+Palmere+, _sb._ palmer, S, PP; +palmers+, _pl._ S2.--AF. _palmer_; Church Lat. _palmarium_ (acc.). See above.
+Palmestrye+, _sb._ palmistry, S3. See +Paume+.
+Paltok+, _sb._ jacket, PP, Prompt.; +paltocke+, HD, Palsg.; +paltoke+, Voc.--OF. _paletocque_ (Prompt., _n_). For cognates, see SkD (s.v.
+Pament+, _sb._ pavement, S3; see +Pauement+.
+Pane+, _sb._ a part or division of a thing, a skirt, Prompt., HD, SkD.--OF. _pan_, a piece (Bartsch); Lat. _pannum_ (acc.). Cf. +Peny+.
+Panel+, _sb._ a division, compartment, jurylist, piece of cloth on horse"s back, Cath. (_n_) PP, Sh.; +panell+, PP; +panelle+, _subsellium_. Cath.; +pannell+, HD, Palsg.--AF. _panel_. See above.
+Paneter+, _sb._ butler, PP; +pantere+, Voc.; +panter+, PP.--AF.
_panneter_; Late Lat. _panetarium_ (acc.). See +Payn+.
+Panne+, _sb._ pan, brain-pan, skull, PP, C3, Voc., Prompt.; +ponne+, PP; +pan+, C.--AS. _panne_ (Voc.); cp. Low Lat. _panna_ (Ducange), and G. _pfanne_.
+Pans+, _sb. pl._ pence, W; see +Peny+.
+Panter+, _sb._ painter, _pictor_, Voc. See +Peynten+.
+Panter+, _sb._ a net, snare, CM, HD, Voc.; +pantere+, Prompt.; +panther+, Palsg., HD.--OF. _pantiere_; Late Lat. _panthera_; Gr.
pa????a; see Ducange.
+Pantere+, _sb._ panther, S3, Voc.--OF. _pantere_; Lat. _panthera_; from Gr. p?????.
+Panyer+, _sb._ pannier, bread-basket, PP; +payneres+, _pl._, PP.--AF.
_panyer_. See +Payn+.
+Papejay+, _sb._ parrot, popinjay, C2; +popeiay+, PP; +papinjay+. Voc.; +popinjay+, Voc.; +popyngay+, S3, HD; +papyngay+, HD; +papingais+, _pl._, S3; +popyngayes+, S3.--AF. _papejaye_ parrot (mod. _papegai_); cp. OF. _papegaux_ pl.; Low Lat. _pappagallus_ by popular etymology from the Low Gr. papa???, see Ducange.
+Pappe+, _sb._ breast, S, Voc.; +pappes+, _pl._, S (_n_), WW; +pappys+, HD.
+Par+, _prep._ by, with. _Comb._: +par amour+, by love, with love, C; +for paramour+, for love, C2; +paramour+, a lover (of either s.e.x), C, WA; +paranioure+, Manip.; +par auenture+, peradventure, S2, C2, C3, PP; +perauntere+, H; +parauntre+, S2; +perauenture+, W; +par cas+, by chance, C3; +par de+ (_par Dieu_), C, C3; +pardee+, C2 +par fay+, by my faith, C2, C3.
+Par-+; see also under +Per-+.
+Parage+, _sb._ kindred, family; hence, birth, descent, HD, JD, CM; equality, DG.--AF. _parage_; Late Lat. *_paratic.u.m_, an equality, from Lat. _par_, equal. Cf. +Disparage+.
+Parcel+, _sb._ part, share, little bit, PP; +parcele+, WA.--AF.
_parcele_, part; Late Lat. _particella_; cp. It. _particella_.
+Parcel-mele+, _adv._ separately, bit by bit, PP; +percel-mel+, S2, PP.
+Parcenel+, _sb._ partner, H.
+Parcenelynge+, _sb._ partnership, H.
+Parcener+, _sb._ sharer, HD, W2; +partener+, W; +partynere+, S3; +parceneris+, _pl._, W, W2; +parteneris+, W; +partyneris+, W.--AF.
_parcenere_, _pa.r.s.enere_, pl. _parceners_, _perceners_; Late Lat.
_partionarinm_ (acc.).
+Parchementer+, _sb._ preparer of parchment, Cath.; +parmenter+, Voc.
+Parchemyn+, _sb._ parchment, W, PP; +perchemyn+, PP; +perchemen+, WA.--AF. _parchemin_, Gr. pe??a??? from ????a?? (cp. Lat.
+Parchment+; see +Pa.s.samen+.
+Parclos+, _sb._ an enclosure, part.i.tion, screen, S3, Palsg.; +parcloos+, Prompt.; +perclos+, HD; +perclose+, HD.--OF. _parclos_, pp., closed completely; Lat. _per_ + _clausum_.
+Pardon+, _sb._ pardon, PP.--AF. _pardun_.
+Pardoner+, _sb._ a seller of pardons, C, PP; +pardonere+, Prompt.
+Parement+, _sb._ an adorning, C2, CM; +paramentz+, _pl._, C. _Phr._: +chambre of parementz+, the presence-chamber, C2.--OF. _parement_; also _chambre de parement_, the Chamber of Presence (Cotg.).
+Parfit+, _adj._ perfect, S2, PP, GS, W; +parfyt+, PP; +perfyt+, C; +parfight+, C; +perfit+, C3, W; +perfight+, C.--OF. _parfit_, _parfeit_; Lat. _perfectum_.
+Parfitliche+, _adv._ perfectly, PP; +perfitliche+, PP; +parfitly+, C2, CM; +parfitli+, W; +perfytliest+, _superl._, H.
+Parfournen+, _v._ to perform, PP, C2, CM, SPD (p. 280); +parforme+, PP; +perfourne+, PP; +performen+, PP.--AF. _parurnir_, _parfournir_, to perform, to furnish. Cf. +Furnish+.
[[Cross-reference could not be identified.]]
+Parische+, _sb._ parish, PP; +parisch+, PP; +paresche+, PP; +parsche+, PP.--OF. _paroisse_; Church Lat. _paroecia_ (also _parochia_); Gr.
+Parischen+, _sb._ parishioner, Cath., C; +parisschens+, _pl._, PP, S2; +parshens+, PP.--OF. _paroissien_. See above.
+Paritorie+, _sb._ pellitory, C3, SkD; +peritorie+, the wall-plant bartram, Manip.; +paratory+, _colitropium_, Voc.; +parietary+, HD.--OF.
_paritoire_, pellitory (Cotg.) and _paritarie_ (Alph.); Late Lat.
_paritaria_ (Alph.); Lat. _parietaria_, from _paries_, wall.
+Parlement+, _sb._ parliament, conference, PP, S2.--AF. _parlement_, from OF. _parler_, to talk; Low Lat. _parabolare_ (Brachet).
+Parlesy+; see +Palesy+. [[headword spelled +Palesye+]]
+Parloure+, _sb._ the conversation room in nunneries, PP; +parlowr+, "colloquotorium," Cath.; +parlur+, S.--OF. _parloir_; Church Lat.
_parlatorium_ (Ducange).
+Parochien+, _sb._ parishioner, PP; +perrochioun+, S3; +paroschienes+, _pl._, PP.--OF. _parochien_; Church Lat. _parochianum_; from _parochia_.
See +Parische+.
+Partie+, _sb._ part, portion, PP; +partye+, party (in a law suit), PP; +party+, side, S2; +parties+, _pl._, parts, S2. _Phr._: +a party+, partially, S2.--AF. _partie_ (_partye_), person; Lat. _part.i.ta_, divided.
+Partly+, _adv._ briskly; see +Perk+.
+Partriche+, _sb._ partridge, S3, PP; +partrich+, C; +pertryche+, Prompt.--AF. _perdrice_, _perdriz_; Lat. _perdicem_.