Palmer ... "Fight strenuously with their wealth and persons."

See my observations under No. 17, para. 28.

[Sidenote: (24) The Immunity, IX, 16.]

37. "Think not that ye shall be forsaken and that G.o.d doth not yet know those among you who (_Jahadoo_) do their utmost and take none for their intimate friends besides G.o.d and His Apostles and the faithful. But G.o.d is well apprised of your doings."

Sale ... "Fought for his religion."

Rodwell ... "Fought valiantly."

Palmer ... "Fought strenuously."

[Sidenote: (25) _Ibid_, 19.]

38. "Do ye place the giving drink to the pilgrims and the visitation of the sacred temple on the same level with him who believeth in G.o.d and the last day, and (_Jahada_) taketh pains in the way of G.o.d. They are not held equal by G.o.d, and G.o.d guideth not the unrighteous."

Sale ... "Fighteth."

Rodwell ... "Fighteth."

Palmer ... "Is strenuous."

[Sidenote: (26) The Immunity, IX, 20.]

39. "They who have believed and fled their homes and (_Jahadoo_) toiled with their substance and with their persons on the path of G.o.d are of the highest degree with G.o.d, and these are they who shall enjoy felicity!"

Sale ... "Employ their substance and their persons in the defence of G.o.d"s true religion."

Rodwell ... "And striven with their substance and with their persons in the path of G.o.d."

Palmer ... "Been strenuous in the way of G.o.d with their wealth and their persons."

[Sidenote: (27) _Ibid_, 24.]

40. "Say, if your father and your sons and your brethren and your wives, and your kindred and wealth which ye have gained, and merchandise which ye fear may be unsold, and dwellings wherein ye may delight be dearer to you than G.o.d and His Apostle and (_Jihadan_) toiling in My cause, then wait until G.o.d shall Himself enter on His work; G.o.d guideth not the impious."

Sale ... "Advancement of his religion."

Rodwell ... "Efforts on his path."

Palmer ... "Fighting strenuously."

[Sidenote: (28) _Ibid_, 41.]

41. "March ye forth light and heavy and (_Jahidoo_) toil with your substance and persons on the way of G.o.d. This, if ye knew it, will be best for you."

Sale ... "Employ your substance and your persons for the advancement of G.o.d"s true religion."

Rodwell ... "Contend with your...."

Palmer ... "Fight strenuously with your wealth and persons."

[Sidenote: (29) The Immunity, IX, 44.]

42. "They who believe in G.o.d and in the last day will not ask leave to be exempt from (_Yojahadoo_) toiling with their substance and their persons. But G.o.d knoweth them that fear Him."

Sale ... "Employ their substance and their persons for the advancement of G.o.d"s true religion."

Rodwell ... "Contending with their substance and persons."

Palmer ... "Fighting strenuously."

[Sidenote: (30) _Ibid_, 82.]

43. "They who were left in their homes were delighted behind G.o.d"s Apostle and were averse from (_Yojahidoo_) exerting with their riches and their persons for the cause of G.o.d, and said, "March not out in the heat." Say, a fiercer heat will be the fire of h.e.l.l!

Would that they understood this."

Sale ... "Employ their substance and their persons for the advancement of G.o.d"s true religion."

Rodwell ... "Contending with their riches and their persons."

Palmer ... "Fighting strenuously with their wealth and their person."

[Sidenote: (31) _Ibid_, 87.]

44. "Moreover when a Sura was sent down with "Believe in G.o.d, and (_Jahidoo_) toil in company with his Apostle," those of them who are possessed of riches demanded exemption, and said, "Allow us to be with those who sit _at home_.""

Sale ... "Go forth to war."

Rodwell ... "Contend."

Palmer ... "Fight strenuously."

[Sidenote: (32) The Immunity, IX, 89.]

45. "But the Apostle, and those who share his faith (_Jahadoo_) exerted with their substance and their persons, and these ! good things await them and these are they who shall be happy."

Sale ... "Expose their fortune and their lives."

Rodwell ... "Contend with purse and person."

Palmer ... "Are strenuous with their wealth and with their persons."

[Sidenote: (33) The Table, V, 39.]

46. "O ye who believe! fear G.o.d and desire union with Him and (_Jahidoo_) toil on His path. It may be that you will obtain happiness."

Sale ... "Fight."

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