_Chart A. General Contents_

+--------------------------+ | I AND II SAMUEL | +-------------+-----+------+ |Samuel |Saul |David | +-------------+-----+------+----------------------------------+ | | | | I AND II KINGS | | | | +---------+-----------+------------+ | | | |Solomon |20 Kings of |20 Kings of | | | | | |Judah |Israel | | | | +--------+------------+------------+ | | | | | | +-----------------------------------------------------------------------+ | I AND II CHRONICLES | +---------+-------------+-----+------+--------+------------+------------+ |Genealogy|Courses of |Saul |David |Solomon |20 Kings of | | |from |Partic.i.p.ants | | | |Judah | | |Adam |in Temple | | | | | | | |Service | | | | | | +---------+-------------+-----+------+--------+------------+------------+

NOTE.--Biblical scholars differ as to the number of kings in the divided kingdoms. Twenty is a.s.signed to each, based upon authority of Philip Schaff.

NOTE.--Verify contents of above chart.



+------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | KINGS |CHRONICLES | +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 1. Record of both Israel and Judah | 1. Record of Judah only | | 2. Tends toward the secular | 2. Tends toward the religious | | 3. Emphasizes the Acts of the King | 3. Emphasizes the Worship of | | | the Sanctuary | +------------------------------------+-------------------------------+


UNDIVIDED KINGDOM | TRIBES | DIVIDED KINGDOM +-------+----+----+--------+----------------+ |40 YRS | 40 | 40 | 1 |JUDAH. 20 KINGS | | S | D | S | 2 | | | A | A | O +--------+----------------+ | U | V | L | 3 | | | L | I | O | 4 | | | | D | M | 5 | | | | | O | 6 | | | | | N | 7 |ISRAEL. 20 KINGS| +-------+----+----| 8 | | | 9 | | | 10 | | | 11 | | | 12 | | +--------+----------------+


+----------------------------------------+ |UNDIVIDED KINGDOM: 1095 B.C. to 975 B.C.| +----------------------------------------+ |KINGDOM ISRAEL: 975 B.C. to 721 B.C. | +----------------------------------------+ |KINGDOM OF JUDAH: 975 B.C. to 606 B.C. | +----------------------------------------+


NOTE.--Let the teacher a.s.sign as many kings as is deemed best, to be wrought out on the chart from the books of I and II Kings. Work out the kings of Israel on a like chart.

_Kings of Judah._

+-----------+---------+--------------+---------+----------------+--------+ | NAME |CHARACTER| RELATION TO | PROPHET | PHRASE |KIND | | | | PREDECESSOR | | |OF DEATH| +-----------+---------+--------------+---------+----------------+--------+ |1. Rehoboam|Evil | |Shemaiah |And Judah did |Natural | | | | | |that which was | | | | | | |evil in the | | | | | | |sight of Jehovah| | | | | | | | | |2. Abijam |Evil |Son |None |His heart was |Natural | | | | |mentioned|not perfect with| | | | | | |Jehovah his G.o.d | | | | | | | | | | | |(If a usurper,| | | | | | |make such a | | | | | | |record) | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | +-----------+---------+--------------+---------+----------------+--------+

II. _Historical Setting:_

Narratives to be recited in cla.s.s and to be recorded briefly.

1. The Beginning of the Undivided Kingdom. I Samuel 8.

2. The Selection of First King of Undivided Kingdom. I Samuel 10:17-24.

3. The Glory of Solomon"s Kingdom. I Kings 4:20-34 and 10:14-29.

4. The Division of the Kingdom. I Kings 11:26-43 and 12:1-15.

5. The Beginning of Israel. I Kings 12:16-33.

6. The Beginning of Judah. I Kings 14:21-31.

7. The Captivity of Israel. II Kings 17.

8. The Captivity of Judah. II Kings 24 and 25.

9. Map of Divided Kingdoms.

Draw map, showing the two kingdoms and their capitals, also the regions of a.s.syria and Babylon. Let the map include the Tigris, Euphrates and Chebar Rivers. See Map 4, also Bible Atlas. Draw dotted lines from the capitals of the two kingdoms to the countries into which they were taken captives.

III. _Interesting Stories with Practical Lessons._

NOTE.--To be recited, but not recorded save the t.i.tles and references.

1. Jonathan and Friendship. I Samuel 18:1-4 and 19:1-7.

2. Mephibosheth and Mercy. II Samuel 9.

3. Absalom and Pride. II Samuel 15:1-6.

4. Solomon and Choice. I Kings 3:1-15.

IV. _Leading Chapters:_

1. Childhood of Samuel. I Samuel 1, 2 and 3.

2. Anointing of David. I Samuel 16.

3. David and Goliath. I Samuel 17.

4. Nathan"s Parable of the Ewe Lamb. II Samuel 12.

5. Visit of the Queen of Sheba. I Kings 10.

6. Elijah and the Prophets of Baal. I Kings 18.

7. Elijah"s Ascent into Heaven. II Kings 2.

8. Naaman the Leper. II Kings 5.

9. The Destruction of Jerusalem. II Kings 25.

10. Solomon"s Prayer at Dedication of the Temple. II Chronicles 6.

V. _Leading Lessons:_

NOTE.--Name in a sentence, opposite the names given, a fact ill.u.s.trating the lesson.

1. The Value of Right Beginning.

(a) Samuel.

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