Chapter 123

A Draconic Date — Part 1

Editors: Speedphoenix, Joker

"Yuki, I wish to invite you on a date . "

"Sure, let"s g—" I casually nodded along to Lefi"s words, as usual, only to suddenly stop as I finally processed them . "Wait . What?"

"Did you perhaps provide an answer without listening to what I said?" Lefi"s tone didn"t really change . She knew it was the usual . "I suggested that we engage in the experience known as a date . "

“Uh… Uhm… Sure…” My brain had ground to a halt . It took me a good while to squeeze out an answer . Wait . A date? Like, a date date? Wait, wait, wait . Calm down Yuki . Don"t let yourself get too excited .

I had the sneaking suspicion that the dragon girl would flash me a s.h.i.+t-eating grin just to p.i.s.s me off the moment I let myself get carried away . Alright Yuki, you can do this . Keep calm . Take it easy . Deep breaths .

"S-So where do you wanna go?" I stuttered at first, but otherwise managed to speak in my usual tone . I had succeeded in containing most of my excitement .

"Our destination is one of the mountains beyond the one we inhabit . "

"Oh, so we"re going hiking? That sounds like it could be fun . "

"Hiking? I see no reason for such an endeavour . We shall fly . "

Oh yeah . Derp . I almost forgot I had wings . But flying, huh? I guess that means we"re going on a sky date . Yeah, that"s nice . I like the sound of that .

"Wait… destination? Are we going somewhere specific?" I asked .

"Indeed . There happens to be a colony of bees on that mountain, one that I have not visited in many a month . I believe that it has come time for me to pay it a visit . "

…Wait a second .


"Precisely . I must say that the honey they produce is quite delectable . I do enjoy the sweets that you provide, but my time away from the sweet nectar has led me to desire it . I would like to harvest it and present it to Leila such that she may use it to craft a delectable dessert . "

I had no words to say . Seeing the blissful look she had on her face as she talked about how much she liked the honey took me from fl.u.s.tered to calm in a matter of moments . Oh . I see how it is .

"Let us visit it together, Yuki . "

"…Don"t wanna . " I paused before refusing much in the same manner as a child throwing a tantrum . I laid down on the spot and turned to face away from Lefi . All my excitement was gone with the wind .

"What!? Why ever would you refuse!?" The dragon, who had expected everything but refusal, responded in an upset, fl.u.s.tered tone . She immediately moved to the side I was facing and tried to look at me, but I rolled over again in order to avoid meeting her gaze .

"I don"t care about honey . "

"I-I a.s.sure you that it is the most delicious honey that this world has to offer . I have no doubts that you will enjoy it . " Lefi mounted my thighs in order to stop me from turning and peeked at my face, but I craned my neck and continued to avoid looking at her .

"Don"t care . I don"t like sweets that much anyway," I pouted .

"Rghhh…" Lefi groaned as she tried to come up with another excuse to drag me along . "Y-your beloved other half is thirsting for honey . Is it not your duty as my partner to grant my wishes?"

I"m pretty sure you"re not supposed to be the judge of whether someone else thinks of you as beloved, Lefi . And whaddya mean partner? Are we supposed to be some sort of stand up comedy duo that does sketches for laughs and cash or something?

"Even if I am your partner or whatever, I don"t see how going benefits me in any which way . "

"E-Even if I was to offer to permit you to sleep by my side in exchange?" said Lefi with a blush .

"Was that supposed to sweeten the deal or something? "Cause it doesn"t . "


The unexpected reply caused the supreme dragon to make a strange sound to express her shock . She looked down at me and stared . It took a while, but she eventually caught on to the fact that I had no intention of moving whatsoever, a conclusion that led to her groan .

"All I wished for was for us to spend time with only each other at our sides…" she muttered under her breath .

She said it extremely quietly . I could tell that it wasn"t something she had intended for me to hear . But being a demon lord, my senses were extremely sharp . I was capable of hearing the heartbeats of anyone nearby, so the words she had whispered were as clear as day . Wait…Was that why she"d asked me out to begin with? Probably, actually . Man, this would"ve been much easier if she said it straight from the start . Oh wait . Right . She"s awkward and not really used to this kinda stuff yet . Riiiiiiiiight .

After heaving a small sigh, I sat up . Since she was sitting on my thighs, my face had ended up basically right in front of hers .

"Ngh!?" She made another weird sound to ill.u.s.trate her surprise as we exchanged a glance from almost point blank .

"Fiiiiine, I"ll come," I said in an exaggerated demonstration of unwillingness . "But you"re going to have to keep that promise of yours and be a d.a.m.n good body pillow . "

"B-body pillow!?" She squeaked in surprise but immediately faked a cough and then kept talking as if it had never happened . "V-Very well . I suppose that, as one that comprehends the spirit of magnanimity, I shall permit you to see your request granted . "

She was trying her best to fake composure, but the way her tail was twitching made it as obvious as could be that she was feeling rather fl.u.s.tered . Smiling, I took her by the hand and got up off the ground .

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