A Bird's-Eye View of the Bible

Chapter 1. Upon what four persons was the church divided?

VI. _Omit._

VII. _Threefold purpose: (1) To restore unity; (2) To teach doctrines; (3) To remove evils._

VIII. "_Ye are bought_ * * *"

"_O death, where_ * * *"

"_Quit you_ * * *"

(Complete the phrases and locate.)

IX. _Record these and commit them:_

3:16; 13:1; 15:58.

X. _a.s.sign names to the following chapters:_

11; 13; 15.

XI. _Christ our Wisdom._

XII. _The questions are chapter questions:_

Chapter 1. Upon what four persons was the church divided?

Give total number of times the words "wise" and "wisdom" are found in the first three chapters. Underline these two words in these chapters.

Chapter 4. Whom does Paul command the church to imitate, and is he justified in so doing?

Chapter 6. What is the body called?

Chapter 7. What strong position does Paul take about the eating of meat?

State the principle in other words.

Chapter 9. How does Paul act in order to win people to Christ? What two Grecian games does he use as ill.u.s.trations?

Chapter 11. Why does Paul record the teaching regarding the Lord"s Supper?

Chapter 12. What comforting truth to the Christian worker in verses 12 to 25?




III. _Brief Description of Roman People._


V. 1:16 and 17.

VI. _Chapters I to II: Doctrine._

_Chapters 12 to 16: Practice._

VII. _To prove that sinful men are saved not by works, but by faith._

VIII. "_The wages_ * * *"

"_If G.o.d is for us_ * * *"

"_Overcome evil_ * * *"

(Finish the phrases and locate them.)

IX. _The three therefores:_ 5:1, 8:1, 12:1.

X. 1. The Fearful Picture of Sin.

7. The Christian"s Wrestling Match with Sin.

8. Safety.

10. Missionary.

11. Conversion of the Jews.

12. Practical Religion.

13. Citizen and Ruler.

16. Salutations.

XI. _Christ, our Righteousness._

XII. _Questions:_

1. Locate as to book and chapter Paul"s quotations from the Old Testament in Chapters 3, 4 and 10.

2. Name three truths in Chapter 8 that are a.s.surances of the believer"s safety.

3. Number the commands in Romans 12:9-21.

4. By what phrase is a civil ruler described in Chapter 13?

5. Whither did Paul expect to go? Chapter 15.

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