Chapter 4

Paris, July 15.

"Plans have been seething these last ten days since I have been in Paris, but after a great deal of sifting and shifting I have accepted the offer of the French Red Cross. I am discharged from the Y.M.C.A.

and am enrolled as a member of the "Union des Femmes de France!" This means that I finish the summer working in the devastated regions of France, and I go next Thursday to Noyon. They permitted me to keep my old uniform and my cape. It seemed so stupid to buy another expensive suit when my present one is practically as good as new. (I do believe these Y.M.C.A. uniforms are imperishable!) So I removed the triangle from my sleeve, and I now form part of an organization totally French, but--they allow me to retain the dear old red patch with its Lightning Streak, which means so much to me, on my left shoulder."

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