Chapter 132

Lefi and Yuki

Editors: Sebas Tian, Speedphoenix

A gentle warmth enveloped both my head and my cheeks . It was soft, comfortable, and provided me with a sense of relief . The touch I felt on my cheeks moved up then down, and up, then down, like a tender caress .

It felt so heavenly that I got the impression I was being rocked back and forth in some sort of cradle . I drifted back and forth between wake and sleep as I enjoyed the sensation . Though I felt so comfortable I didn"t want to wake, my consciousness slowly returned . As I opened my eyes, I found myself looking straight into Lefi"s .

“Have you finally awoken?”

“Yeah… Morning, Lefi . ”

For a while, I just continued to stare . My brain had yet to fully kick itself back into gear . It was still sluggish and only just barely capable of processing information, but I tried to figure out the situation at hand nonetheless .

"Wait… how"d this happen?"

My head was on Lefi"s lap . The soft, gentle warmth that I felt on the back of my head was the sensation of touching her thighs . And the tender caress I had felt on my cheek had been one of her hands . Her thighs are so, so soft… Oh man, I just wanna bury my face in them . That"d be bliss .

…Well, that"s a completely unreserved thought . Brain, please .

"It is simple . I placed your head upon my lap," said Lefi . "It is quite the exquisite pillow, isn"t it? I believe no other to be its equal . "

"Yeah . It feels good . "

"M-Must you be so blunt? Your honesty disrupts my composure," she said with a blush .

"Actually, now that I think about it, I"d say your wings are actually better if we judge purely based on how high quality a pillow something is . But that said, I think your thighs have got better staying power . If I had the chance to pick one and stick to it forever, I"d definitely take your thighs . Honestly, I"d probably even say that they"re both the best . Neither is really objectively better than the other . They"ve got different merits . "

"I did not think that you would still bear so much energy immediately following the events that have just transpired…" said Lefi with an exasperated smile .

At first, I raised an eyebrow as I wondered what she meant, but soon realized that there was in fact more to the world than just Lefi . Only then did my mind finally process everything in the world around us .

Above me lay the great blue sky . Around me, there lay countless craters and scorch marks . Parts of it had turned completely black, and most trees in our vicinity had been totally smashed to bits . The place was a mess . And the cause of it all was the ma.s.sive corpse that lay beside us, the dragon whose scales were dyed a deep shade of black . Right . I remember now . I fought the b.a.s.t.a.r.d and won . And then I finished him by sawing off his head .

Executing the a.s.shole was my last memory . Everything that followed was blank, which meant I had probably collapsed on the spot . I had quite literally pushed myself to my limits . You know, even I"m having trouble believing that I"m actually still alive after all that .

"Wait… What happened to all my wounds?"

I directed my gaze down towards my own body to find that, while my clothes were still all messed up, I was no longer injured . There wasn"t even a single trace of the many injuries that I had endured . My arm was back, my wings were back, everything could move again, and I no longer looked like a walking corpse . That said, it wasn"t all good news . My body felt sluggish, really sluggish . My body didn"t really seem to want to listen to my commands .

"Did you fix me up, Lefi?"

"I did . I am the Supreme Dragon, a veritable symbol of power . Healing your wounds was but an act of child"s play," said the silver-haired maiden . "But though I have restored your flesh, I cannot restore the blood that you have lost . You would best remain still and rest . "

"Thanks," I chuckled as I listened to her brag . "Wait, I could"ve sworn I filled this whole area with poison . What happened to all of it?"

"Worry not, I have already dispersed it . It shan"t affect us . "

"I see… thanks . " I smiled . "And sorry . It seems like I"ve been making you clean up after me . "

"Fret not, for you are my partner . It is only natural for me to a.s.sist you in resolving the aftermath of your actions, especially in a case such as this . " Lefi smiled . "For the task in which you involved yourself was engaging in my protection . "

"So how do you think I did?"

"Splendidly, for you have succeeded in ensuring the defeat of your foe . "

"Then I guess it was worth pus.h.i.+ng myself so hard after all . "

It"s nice to know that getting my body punched full of holes actually paid off .

"And push you did . Your actions were rash, as those that dare to challenge dragons are often known to their peers as naught but madmen," said Lefi . "I know that, while you may hide behind a facade of tranquillity, you are too quick to lose your temper . Have you thought not of the extent to which I was concerned for your well being?"

I didn"t really have much of a comeback, so I ended up laughing off her comment instead of denying it . "It was cool though, right?"

"I will at least admit that you impressed me much more than he . " The way Lefi laughed as she spoke was so lovely I was sure it brought a smile to my face .

“Hey, Lefi?”

“What is it?”

"I love you . ”

She didn"t seem to know how to react, as her whole body suddenly stiffened up in response to my words . I used her lack of action as a cue to keep talking .

"h.e.l.l, saying I love you is an understatement . It"s more than just that . I"m totally head over heels for you . "

"W-why is it that you are suddenly professing your affections!?" Her face turned a deep shade of red as she finally processed the words I had just said to her .

Only after hearing her fl.u.s.tered response did I realize that she was right . I tilted my head in confusion . Huh . What"s gotten into me? I guess my head"s probably still all messed up because of how hard I pushed myself . Like, seriously, I thought I was going to die . Anyway, enough with the excuses and s.h.i.+t .

"I know that I"m not really the best match for you as I am right now . h.e.l.l, I"m so weak I struggled to beat a wimp that doesn"t even know how to fight . But I"ll do my best to get stronger . And one day, I"ll get strong enough to stand right by your side . I hope that"s okay . "

"You need not debase yourself any further," chuckled Lefi . She seemed to have, for the most part, gotten over her embarra.s.sment . There was still a twinge of red on her face, but she was able to address me in the same way as usual .

In fact, she seemed to be slowly taking her time and carefully choosing her words . And once she was finally done, she spoke in a manner almost reminiscent of a declaration .

"I have witnessed the extent of your courage with my very own eyes . The manner in which you carried yourself in battle was so impressive that I found myself fascinated by your abilities . I need not see you grow to know that you will, Yuki . I know that one day you shall achieve strength that mirrors my own . And that you may perhaps even go further beyond . "

“So I’ve even been certified by the mighty Supreme Dragon herself huh? What an honour . ” A smile appeared on my face as I forced my groggy, unresponsive body to move . Slowly but surely, I raised a hand towards the silver-haired girl"s cheek .

"I love you, Lefi . I"m so hopelessly in love with you that I don"t know what to do with myself . I don"t ever want you to leave my side . So, Lefi, won"t you take my hand and forever stay by my side?"

"I believe that most others in your circ.u.mstances would have asked a question more akin to "would you not be mine?""

"Making you mine would mean putting shackles on you and taking away your freedom . And I don"t want that . I want you to be you . I want you to be free to do whatever it is that you want . "

"That is quite the interesting manner of expressing your wishes . " Lefi chuckled as she placed a hand on the one I had against her cheek .

"Yuki . " She looked at me with a smile full of affection . "If it is what you desire, then I, Leficios, shall remain by your side for all of eternity . "

She slowly brought her face towards mine and pressed her lips against mine .

The sensation was soft, sweet, and pleasant . So wonderful it was that I could almost feel my mind melt away as I allowed myself to enjoy it . Through her lips, I could feel her warmth, her burning pa.s.sion . Her feelings flowed into me and mine into her . It was like we had become one .

I didn"t know exactly how long it had lasted . It could have been seconds, minutes, or even longer . But I knew that it had eventually come to an end when she slowly pulled away . She had only inched just a bit backwards . She was still right there with me .

And just as we had the moment I had awoken, we gazed into each other"s eyes .

"This is pretty embarra.s.sing," I said as I felt a blush slowly creep on my face .

"Bearing with my own embarra.s.sment has proven quite rewarding," giggled Lefi . "I would not have had the chance to see that look on your face had I not . "

Her cheeks were still as red as a tomato, but she had a mischievous look on her face . It was an innocent expression, like that of a child that had just finished playing a prank . It was adorable . She was so beautiful that my eyes were drawn to her . I couldn"t avert my gaze even if I wanted to . And as I stared, my heart began to pound .

"D-Do not be mistaken, Yuki," she stammered . "For the touch of our lips was merely a part of a draconic ritual . "

"Mhmmmm…" I nodded knowingly . Totally not suspicious at all . "And what kind of ritual would that be?"

"O-One that merely designates you as my mate," she said with a blush . "Wait! I demand that you explain that smug grin of yours immediately!"

"Iunno what you"re talking about . I"m not acting any different, it"s totally just you," I played dumb, just to tease her . "But anyway, I guess that means you"re basically my wife now, doesn"t it?"

"Y-Your wife…!?" Lefi squeaked . "I-I suppose that it does, but do not allow this change in our status to get to your head! I shall become quite angry should you continue to gather young women . "

"Alright, now hold up a sec, oh bride of mine . Just putting it out there, but I"ve never intentionally gone out of my way just to increase the little girl count "round these parts . "

Seriously, why"s she always gotta blame me for this anyway? It"s not my fault! They just keep springing up outta nowhere . I swear to G.o.d I have no idea how or why it keeps happening, but it"s not my fault!

As much as I wanted to keep complaining, I couldn"t . Even just looking at Lefi made me break into a smile .

“What is it?" She asked as she noticed that I was staring at her .

"Oh, you know . I was just thinking about it "cause I called you my bride just now, but I actually really like the way that sounds . "

"I-I would really have preferred if you kept thoughts like that one to yourself . They are rather embarra.s.sing to hear . "

"Yeah, well you"re cute as h.e.l.l when you"re embarra.s.sed . What"s the problem?"

"D-Did I not just ask you to stop that!?"

Watching her reactions made me smile . She was acting like she was mad, but I could tell that she wasn"t anywhere near as dissatisfied as she was making herself out to be .

“Hey Lefi . Wanna give me another?”

“I suppose it cannot be helped . I will indulge you . ”

The dragon girl immediately understood exactly what I wanted . She made sure to put on a show of exasperation, but despite that, she didn"t turn me down .

Instead, she slowly lowered her lips and once again pressed them against my own .

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