2. Chapter 60:1-14.

3. Chapter 60:15-22.

X. _"Exceeding Great and Precious Promises":_

1. Complete Cleansing. 1:18.

2. Perfect Peace. 26:2.

3. Refuge. 32:2.

4. Abiding Strength. 40:29-31.

5. Fruitage of the Word. 55:10, 11.

XI. _Leading Chapters:_

23. Destruction of Tyre.

35. Transformation.

40. The Greatness of G.o.d and the Littleness of Man.

53. The Cross and Atonement.

55. The Gracious Invitation.

60. The Coming of the Nations to Christ.

XII. _Leading Teachings:_

1. The Incarnation of Christ. 7:14 and 9:6.

2. The Atonement by blood. 53:6, 5.

(Called by Luther "the little gospel." Note the four parts, by reading verse 6 first, then verse 5.)

3. The Transforming Power of Christianity. Chapter 35.

XIII. _Items of Special Interest:_

Select fifteen.

XIV. _Individual Finds:_

Chapters 1, 5, 12, 35, 36, 61.



Jeremiah Page

Lamentations Page

Daniel Page


I. _Cla.s.s._

II. _Commission:_ 1:4-10 and 18; 17:19 and 20. Time; manner; to whom; what to do; quality required; pledges given.

III. _Biographical Description:_ 1:1; 16:2; 20:2; 32:2 and 3; 37:11-16; 43:6 and 7.

IV. _t.i.tle._ See 9:1.

V. _Historical Place:_ State length of prophetical office.

VI. _Omit._

VII. _Prophecies of Earthly Kingdoms:_ Chapters 46 to 51. Name seven.

VIII. _Prophecies Regarding Christ:_ 23:5 and 6 Name three contained therein. Why so few prophecies of Christ?

IX. _Omit._

X. _Leading Phrases:_

13:23. The question.

45:5: "Seekest thou great things for thyself? Seek them not."

XI. _Leading Chapters:_

29. Letter to the Captives.

35. The Rechabites and Strong Drink.

XII. _Omit._

XIII. _Questions:_

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