V. _Date:_ One month of 1490.

VI. _Contents:_ Offerings, Feasts, and Ceremonial Laws.

VII. 20:26: "Ye shall be holy unto me, for I, Jehovah, am holy."

VIII. G.o.d Requires Holiness. (The word holy occurs eighty-seven times in the book.)

IX. 17:11: "For the life of the flesh is in the blood."

19:18: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."

23:10: "Proclaim liberty throughout the land unto all the inhabitants thereof."

(Where in American history are these words recorded?)

X. 8 and 9. Consecration of Priests.

10. Punishment of Nadab and Abihu.

11. Clean and Unclean Animals.

12. Purification and Circ.u.mcision.

13 and 14. Laws regarding Leprosy.


23. The Three Annual Feasts.


XI. _Select four._

XII. 1. Absolute Necessity of Atonement for Sin.

2. G.o.d"s Great Desire for Cleanness of Body and Soul.

XIII. (a) Symbol. The offering. Heb. 9:14.

(b) Type. Aaron, the High Priest. Heb. 9:11.

(c) a.n.a.logy. None.

(d) Prophecy. None.

XIV. _Questions:_

1. Glancing over the pages of the book, select what seem to you the six most frequently-used words that emphasize the thought of the book.

Consult concordance, finding number of times that each word occurs.

2. Describe the offering in 1:1 to 1:4.

3. Name the five kinds of offerings mentioned in the first five chapters.

4. Give names of the three annual feasts.

5. Questions on Chapter 16:

(a) What two things must Aaron do before entering the Holy Place?

(b) For whom and what did he make atonement?

(c) What did he do with the blood?

(d) What three things did he do with the scapegoat?

(e) What two commands rested upon the people for that day?

6. Describe the Year of Jubilee.

7. Name any six interesting laws recorded in Chapter 19.

8. What book of the New Testament should be studied in connection with this book and why?

XV. _Items of Special Interest._

Select five.

XVI. _Individual Finds._

Chapters 1, 11, 23.


I. _Pictorial Device:_ Map.

Draw outline map of Palestine. This includes the Mediterranean sh.o.r.e line, Jordan River, the Sea of Galilee and the Dead Sea. Locate Jericho and Mount Nebo. Draw in miniature, opposite Jericho, the Tabernacle and twelve small squares representing the camps of the twelve tribes, three on each side. (See Numbers 2.) Place on map as key thoughts the words "Remember" and "Seven Speeches." Make any original addition suggested in the study.

II. Public Discourse.


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