This yere, that is to sey the yere of oure lord a m^{l}cclxxiij, the xiiij kal. of Septembre, the kyng Edward was crowned at Westm" of Robert Kilward thanne erchebysshop of Caunterbury. Also in this yere the kyng confermed to the citezeins of London alle there liberties and fraunchises. Also he yaf them a chartre for to chastyse bakers and mellers; that is to seye, for bakers that make nought breed after the a.s.sise, and for mellers that stelen mele and corne, the herdell; and for nyght walkers the toune. Et eod"m anno reveniebat a t"ra s"c"a et coronabat" cu" sua regina Alianora filia reg" Hispanie apud Westm".


Gregory Rokesley, m". Luk Batencourt. A^{o}. t"cio.

Herry Frowyk.

[Sidenote: Tr"e motus.]

In this yere the kyng helde his parlement at Westm"; and at Estre next suynge he sente be his lettre to Thlewelyne prynce of Walys that he schulde comen to his parlement: wherof Thlewyne hadde gret dispite, and rebelled ayeyne: and thanne the kyng made newe werre to Walys so scharply that of verry nede the prynce of Walys yald hym to the kyng; and longe tyme he knelyd before the kyng, and the kyng dede hym grace.

And in this yere, the day of seynt Parthi and Racmeti was a grete erthe quake aboughte the houre of prime.

Id"m maior. John Horne. Anno iiij^{to}.

Rauf Blount.

And in this yere of oure lord a m^{l}cclxxv, Mich" Tony, for manye trespasces and defautes be hym in the werre tyme done, he was accused, jugged, and dampned, and was drawen and hanged.


Id"m maior. Robert Bras. Anno v^{to}.

Rauf Fynore.

Id"m maior. John Adrian. Anno vj^{to}.

Walt" Langley.

[Sidenote: The remevyng of the kynges benche and the Eschqer to Schrovesby.]

In this yere, in the fest of seynt Mich.e.l.l, the kynges benche and the echeqer were removed fro Westm" to Schrovesbery, and in the xv day of seynt Hillere next folwynge thei were brought ayeyn to Westm".

Id"m maior. Robert Basynges. Anno vij^{mo}.

Will"s Maiser.

[Sidenote: Rex Scotie veniebat ad p"liamentu" R".]

[Sidenote: Jewes and Englisshmen weren arested for clippyng of money and for byenge of plate of silv".]

[Sidenote: The hous of the Frere P"chours was founded at Castell Baynard.]

[Sidenote: The town of Boston was brente 1275 [_In a modern hand_].]

In this yere of oure lord a m^{l}cclxxviij, the kyng of Scotlond come to the kynges parlement at London. Also in this yere, the viij day of seynt Martyn, alle the Jewes of Engelond were taken for clippyng of money: and in the feste of seynt Lucie alle the goldsmythes of London, and alle thoo that kepten the Change, and manye other men of the citee weren arested and taken for beyenge of plates of sylver, and for chaunge of grete money for smal money, whiche were indited be the wardes of the citee. And on the Monday next after the Epithanie the justyces setene at the Yeldhalle to make delivreaunce; that is to seyn, S^{r}. Stephen of Pencestre, S^{r}. John of Cobham, and other which that them l.u.s.t to a.s.socye to them. And there were forjugged and drawen and hanged iij Englyssh Jewes.[12] And in the same yere the hous of the Frere Prechours began to be founded at Castell Baynard.

Also Robert Kylwardby the erchebysshop of Caunterbury in this yere was mad cardenall, and frere John Pecche, a Frere Menour, was thanne made erchebysshop of Caunterbury. And in this yere the town of Booston was brent.

[Footnote 12: _See note_ E.]


Id"m maior. Thomas Box. Anno viij^{o}.

Rauf Atte More.

[Sidenote: Hafpence and q" were first mad.]

[Sidenote: A gret snowe.]

In this yere the kyng made newe money of silver called half penys and farthynges, alle rounde, of whiche were none sen before. Also in this yere upon seynt Denys day fel a gret snow, of whiche cam grete floodes and huge. Eod"m anno s"c"us Hugo Lincoln" ep"us t"nslatus fuit.

Id"m maior. Will"s Faryndon. A^{o}. ix^{o}.

Nicholl Wynchestre.

This yere Martyn the forthe was sacred pope at Rome.

Herry Waleys, m". William Masere. A^{o}. x^{mo}.

Ric" Chikewell.

[Sidenote: The werre aroos betwen the kyng and the prynce of Walys.]

In this yere the werre aroos ayeyne betwen the kyng and the prynce of Walys upon Palm Sonday; on whiche day David the princes brother tok S^{r}. Roger Clyfford at Hawardyn, and sclowe and tok manye of his mene, and beseged the castell of Flynt and Rothelan, and tok the toun of Claupautern[13] and caste adowe the walles.

[Footnote 13: "Lambatre vanc" _in the Cotton MS._]

Id"m maior. Rauf Blount. Anno xj^{mo}.

Hub"t Botevyle.

[Sidenote: Prynce of Walys sclayn.]

[Sidenote: S"cus Thom" Hereford" ep"us obiit.]

In this yere the kyng with a gret oost wente into Walys and remeved and brak the sege of the castell of Flynt and Rothelan. And in this yere in the iij idus of Decembre, Thlewelyn prince of Walys was sclayn, and his hed smyten of be S^{r}. Edmond Mortymer, and sente it to the kyng, whiche that tyme lay at Rothelan; and the kyng sente it to London, and comaunded that it schulde be sett upon the tour of London. And that said prynce of Walys before or he was sclayn, come into the landes of the forsaid S^{r}. Edmond Mortymer, and occupied manye of hise lordschippes, wherfore the said S^{r}. Edmond manly with meyne fillen on hym as it is before seyd. And it was seid that yif the forseid prince hadde lyved too dayes longere than he dede, alle the Walssh tonge hadde holly ben enclyned to hym. And in this yere, on seynt Leonard day, S^{r}. Roger Clyfford the yonger was droughned betwen Snowdon and Englessey, and manye othere also, whiche because there myghte nought abyde the comynge of the Walsshe men, unwysly, withoughten hors, pa.s.sed the bregge of Penbroke.[14] Also in this yere deide seynt Thomas the bysshop of Hereford, whiche was called Thomas Cantel". After hos disses succedyd into the bysshopriche, Richard of Swynfeld.

[Footnote 14: "Devy" _in the Cotton MS._]


Id"m maior. Jordan Goodchief. Anno xij^{mo}.

Martyn Box.

[Sidenote: The brother of the prynce of Walys was taken and afterward hanged.]

[Sidenote: The kyng of Aragon occupied the kyngdom of Cecile, and put out kyng Charles.]

[Sidenote: Laur" Doket was hangen in Bowe chirche.]

[Sidenote: Gret conduyt in Chepe.]

In this yere aboughte the feste of Natyvyte of seynt John Baptiste, David the brother of Thlewelyn was taken and holden in pryson at Rothelan, unto the fest of seynt Migh.e.l.l, and thanne lad to Schrovesbury, and there he was dampned to be ded; and first he was drawen thorugh the citee with hors unto the galowes, thanne hanged, and afterward beheded; and thanne his bowels brent, and the laste his bodye quarterd in iiij quarters, whiche were sent to be sett up in iiij parties in Engelond; and be the kyng comaunded that his hede schulde be seete on the tour of London. And fro that tyme forth the kyng occupied alle the lond of Walys. And thanne he dyvyded it into schires and hundredys, in maner as it is in Engelond; and at Abbercouewe[15] he made a gret and a strong castell, fro whiche place the monkes of Cisteux remeved; and in another place a mancion edified for them. He made there a fair toun, and he lete make the castell of Carnarvan in Snowdon, where that his sone was born: and also he lete make the castell of Plaupautuvouc.[16] And also in this yere Petir kyng of Aragon occupyed the kyndom of Cecilie, ant putte out kyng Charles, whiche anon after mad an ende of hys lyf; wherfore the pope Martyn accursed the said Petir, and the kyngdom of Aragon he yaf to the kynges sone of Fraunce. And in this yere aroos werre betwen the kyng of Fraunce and the kyng of Spayne; and the kyng of Fraunce with a gret ooste wente into Spayne, whiche dede nothyng worthy to be preysed. Also in this yere Reynold of Lanfare,[17] Robert Pynot, Poule of Stebenhithe, Thomas Corewener, John Tholosan, Thomas Russell, and Robert Scot, weren accused of the deth of Laur" Doket, whiche was hongen in Bowe chirche: and they were dampned, drawe, and hanged; and on Alyce a woman was brent for the same cause: and Rauf Crepyn, Jordan Goodcheppe, Gilbert Clerk, and Geffrey Clerk, weren atteynt and sent to prison into the tour of London. Also in this yere the grete conduyt in Chepe was newe begonne to maken.

[Footnote 15: _Corrected from the Cotton MS._]

[Footnote 16: "Lambatre vanc, and otherwise it is called Abrestewith"

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