaves from there.

- ahhhhhh Mr.ronal, how will I eat so much? anyway, I had left the house after eating.

- never mind, ea..t what..ever you want.

- (raises a gla.s.s of juice placed on the table which was made of pomegranate) so tell me what was the matter?

- (while forward the card towards chuya) I rece...ived this card fro..m Mr.beam"s library. the inform..ation written in this card will not be suffic..ient for you but I have fou.nd this card among the pag.es of Luisa"s med.ical books.

- (grabs the card with one hand and the gla.s.s of juice with one hand) it has (looking at the card carefully) Haruto"s name.

- yes, you are gu..essing right, some..where I suspicion on har.uto. I had told Raimo.n to inquire about haruto and h.e did. after a few days, I fou..nd this card in the lib.rary.

- do you have any apparent information that you can share with me?

- as far as the out..come of the inves..tigation is concerned, I came to know that Mr.rexon was about to share a cont..ract with Mr.beam but Mr.beam refu..sed him. I had no idea that H..aruto"s father w..as Mr.rexon.

- (inhaling) ummmmmm, okay.

(only then Mr.beam enters the room).

- ohhhh, detective chuya? you? here?

- (smile) I came to meet Mr.ronal.

- (placing the bag on the bed) was there some work?

- (Ronal enters in the middle) she can..me to ask about my he.alth. leave all this, to.day you come ho..me is early?

- wooohhhhh amazing, if I don"t come home soon then you get scared and today I came home so early then you are asking questions.

- (chuya gets up after putting the card in the pocket) ughu ughu (coughing) seems now I should go.

- why are you going back? please sit. (Mr.beam indicates to sit).

- now I should go because I have a lot of work to do. ok, I take leave.

- okay.. (with a smile ).

after chuya leaves from the room, Mr.beam starts staring at Ronal as if trying to read the secret hidden on Ronal"s face.

- (with eyelashes blinking twice) w..hy are y..ou glimpsing me like this?

- you are not hiding anything from me, are you? (with skeptical eyes).

- Eeeeeeeee (taking out entire teeth) wh..y will I hide anythi..ng from you? no, it can"t be, ne.ver can"t be, I can"t hide anyt..hing from you.

- ( leaning his waist, peeking into Ronal"s eyes) well, is that it?

- (steals his eyes and the head swerves to the right) ye...s it is.

- (Mr.beam also turns to the right and peeks into Ronal"s eyes) is that really so?

- hehehehe, ye..s of course. (whirls his face to the left).

- (taking long breaths) okay. (Straightens his bending waist and goes for a bath).

At night, time at 8 p.m.

Ronal enters his room from outside -

- (with big eyes) ehhhhhhhhhhh, wh..at"s going on?

(clothes were scattered all around the room, from Ronal"s clothes to Mr.beam"s clothes. Mr.beam starts fixing all the clothes again and without saying anything he decorating into the cupboard.

Mr. beam had a habit sometimes whenever he used to get angry then he used to shatters all the clothes from the cupboard to around the room and then himself fixes those clothes and keeps inside the cupboard).

(Ronal places one hand on forehead) it se..ems, I have ma..de Mr.beam ver..y angry. ahhhhhh, G.o.d h.elp me.

At night at 10 p.m.

(The room was filled with silence so Ronal tries to break the silence).

- ohhhhh Mr.beam, you brou..ght my che..ckup report too (smiling) tha.nk you darling.

(Mr.beam doesn"t say anything, he pretends to read the book). (grumbling) at le..ast I des..erve to be the welco.me response. (opens the report which was placed on the table) waaahhhhhhhh, I h..ave impro.ved so much I d..on"t even know. (Ronal shook his paralyzed hand a little) oh wo.....w so much. I am pro..ud of myself. (still, Mr.beam doesn"t say anything). (talks to himself) Ron..al it"s enou..gh. he is not gon..na smile the.n leave this drama.

After 30 minutes,

(at that time, Mr.beam was looking for something in the cupboard and Ronal was sitting on the bed looking at Mr.beam).

- (suddenly) ohhhhh, I for..got to eat med.icine. (Ronal heightens his voice according to goes into the ears of Mr.beam).

(Mr.beam doesn"t say anything. after placing the medicine and gla.s.s of water on the table in front of Ronal, he goes again in front of the cupboard).

a few minutes pa.s.s,

- ohhhhh, uffffff, w..hy I feel c..old? (Ronal"s drama resumes again).

(Mr.beam silently covers with a blanket on Ronal"s upper body and again goes in front of the cupboard to pretend to find some stuff).

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