A+A-Chapter 10

Chapter 10 Living creatures in the Desert

What should Lin do? Go ahead? Or go back?

Lynn did not know the ability of these multicellular organisms. After facing the shield worm, it lost a great deal, but Lynn did not want to retreat. This may be an opportunity for evolution, and Lynn needs food.

These creatures don’t seem to move, but they are fixed on the sand. Lin may be able to find a good one and kill it.

However, Lynn didn’t know which to deal with. Body size was not the focus. The most obvious example was the virus. It was small, but it was so scary.

These multi-celled organisms are very large in size, and Lin can get a lot of food by killing a single one.

Thinking, Lynn’s Mother Ship began to swim. It floated above these biotas and had eyeball tentacles searching for the targets below.

Ultimately, the goal of Lynn remains locked in a stand in the sand creature, the creature body round and oblong, of equal length of Lynn’s Mother Ship, but probably only Mother Ship’s cortical thickness similar to that of a round shank inserted in the sand , supporting the prolate body shaking in the water. Lin’s objective really clear after this , it is to capture those cells washed by the current.

Lynn intends to call it ‘Lepidoptera’. Although Lynn does not know what the ‘leaf’ is, there is a feeling that suits it.

The body surface of the leafworm has a stripe-like structure. There are a large number of flagella on the gaps between the lands. If a single cell hit by a swim, it will be caught by flagella and then pulled in to eat.

Lynn felt that this creature was a bit like herself once, fixed on rocks, captured swam creatures, and lived a pa.s.sive and boring life.

Sure enough, giving up that kind of life is right, like this motionless, it can only be prey.

The Mother Ship slowly approached the leafworm. After Lin confirmed that the opponent had no counterattack ability, he lifted the hammer-type tentacles and slammed on the leafworm.

However, this seems to be flat and the insects that have been knocked on their backs resisted the attack. The body did not break even if it bent, and it stood still in the sand. The stripe on the surface was not damaged at all. Only the flagellum above shrinks.

It’s really hard, so this is why they don’t move? It seems that the leafworm is like the shield worm. The body surface is covered with a very hard sh.e.l.l, but unlike the movable shield worm, the body of the leafworm has no joints and no mouth, and the flagellum ingested is retracted into the sh.e.l.l. Afterwards, it became a creature without weakness.

However, Lynn’s hammer is not only knocked once. Under the constant supply of blood vessels, it can quickly and continuously wave the tentacles. The hammer hits and lays on the surface of the leaf-shaped insects again and again. In the end, the leafworm could not stabilize its shape and began to shake.

The leafworm does not have any counterattack ability. It can only use hard sh.e.l.ls to resist external attacks. Other creatures may begin to bite and give up, but Lynn thinks that this kind of hammering will help evolve, so It will force it harder.

Eventually, the outer sh.e.l.l of the leafworm could not withstand Lin’s hammering, cracks appeared on the body surface, and some of the internal cells flowed out of the cracks.

Lynn’s devourers immediately rushed to devour all of the shed cells.

Then, Lin continued to attack the cracks, so that the wounds there became even larger, allowing more cells to keep popping out.

Lynn had a strange feeling that these cells had no ability to attack. Why did they flow from the inside? If you tear the skin of the Mother Ship, the cells inside th

e aircraft carrier will never leak the slightest, even if the blood vessels, Lin can also stop the heart beating so that it does not flow out.

But are other multi-celled creatures…unlike to control their cell flow?

It’s strange.

Lin also did not care so much and continued to hammer the sh.e.l.l of the leafhopper. Although Lin’s hammer was also damaged, Lin did not care about continuing to attack. Repairing it was a simple matter.

The sh.e.l.l of the leafworm is not hardened by the round shield worm, and it is a sandbag that does not move. Under the attack of Lin, the sh.e.l.l cracks more and more, slowly the surface of the sh.e.l.l began to be crushed to a large number, inside The soft multicellular structure was exposed to Lynn’s eyes.

Ok? What about sandbags? It seems like a funny word.

Lin thought while she let the devourers move and tore off the structure of the leafhoppers, turning everything in them into nutrients for Lin’s growth.

Lin found leaf insect body vessel has a similar structure, but they are not the heart of the ‘pump’, but which is driven by means of a flow-cell tentacle intravascular stop motion, in addition to these are single Somatic cells, or simple combinations, on the whole, there is nothing worth learning about Lin…

The only useful aspect of the leafworm to Lin is that it can be eaten.

Lynn’s devourers quickly devoured the leafworm, leaving only a pile of crushed sh.e.l.ls. Although the leaf-shaped worm is long but flat, eating one is not enough, but eating another one is enough to feed Lin. For now.

After all devourers were recovered and the wound on the hammer was repaired, Lin began to look around and find the next target again.

Lin suddenly noticed that there was a disk-shaped thing in the sand on the front.

Is this really a creature?

Lin swam, careful observation from this thing, this thing disc-shaped surface has a spiral stripes, size is only half Lynn aircraft carrier, can lower half buried in the sand, do not know the specific size, although it seems to be It’s a creature, but Lynn never looked at this stuff and didn’t know how it preyed on it.

Knock it and see?

Lin’s wielding hammer slammed on the disc and the disc did not move. Lin felt the pain of the hammer’s tentacles bounced back.

The whisker-hardened hammer-shaped front end is not felt, and Lin can still feel pain, which is to say that the anti-seismic has damaged the muscle cells inside the tentacles.

How hard is this thing going to be to have this effect? In short, not the hardness of the leafworm, this disk is even harder than the head shield of the shield worm.

A strong thought instantly appeared in Lin’s mind.

What is this thought? Lynn didn’t know how to describe it, but it knew that when she was playing on the outer sh.e.l.l of the leafworm, Lynn’s thoughts would create a kind of ‘possible broken’ and ‘hopeful’ idea.

When playing on this disk-shaped creature, Lynn’s thoughts instantly gave rise to the idea of ​​’no hope’ and ‘must never break’. Even if the hammer was knocked out, it would not be possible to make a crack on it.

However, Lin did not go on with the experiment. How did it know that this result would be produced?

By the way, this word is called ‘computing power’?

As long as there is a first time, it is possible to think of what the final result will be based on the information initially obtained.

Feeling very good, Lin may have had this ability very early, but it is only really aware of it now.

Lynn gave up and continued to attack the disc, although it may be possible to dig it out, but there are many leafy bugs around, and it’s not worth it.

Lin traveled to a smaller leaf-shaped worm in the vicinity and started a continuous hammer attack again. Soon, the sandbags will become Lin’s nutrient.

The beach is full of leaf insects, for Lin it’s simply gorgeous land, eating them instead of single cells is much more efficient, and these sandbags will not fight back, it will not move, like here there is no other predator like the Shield worm. There is no better situation than this!

Lin will use this resource to grow and evolve again. As long as she is strong enough, she will no longer be afraid of other predators.

Lin, who was thinking this way, did not seem to notice that something in the sand underneath the Mother Ship was creeping…

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