A+A-Chapter 8

Chapter 8 “New Nutrient System”

These pipes are all over the body of the Shield worm, every corner of the body, except for the position around the esophagus, but Lynn thinks the side of the esophagus should have been destroyed by the virus. And all the pipes were connected with the big thing in the middle, and Lin didn’t know what it meant. After observing for a while, Lin gave up and started eating them.

Until Lin’s devourers bite through these pipes, Lin slowly began to understand their uses.

There are not only a lot of blue cells in the pipeline, but also a lot of fats and oils, various food debris, and a lot of immune cells.

These immune cells are not the same as Lynn had seen before. They are small in size and larger than the virus. They are probably the reason why the pipeline is not affected by the virus. They secrete a kind of sticky substance that can stop the virus from approaching.

But why are other organs in the shield worm destroyed by the virus? Lin believes that the immune cells may only be responsible for the defense of the pipeline, and the immune cells responsible for the defense of other organs are blocked by Lynn’s forces, causing the destruction of other organs.

Lynn does not know why these immune cells only stay in the pipeline and not go elsewhere, but this is not the main concern of Lin.

Lynn is mainly concerned with the use of these pipes to see if the composition of the shield worm is different from its own cell composition.

These pipes should mainly be used for transmission of nutrients, so they spread throughout the body.

This effect of transmitting nutrients feels very good. Lynn’s transmission method only allows the cells of the combination to attach to fat cells, and then let them transfer to each other. The speed is much slower. Some larger phagocytosis people need to fill up with nutrients. A long time is needed to complete this.

What Lean feels is most powerful is that the huge thing that the center of these pipes are connected to. It was discovered after Lynn had eaten a part of it. It was almost composed of cells like its muscle cells, which means this Things can be contracted or inflated, just like a pump, so that all the nutrients and cells in the pipeline flow quickly to all parts of the body.

What is the ‘pump’?

Don’t care about this baffling word, but this structure is really good.

Yes, just combine these pipes into a structure that can circulate, and then at one of these points, form a place for food, and then as long as the central muscle structure keeps shrinking, the cells circulating in the pipe can continue to transmit for the body. nutrient.

The shield worm must have a place for food to connect to these pipes, but Lynn could not find it. It was probably destroyed by the virus.

However, this structure is so effective.

Lynn’s phagocytosis is composed of pure muscle cells plus pure killer cells in the mouth. It is said that the damage and power of single cells is very strong, but it is also consumed quickly and it is easy to get into a state of fatigue. It will take a long time to reactivate.

The mother ship skin is a type of cell that is relatively hardened. Because while hardening the cell does not move, it does not consume energy. However, the tentacles of a moving mother ship are also pure muscle structures, and if they continue to move, they are p.r.o.ne to fatigue.

However, with this structure, the muscle may be weaker than before, but it can be active for a long time and it can quickly repair the damage.

Feeling very good, although the part of the meal is not enough to repair the mother ship‘s damaga, but it feels worth killing the worm to kill, so that it can learn a lot, if not

the other parts have been destroyed by the virus, it is estimated to learn more.

The virus must not be used again next time.

At the same time Lin was thinking about it, the cells ate almost everything they had left in the shield worm.

The surrounding ice slowly melts. Lin also repairs the mother ship. Although the part of the shield worm that can be eaten is very little, Linda itself stores a lot of fat cells, which is enough to repair the entire mother ship.

The green cells in the “feeding ring” on the carrier’s skin also escaped this crisis because they happened to be on the other side, the shield worm did not eat that position, and Lynn found that they had a very good look. With the light shining through the ice, they split even more.

Lin is considering whether or not to get more breeding circles.

However, the most important thing now is to work out the structure of the circulation pipeline first.

After the mother ship was repaired, Lin began to construct the pipe structure learned from the shield worm in the hollow body of the aircraft carrier.

The first is the composition of muscle cells that can quickly shrink and expand in the center, and Lin finds it has a new word to describe this part.


The heart is mainly divided into two layers. The upper layer is responsible for inhaling the water in the pipeline and then extruding it into the lower layer for release.

Then the pipeline structure, Lin let the basic cells make up these pipes, they are all inter-connected, and at the ends are connected to the mother ship’s inner wall in various locations, can feed nutrients to the entire mother ship at any time.

Lin’s previous practice was to form some tentacles that absorb nutrients in the second half of the mother ship. They mainly devour food and let the cells communicate with each other. The efficiency is completely inferior to the flow of water to transfer nutrients.

The word pipeline is called ‘blood vessels’.

It feels a bit strange, but Lynn decided to use this name.

Lynn did not plan to put as many cells in the blood vessels as the shield worm did, so there was more room for food transmission.

When it comes to food, Lynn combines an elliptical structure called a ‘sac,’ which can be opened and closed and attached to a blood vessel. The food is usually placed in a pouch where the food in the pouch is pa.s.sed through by blood vessels. Take away, and bring nutrition to other places. At the same time, fat cells can also be thrown in.

At the time when the concept was completed, Lynn usually completed the a.s.sembly. Now the body of the mother ship looks like a s.p.a.ce in the pipeline. However, this structure also has its drawbacks. Once the blood vessel is injured, the inside may be out of control. When this happens, Lynn can only stop the heart from contracting and wait for blood vessel repair to resume circulation.

Therefore, Lynn must have a stronger defense ability to prevent the enemy from attacking these blood vessels.

When it comes to defense, this is Lin’s biggest pain.

Although it is now composed of a cortical structure that can prevent a variety of individual cell attacks, including spikes, venom, etc., it is easily torn off by the shield worm.

The shield of the shield worm is extremely hard, although the action is not agile, but no matter what the attack can not damage the joints.

Lynn not only has to study the inside of the shield worm, but also has to learn more about the outside.

How does it grow out of a hard sh.e.l.l? Lynn’s cells are completely unable to reach this hardness, whether diggers or cone cells.

Maybe as always, digging hard objects may have evolved this ability?

But Lin didn’t want to wait that long. She wanted to know now how these hard sh.e.l.ls are constructed.

Whether you look or bite, they don’t feel like cell structure.

There is no way to understand it. There is no way to eat it. There is no way to smash it to see what it is.

In this case, Lynn decided to use it, perhaps using this thing to help him evolve.

How to use?

It’s simple.

Didn’t Lin let his cells into this carapace? The virus destroyed only the cells of the shield worm, but there was no damage to the sh.e.l.l.


Lynn may be able to make it move again, just as it is when it was alive!

Just combine the cells inside yourself! When you put muscle cells into your limbs, your muscles can move and put the heart and blood vessels into the sh.e.l.l.

Although it is not known what the other organs of the Shield worm are, it is not important. Lynn knew that muscles and nutrients are the basis of activity.

As long as you have enough cells, you can ‘use’ the entire shield worm! [TL: 只要放够一定量细胞,就能‘复活’整个圆盾蠕虫!Help]

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