[Sidenote: A parlement at Caunterbury.]

In this yere the kyng held his parlement at Caunterbury, and the werre aroos betwen the kyng of Fraunce and of Flemynges.

Id"m maior. Herry Pourte. Anno x.x.xj^{mo}.

Simon Parys.

Id"m maior. Will" Combemartyn. A^{o}. x.x.xij^{do}.

John Burford.

[Sidenote: The templers were stroid.]

This same yere, that is for to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cccv, were alle the Templers distroyd in oo day thorugh out alle Cristendome.


Id"m maior. Rog" Parys. A^{o}. x.x.xiij^{cio}.

John Lyncoln.

[Sidenote: A parlement at Westm".]

[Sidenote: R. le Bruz.]

In this yere William Waleys, that was sworne liege man to the kyng of Engelond, presented hymselfe to be kyng of Scotlond, and rebelled ayens kyng Edward: nevertheles he was taken and sent to London, where he was dampned, drawen, and hanged and beheded, and his bowels brent and the body quarterd; and his hede sette upon London brigg, and hys foure quarters sent into the foure beste townes in Scotlond: and this was don upon seynt Bertilmewes even. And in the fest of seynt Mygh.e.l.l the kyng held his parlement at Westm"; to the whiche parlement come ought of Scotlond the bysshop of seynt Andrew, Robert le Bruz erle of Caryk, Simon Frysell, and John erle of Ath.e.l.les, whiche weren sworne to be trewe lieges to kyng Edward.

Id"m maior. Reg"lus Underley. Anno x.x.xiiij^{to}.

William Cosyn.

[Sidenote: Roberte le Bruz.]

[Sidenote: Bysshoppe of Boston.]

[Sidenote: Bisshoppe of Burdeux made pope.]

This yere Robert Bruz made hym kyng of Scotlond, and S^{r}. John Comyn was sclayn atte Grey Freres in Donfres, because he wolde not falsen his othe that he made to kyng Edward; wherefore the kyng sente after alle the bach.e.l.larye of Engelond that thei schulde comen to Westm" at Whitsontyd thanne nest folwyng; and there he doubbed cclx.x.x knyghtes: and the Fryday[28] nest before the a.s.sumpcion of oure lady, the kyng mette with Robert le Bruz be syde seynt Jones towne, and killed of his meyne vij m^{l}; and Robert le Bruz fledde: and Simond Frissell was take, and on oure lady even the Nativite he was drawen and hanged at London, and beheded. And in the forsaid bataille were taken the bysshop of Boston, the bysshop of seynt Andrewes, the abbot of Stone, alle armed, whom the kyng sente to the pope, to do with them what he wolde. Also S^{r}. John the erle of Ath.e.l.les was taken also at the same bataille; and at the request of the quene, because he claymed kynrede of kyng Edward, his drawynge was relesed; nevertheles he was honged and his body brent alle to a.s.shes. And also in this yere the erchebysshop of Burdeux was mad pope.

[Footnote 28: "the iiij^{th} day" _in the Cotton MS._]

Id"m maior, drap". Simon Benet. A^{o}. x.x.xv^{to}.

Geffray atte Conduyt.

In this yere deyde the n.o.ble and most doughted prynce kyng Edward the firste, in the day of translacion of seynt Thomas of Caunterbury, whos body lith worthyly entered at Westm".

[Transcriber"s Note: Edward I actually died in 1307, the 36th year of his reign.]


[Footnote 29: "xiiij Kalend" Decembris" _in the Cotton MS._]


John Blount, maior. Will"o Furneys. A^{o}. p"mo.

Nygel Drury.

[Sidenote: Kyng Edward wedded the kynges doughter of Fraunce, Isabell.]

This yere the kyng Edward wente into Fraunce and wedded Isabell the kynges doughter of Fraunce, the xv day of Januer", in oure lady chirche at Boloigne; and the xx day Fever" sche was crowned at Westm": and there was so gret prees of peple that S^{r}. John Bakwell was crowsed to the deth. Also in the same yere the kyng anon after the deth of his fadir sente into Gascoigne for Pers of Gavaston; and he yaf hym the lordschipe of Walyngford and the erledom of Cornuwayle: and this same yere prophecyed the chanon of Bridlyngton.


Nicholl Faryndone, William Basyng. A^{o}. s"c"do.

goldsmyth, m". Pers Blakeney.[30]

[Footnote 30: _See note_ G.]

Thomas Romayn, m". Simon Merewode.[31] A^{o}. t"cio.

Ric" Willeford.[32]

[Footnote 31: _See note_ G.]

[Footnote 32: _See note_ G.]

[Sidenote: Templers were distroyd.]

[Sidenote: The ordre of the Crowched Freres began.]

In this yere the schirreves of London paid for the accomptes of London and Middles.e.x cccc^{li}. Also in this yere, that is to seye the yere of oure lord a m^{l} ccc^{mo} x^{mo}, the ordre of Templers were distroid on oo day thorugh alle Cristendome, whiche ordre began in the yere of oure lord a m^{l} lx.x.xxviij. Also in the same yere began the ordre of Paulyns, that is to say Crowched Freres.

Ric" Reff"m, m". Simon Crop. A^{o}. iiij^{to}.

Petir Blakeney, drap".

John Gysors, m". Roger Palmere.[33] A^{o}. v^{to}.

Jacob Seynt Ed"ust.[34]

[Footnote 33: _See note_ H.]

[Footnote 34: _See note_ H.]

[Sidenote: Edward of Wyndesore was born.]

In this yere was borne the kynges sone Edward at Windesore.


Id"m maior. John Lambyn. A^{o}. vj^{to}.

Ric" Lucekyn.[35]

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