- since then I was thinking that haruto has a hand behind killing akisha but I was wrong. (Chuya speaks to Ronal).

- (swiveling his wheelchair) I a..lso felt so. (Looking at chuya) so wh..o can it be right now who attacked me?

- after having so many bodyguards and installing so many CCTV"s at home, all this happened. (Chuya starts chewing her nails in worried).

After a few minutes, lusafa enters the room.

- (while gasping) Mr.ronal we couldn"t catch that person.

- what? Da...mn. Did you s..ee his face?

- no, he had his face covered with a mask but he was wearing the uniform of our bodyguard"s uniform from somehow and came here so that he could kill you.

- (chuya speaks in the middle) Mr.ronal I think the security guard in your home will have to be more so that the person couldn"t harm you.

- I too feel the same. (Lusafa speaks).

- (sigh) haaaahhhh, alri..ght then...

- okay, I brought some police today for your surveillance. Don"t worry.

(At slight smile comes out on Ronal"s face but he wasn"t happy ).

Morning time,

It was almost 10 in the morning. Ronal was peeping out the window, suddenly someone catches Ronal"s waist from behind.

- (in suppressed voice) w..ho is?

- (kissing on Ronal"s cheek) I am your husband.

- (hearing the voice of Mr.beam swivels his wheelchair towards Mr.beam) Mr.b..eam? You?

- yes, I am. Didn"t you glad to see me?

- if not ha..ppy, my lips wouldn"t smile. You don"t kno..w how happy I am to see you b..ut I am also afraid at the same time.

(Mr.beam sits down in front of Ronal).

- (lovingly touching Ronal"s cheek) as long as you are with me nothing will happen to me.

(Mr.beam embraces Ronal while speaking).

- is th...at culprit arre...sted who killed Ms.akisha? (Ronal asks while hugging).

- (releasing Ronal from his arms) No, he hasn"t been caught yet but I am not involved in this, it has been proved but still? (Stops in the middle).

- but still wh...at Mr.beam?(frustrated glance).

- chuya said that according to the report I entered the office 5 minutes after akisha dies but the police will keep a close watch on me. They will look at me with suspicion because the culprit has not been caught so I"m not completely innocent proved yet.

- (Ronal wipes Mr.beam"s cheek with one of his hand in a lovable glance) I"m wi..th you, don"t worry (With a smile).

[Relationships can"t be deep until you can"t feel the tears falling from the eyes of your loved ones and can"t stand with that person at the time].

In the court,

Keeping all the evidence in mind, the court declares that Mr.haruto is a criminal, he has killed Ms.luisa so the court sentences him to life imprisonment.

It was 8 o"clock at night.

After finishing all the office work Raimon and lusafa leave for the house by walking. Although both apartments are a little far from the office still lusafa prefers to walking on the road.

- (While walking) you know I haven"t slept since yesterday. (Sighs) haaaahhhhh, I am missing you a lot (the bed). As soon as I will arrive inside the room, I will lay on you. (Holding his arms tightly with his both hands) I am coming to you (the bed), don"t worry, I"m coming to you soon. To hug you. I love you dear bed. (With tantrums).

(Lusafa doesn"t respond to anything; he just keeps on going quietly).

- (looking at lusafa) what happened? Why are you so quiet today? Have you seen a ghost anywhere?

- (abruptly) Raimon, let"s get married both.

(Raimon stops in the middle of the way. He doesn"t believe that what he heard right now is really true or he has made a mistake in hearing it).

- (Raimon clears his ear and asks lusafa) what What What, What did you say? Just say properly.

- (seeing Raimon, lusafa also stops and speaks while holding both hands of Raimon) sometimes I think that I unfair to you, I making a mistake in understanding you. Thinking all this makes me nervous. I feel that because of all this I will not be able to forgive myself at all. But now I have realized that in my life you are the most important person that makes me desperately need you and no one else. So I want to do it now. You know I don"t believe much about marriage but today for the first time I want to like trusting marriage. I used to think that marriage only keeps people together for a few days but today I feel that I can trust this marriage because you have given me this a.s.surance and no one else.

- (lays both his hands on the shoulder of lusafa) it will be the way you want, but if you force yourself to marry, I will not like it.

- (staring sharply) does that mean you don"t want to marry me?

- (hiding happiness inside) it is not that I don"t want to get married but you probably want to forcefully marry with me. (With tantrums).

(Before lusafa could say something Raimon swiveling behind to stop his laughing so that lusafa doesn"t know).

- well if you don"t want to get married then I also don"t want to force because marriage is considered a good symbol of connecting two hearts. If you don"t want to get married, no problem I will marry someone else.

(Raimon gets furious with anger. He is about to say something while twisting towards lusafa only then he gets silent after seeing the wedding ring in lusafa"s hands).

- (with a smile on lusafa"s lips) stop your gimmick and your tantrums. I know you are lying.

- (Raimon suddenly starts crying and he sits on the way. He whispers while crying ) Thank you Lusafa for marrying me, I will never forget this.

- ohhhhhh my baby..(Lusafa grips Raimon"s shoulder for lifts Raimon from the ground and embraces him).

It was 10 in the night(at Mr.beam"s house),

Seeing Ronal"s phone ringing Mr.beam said to Ronal- ahhhhh haaaa, pick up your phone baby, what are you searching can also be found later.

- (while searching in the cupboard) no Mr.beam, ho..w can I lose the shirt yo.u gave me. Please pick up the call for me.

- hey, I will give another shirt, why are you getting so worried?

- no, you ha..ve given it to me for the first time, I c..an"t lose it.

(Ronal turns his wheelchair and goes towards another room)

- crazy boy. (With a smile).

(At that time, Mr.beam was sitting in bed and reading a book. Keeps the book on the side takes Ronal"s phone and receives it which placed on the table in front. Above the screen of the phone was an unknown number).

- h.e.l.lo!!!

- ohhhh, so you. (From the other side of the phone).

- (holds the phone properly) who are you?

- hmmm mmmm, so desperate to know who I am.

- (screaming) who are you? I"m asking who are you? And why did you call on Lucifer"s number?

- you will not be so surprised to see me because of your old relationship between me and you. Don"t worry, I will not doing anything with your beloved Ronal because I want to kill you desperately.

- you!!!

- (before Mr.beam was able to say something, the unknown person speaks) tomorrow at 5 p.m, come to there where I will tell you. If you want the well-being of Ronal then you will definitely come tomorrow.

( disconnected the phone).

[I want to thank all those who have had read this novel with so much patience. There are only three episodes left for the novel ends. thank you].

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