[some people were carrying Akisha"s corpse in the car for post-mortem].

Inside the interrogation room at the police station,

the police - so Mr.beam, tell me why did you do all this? why did you murder your own employee?

Mr.beam- I am repeatedly saying that I haven"t murdered Ms.akisha why you guys aren"t conceding. I didn"t even go to office today then how can I slaughter?

The police- you were at the place where akisha was murdered so how can you say clearly that you haven"t committed the murder? tell me in a straight way otherwise, I know how to extract the truth from the mouth of people.

Mr.beam- if I am saying that I haven"t slaughtered then how can I concede that I have committed murder? and why are you not trusting me on me?

the police - (gets up from the chair) speaks as much lies you can speak because until akisha"s report comes I give you an opportunity to think.

[the police officer goes walks out of the room].

It was almost 10 at night.

At Haruto"s house,

Haruto starts to walk around the room because haruto gets into thinking if he has not done this, then who has done? furthermore haruto looks a bit disturbance. the more people try to hide their mistake, the more it appears and now something like this was been going to happen with haruto.

suddenly detective chuya and some police together stand in front of the door of Haruto"s house and press the doorbell. shortly after haruto opens the door and seeing some police with detective chuya outside his house, he asks- yes detective chuya? you here? right now?

- inspector, catch this man. (chuya said).

[the police promptly put handcuffs on both hands of the haruto without saying anything].

- hey what have I done? (with wobbling Haruto asks) see, you can"t take me this way? (police grubs Haruto from both sides) hey hey hey why are you guys gripping me like this? detective chuya what have I done?

- (smirks) Are you still pretending? do you really think that you are a good actor? if you think so, then you are wrong. you will get the answer to each of your questions at the police station. (loudly) inspector take this man.

[the police dragged Haruto into the car and leave from there].


according to the address detective chuya and Raimon reach that place. the house was a little far from all the houses in that street, all the houses in the street were adjoining but Haruto"s house was slightly separated.

- (Raimon looking at chuya) detective chuya, the Haruto"s house gate is closed, now what will we do?

[then only a woman was pa.s.sing through that street. chuya instantly goes to the woman"s front and asks].

- excuse me, can you tell me why this house is closed?

- ohhhhhh, are you a relative of the owner of this house?

- no no no, I have come here for my (making fake blushing) honeymoon(indicating towards Raimon) with my husband. no hotel was visible here.

- sorry, but you will not find any such hotel in this street but there is a lane ahead, you can find hotels there.

- thank you but why is this house"s gate closed?

- I don"t know too extensively. I had heard that since the owner of this house lost his wife he had gone into depression and he didn"t get out of the house, used to spend all day inside the house.

- can I still find that person at this house?

- probably not will be met because the owner was taken here to somewhere a few days ago. but I don"t know which place.

- (bowing head) thank you.

(the woman takes leave from there).

- hhhhhhhha (sigh) what to do now? I also don"t understand anything. (standing in front of Raimon).

- what did that woman tell you?

- the woman had said that when the father of Haruto lost his wife, he came into depression and he didn"t come out of the house. it is a matter of a few days that Haruto"s father has been taken from here to somewhere? I still remember that Mr.ronal had said that Haruto"s father has been gone to abroad but why I am feeling something going wrong? haaaahhh (placing both hands on her waist).

- what shall we do now?

- (looks at around the place once carefully) from this gate we have to jump to that side.

- (making his face Bizarre) no no no no (nodded head) if anyone sees then it will be not our lucky day.

- we have to do it. ummmmm let"s get up.

[both jump from the wall ].

Before entering the house chuya and Raimon looks around the house. even after searching around 30 minutes both don"t find anything so both becoming ready to go through the window inside. "1 minute" suddenly Raimon stops chuya.

- what happened? why did you stop me?

- I saw that there was a room outside which was adjoining with the house and the door was locked.

- then why we here? let"s break the door of that room, let"s see what"s inside. we don"t have much time. before anyone saw us, we have to do this work quickly.

[both instantly goes to that room"s front. everything that both see as soon as they went inside the room was enough to prove haruto convict in front of everyone. the doors outside the room were like the doors of the grocery store but the door was not properly locked. maybe someone had come and forgot to lock the door appropriately. there were three to four cars inside, one of the cars was black in color which was Raimon did recognize. that was a black car in which Luisa was recorded into the video by giving money to some goons and inside the same car was found a rod with Luisa"s prisoner number].



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