Chapter 139

Enhancing the Dungeon’s Defenses — Phase Two: Acquiring New Subordinates

Editors: Speedphoenix, Joker

“There you are . ” I waved at Rir as he emerged from the forest . The wolf had done as ordered and visited the dungeon the day after I almost accidentally committed the felony known as arson .

He returned my greeting with a bark, so I did as any pet owner would and started playing around with his fur . Oh man, this stuff feels great . I remember sleeping in it when we were coming back from the capital . As far as pillows go, Rir’s second only to Lefi . Fur is love, fur is life, and anyone that says otherwise is wrong .

“Oh yeah, right, I just realized I totally forgot to mention why I wanted you to come over today . ” Only after playing with Rir’s fur to my heart’s content did I finally get down to business . “I was finally going to get around to getting the dungeon a few new hires . I’m going to be counting on you to show them the ropes, alright?”

My canine friend nodded, so I reluctantly took my hands off his fur and opened up the menu . Today was the first time I would increase the number of monsters the dungeon had since the time I summoned the three wraith girls . I had been thinking about it for quite some time, but I kept putting it off . Until today .

Procrastination wasn’t without its benefits . Not choosing immediately provided me with a long period of time to contemplate the many different possibilities I had to pick from . I was long locked in; I knew exactly what I wanted and why . Heh . Summoning these four is basically going to double our forces . It’ll take me one step closer to making my dungeon the most absurdly difficult dungeon that there ever was .

“Now come, my pets! Heed your new owner’s summons!”

I popped open the dungeon catalogue, scrolled over to where the monsters were listed, and selected the four that I had marked in advance . My vision was suddenly flooded by a vast number of glowing particles the moment I hit the confirm b.u.t.ton . The literal bundles of light began to gather and settle, forming four silhouettes before slowly melding away and revealing the creatures they had created .

The first was a crimson snake covered from head to toe with beautiful, glossy scales . The second was a jet black bird with a sharp glint in its eyes . The third was a cat with a forked tail and sleek white fur . And the last was a blob of water that floated about in the air . Their species were Giant Blood Serpent, Dark Crow, Demonic Cat, and Water Spirit respectively . The spirit was a bit smaller than me, but the crow and the cat were both as big as Rir . The snake was even bigger . It was so large that it could swallow me whole with ease . In fact, it was so large that I wouldn’t be surprised if it proved itself capable of devouring Rir . Whew . Thankfully, none of them turned out to be little girls this time . I would’ve been in for a baaaad time .

Most of their stats sat around somewhere in the six hundred range, with health and mana as the exceptions . Their HP values varied between one and a half and two thousand, while their mana values sat at about double that . Of course, as each of the monsters belonged to a different species, they didn’t actually share stat distributions . They all had their own unique splits, but overall, their numbers were indicative of the fact that they were all just about equally valuable in a fight .

The catalogue labelled all four as monsters with high potential . Their final evolutions fell in the same tier as those cla.s.sified as legendary or mythical . I think the proper term for them was supposed to be Calamity Cla.s.s or something like that .

In fact, their final evolutions were so powerful that some had even caused Lefi a great deal of trouble in the past . Heh . Raising and training them is gunna be fun . Soon, I’ll have myself the most powerful monster-based military that this world has to offer . Heh . I can’t wait .

“Listen up, maggots . The name’s Yuki, and I’m your new boss . ”

Hearing my words caused all four of my new pets to bow their heads . Sweet . It looks like they’re all already nice and obedient .

“Alright, now I’m going to name you . From left to right, it’s going to be Orochi, Yata, Byakku, and Wsprit . ”

I quickly a.n.a.lyzed them in order to confirm that the right names had applied to the right monsters . Summarizing the results produced the following:


Pet #1

Name: Orochi

Race: Giant Blood Serpent

Unique Skill: Poison Fang

Pet #2

Name: Yata

Race: Dark Crow

Unique Skill: Farsight

Pet #3

Name: Byakku

Race: Demonic Cat

Unique Skill: Illusion

Pet #4

Name: Wsprit

Race: Water Spirit

Unique Skill: Current Control


Looking them over once again prompted me to think that, Wsprit aside, they were absolutely ma.s.sive . And yet, they remained obedient . The way they were listening to me almost made me think that they were kind of cute . Yup . Ain’t nothing out there as cute as an obedient pet .

Size wasn’t the only thing that made the water spirit stand out amongst its peers . There were two types of spirits . The first was well, actual spirits, whereas the second was a group of non-spiritual monsters referred to as spirits . Wsprit fell in the latter category and thus was not technically an actual spirit . Yeah, confusing, I know .

“I want you guys to live in the forest around these parts . Your job will be to hunt monsters . Be careful though, the monsters around here are pretty tough, and there are traps all over the place . Let Rir over here know if you run into any problems or need help . He’s been around for a while, and he’ll be showing you the ropes . ” I gave the reliable wolf a pat on the back . “Well, Rir, it’s all you now . Good luck getting them up to par . ”

Oh man, I am one s.h.i.+tty boss . I basically just piled all my work on him without even bothering to help . In my defence, Rir’s probably a better fighter than me anyway . I’d probably only get in his way even if I did try helping . More importantly, the canine seemed quite interested in the task . It seemed like something that he knew he would enjoy . Well, I’ll check in every once in a while, but otherwise, I guess I’ll just leave you to it .

Rir had turned out pretty strong himself . a.n.a.lyzing him produced the following results:


General Information

Name: Fluffrir

Race: Fenrir

Cla.s.s: Lord of Wolves

Level: 94

HP: 12030/12030

MP: 19004/19004

Strength: 2351

Vitality: 2902

Agility: 3277

Magic: 3004

Dexterity: 2995

Luck: 149

Unique Skills

Extreme Speed

Everchanging Chains



Claw Mastery VII

Ice Magic VI

Lightning Magic VI

Crisis Detection V

Fang Mastery III

Command III


Demon Lord’s Kin

King of the Monsters

Worn Out Wolf


My stats were still higher than his, but only because I was a higher level . I was pretty sure that our numbers would be about equal once he caught up to me even though both the dungeon’s growth and my evolution had boosted my stats . G.o.dd.a.m.n, Rir, you’re a man .

His skills had levelled up since I last saw him, and he’d even gained two that I didn’t recall him having, Fang Mastery and Command . He probably got Command from issuing orders to all his underlings, huh?

He’d also gained a few t.i.tles, King of the Monsters, and Worn Out Wolf . Wait, Worn Out Wolf? Lemme a.n.a.lyze that real quick .


Worn Out Wolf: A t.i.tle granted to a wolf that has developed pessimistic tendencies as a result of spending each day stressing out and worrying due to pressure from both his underlings and his superiors .


Uhhhh… my bad .

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