Chapter 109

A Night in the Capital

Editors: Sebas Tian, Speedphoenix, Joker

“My lord…” I leaned back into my chair and heaved a heavy sigh shortly after having someone pick up the princess, who had fallen asleep in my lap . I had entrusted her to one of the maids that had been watching over the entire dinner party with a smile .

Unlike the maid, I had the exact opposite of a smile on my face . The awful drunk of a hero had forced me to drink way more than I wanted . I simply could not remember the last time I had ever ingested that much alcohol in one sitting . Fortunately, my overpowered body was one that was able to tolerate copious amounts of booze, as I never ended up vomiting . That said, I wasn"t all that comfortable either . I could practically feel the liquid slos.h.i.+ng around within my guts . Man . Today has just been chock full of me being glad I"m not just another human anymore, hasn"t it? First, there was that whole battle freak fiasco, and now there"s this . Seriously . I can"t thank the dungeon enough for depriving me of my humanity .

The source of all my bowel-related discomfort, the hero, was sound asleep . She had remained glued to me throughout the evening, and had continued leaning on me even after dozing off . You know, now that all the booze is gone, she really does look like just another cute girl . Her body is incredibly soft . She looks real innocent in her sleep too . Looking at her now, I almost can"t imagine her as the terrifying drunk that forced me to guzzle a copious amount of wine .

Recalling the incident filled me with a sense of annoyance . I was so angry that I probably would have started doodling all over her face if I happened to have a pen .

"I mean, I do have a permanent marker on hand, but, you know what, I"ll be nice and let you off the hook . This time . " I muttered a few words under my breath with a smile before getting up . I made sure to carefully adjust the hero"s position and make sure she was propped up against the chair well enough not to fall over . "Time to go, Rir . "

Although my companion had remained in his regular form whilst camping out on the balcony, he was currently the same size as any other wolf . It was the smallest he could get . The reason for the change was because he had wanted to retreat under the table and use my legs to take shelter from everyone that had wanted to pet him . (Read: Carlotta . )

He knew exactly what I meant, so he stretched and got ready to go .

"Would you happen to require my a.s.sistance with anything?" One of the maids standing nearby approached in order to check on me .

"Nah, I"m good . I was just thinking of heading home," I said . "Actually, on second thought, could you do me a favour and tell the king that I had a great time?"

The aforementioned monarch had ended up doing more than just pa.s.sing out . He had transitioned from a booze snooze to a rather deep sleep halfway through the party . One of the butlers who had realized this bowed to all the guests and apologized before escorting him elsewhere . Likely his bedroom . I was pretty much the only one still even remotely sober when it happened though .

"It"s rather late," said the maid . "Would you like me to show you to a room instead? You"re more than welcome to stay the night . "

"Thanks, but I"ll pa.s.s . I told myself I was going to go home today, so I"mma do just that . "

I had the sneaking suspicion that staying the night would ultimately result in a much longer stay than just that . The princess would probably end up trying to keep me detained for as long as she could . And as someone from j.a.pan, I wasn"t all that great at saying no .

"Understood," said the maid . "Would you like me to a.s.sist you in preparing a carriage that will take you all the way to the city"s gates?"

"Nah . " I was planning to get on Rir since he was faster, so I declined .

"Going home already, Masquerade?" Someone called out to me just as I was about to have the maid show me the way back out of the castle .

Glancing over, I found that it was Carlotta, who had been asleep with her arms crossed and her back against one of the sofas in the corner of the room until just a moment ago . I guess the noise must have woken her . She is a soldier, so I doubt she"s that deep of a sleeper even if she"s all drugged up on booze .

"Yeah . Thanks for everything," I said . "Oh, do me a favour, pa.s.s that message onto Nell for me once she wakes up . "

"Hmph . I should be the one thanking you . We couldn"t have completed the operation nearly as easily without you," the knight snorted . "Feel free to ask if you ever need my help . The church would be glad to offer you our a.s.sistance at any time . And I"m sure Nell would be too . "

"I dunno about you, but that sounds like a sure-fire way for me to get myself recruited by the church . "

"Well, I am more or less saying that we"ll welcome you with open arms," she said . "We do think pretty highly of you, after all . "

I flashed her a wry grin, waved goodbye, and left the castle .


"Wait! Yuki!" Another voice called out to me right as the maid showed me outside . I turned around to see the hero chasing me down . Kind of . Her steps were unsteady, and she had a hand on her temple .

“Oh, hey Nell . You’re up already?”

“M-Mhm… But my head is killing me…"

"No surprise there . That"s kind of what happens when you drink too much . " I gave her a reproachful stare . "Speaking of which, you"re a terrible drunk . "

"Erk…" The girl"s face immediately flushed a shade of red .

I guess that means she remembers all the flirting around she did .

"U-Uhm… S-sorry…" she stammered . "I couldn"t help myself . I was really drunk, and it was just so much fun . "

"Yeah, whatever… " I rolled my eyes . "You should really be more careful . I probably would have taken advantage of you if I wasn"t literally the embodiment of what it meant to be a gentleman . "

"Gentleman? Yeah, how about no," said Nell . "And I know . I"d never let myself get that drunk around guys I don"t know or people I can"t relax around . "

"Are you saying you feel like you can relax around me?"

“I at least trust you enough to know that you won’t take advantage of me . Besides, even if you did, then all I’d have to do is go crying to Lefi," said Nell triumphantly .

"Please don"t . The thought terrifies me . " I smiled awkwardly . "Well, hero, I guess this is goodbye . Thanks for everything . I know we didn"t hang out all that much, but I had tons of fun . "

"Me too . I really liked spending time with you . I"m kind of disappointed we already have to say goodbye," she said . "But it"s not like we won"t ever see each other again, right?"

"You betcha . Feel free to stop by the dungeon and hang out whenever . You"ve got a free pa.s.s, and our doors are open for you anytime . "

Nell paused for a moment .

"Sure . I"ll definitely come visit," she smiled . "I"ll be much more of a hero next time we see each other . I"ll be so strong I"ll make you s.h.i.+ver in your boots! So just you wait!"

"Sounds like a challenge . I can"t wait," I laughed .

I grinned and jumped on Rir, who had returned to his full size .

"Oh yeah, that reminds me . Here, take this . " I opened my inventory and chucked at the hero .

"Huh? Wahhh!" She panicked and just barely managed to catch the sheathed dagger I had thrown her way . “What’s this…?”

"Just a little something I made . The whole crafting process went well and all, but I kinda can"t exactly use it myself . "

"It"s so pretty…" She stared in awe as the blade, which she had only drawn halfway, sparkled in the moonlight .

If one were to a.n.a.lyze the blade, they would see the following .


Lunar Blossom: A Dagger with a snow white blade created by a demon lord named Yuki . Swinging it during the night causes its glimmering blade to cleave through the darkness and leave a ray of moonlight in its wake .

Quality Rating: A+


I had created Lunar Blossom not too long ago . It was back when I was messing with enchanted metals in order to determine their quirks . Specifically, it was made of adamant.i.te . It was a wonderfully crafted item . Its quality was so high that it made me want to stand tall and proud . However, like I had mentioned, I didn"t exactly have any use for it .

I already had several other knives that I used on a regular basis . And it wasn"t like I could use it in combat either . I was using Zaien as my main armament and the magical handgun as my secondary . I just didn"t need it . And that wasn"t even taking into account the fact that I was awful at handling blades . My Sword Mastery skill was still stuck at level 2 .

"It"s pretty sharp and pretty durable too . I was hoping that you"d keep it on hand as your spare weapon or use it to butcher monsters or something . "

"Thank you . " Nell sheathed the blade and hugged it to her chest . She then nodded with a beautiful smile that seemed indicative of the emotions she had kept bottled deep inside . "I promise I"ll take really good care of it . "

“Please do . Well, I guess I’ll be off now, Nell . ”

“See you again, Yuki . ”

She waved goodbye as I rode Rir through the capital and melded into the darkness of the night .


Editor"s note (Joker): Hey, guys! Joker here . Aww, looks like a certain hero is starting to fall for our resident Demon Lord . If that does happen, naturally Lefi would be the primary mate, Illuna would probably put up a fight for second, s.h.i.+ might join in because it looks fun, and the maids… well, I"m not sure on the maids yet . We"ll see later down the line . But yeah, a Hero falling for a Demon Lord . I"m sure this will go over well in the church . Maybe some of the higher ups in the church will try and have Nell "silenced", Carlotta will fight against it, and Yuki is going to have to intervene . I don"t know, that"s just what I"m guessing . Okay, let"s see… two letters in the bag today, plus… How many headpats?! 9?! And 6 of them from the same person?! Good golly, Miss Molly… I"ve never had that many letters before… I guess that"s the power of moe . How scary… So, um, anyway, thanks to HONEYBEE and kx for your letters, and kx, Tonatsi, Kisuli for the double headpat… not sure why you did me…and جهاد السعيدي . Strange name, and I"m not sure if it"ll show up, but I"m not judging . Nirvash thanks you for the headpats, and if you have a question you"d like to ask… or if you just want to headpat her some more… leave your comment, or headpat, below with the hashtag #AskJoker or #NirvashHeadPat . See y"all in the next chapter!

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