Chapter 445

T/L: Hi, there. In the poll, [Onii-san] won with a 61% majority (298 total votes), so we will continue using that in the future chapters. Thanks.

Beginning of Life (1)

There were so many questions that I wanted to ask, but before I could open my mouth, the skeletal figure of the G.o.d, whose name was apparently [Lynn], pointed its bony finger straight out.

I was drawn to it and looked in that direction, and before I knew it, there was some kind of sphere-like light floating there.

It gave me the impression of a ma.s.s of pure power.

As I was wondering what it was, a change occurred in front of me.

A figure, probably a woman, but I could not make out her face, suddenly appeared in front of me.

The woman slowly reached out her hand and touched the light, and the next moment, the earth was created under her feet.

At first, the earth was nothing but a rocky surface, but in a few moments, it transformed into a vibrant, life-giving green.

The lush trees formed forests, water overflowed the hollowed earth to form an ocean, and finally, the sun and moon rose overhead to form the sky.

There were still no creatures around, but the world itself had been created.

Was this a myth of this world?

The situation was very similar to the story Layla and the others had told me before.

If so, that woman was the G.o.ddess [Gaia] and the ball of light was the primordial G.o.d [Dominus].

Lynn then pointed in a different direction, making a new scene appear.

The G.o.ddess [Gaia] was in a prayer-like pose, and the next moment, new figures were born.

They were eight in number.

Although their faces were still not visible, each shadow had a different shape… As far as I could tell, there were humans, Dwarfs, elves, and beastmen.

There was only one four-legged creature among them. It had a large body with horns, a tail, and large wings, so I wondered if it was a dragon.

There were also three humanoid figures that were a bit difficult to recognize… were they demons?

Today’s demons were so numerous that they have been lumped together as “demons,” but in the mythical era, it may have been different.

Those eight figures – or rather, the eight pillars – were the first living creatures and G.o.ds.

“Are you… one of those three demon-like pillars?”

Lynn nodded and pointed to one of the three.

I see, so it really was him, wasn’t it? I guessed that he might be male, but I couldn’t be sure. He wasn’t exactly a skeleton originally, was he?

It seemed that each of the eight pillars created in this way increased the number of their kin, making more and more humanoid species appear on the ground.

During this time, the G.o.ddess [Gaia] seemed to have taken a stance of basically non-interference with them.

It appeared that she was always with Dominus, concentrating on creating new creatures, such as monsters, and expanding the world.

Eventually, in the newly created world, the humanoids, guided by the G.o.ds, increased in population to the point where they formed a [country], albeit on a smaller scale compared to today.

So, this was the beginning of the world.

This may be a little late, but it seemed that I had been shown something extraordinary.

“…Is there a reason why you’re showing me this right now?”

Hearing my question, Lynn pointed his palm toward me as if telling me to wait, and then pointed his index finger in a different direction again.

I suppose he wanted to tell me to look at the rest of the story.

When I turned my head as prompted, I saw two figures there.

The G.o.ddess [Gaia] and one of the G.o.ds mentioned earlier, who looked like a Demon.

The one who looked like a demon was not Lynn. He was a different G.o.d.

He was pleading with the G.o.ddess [Gaia] for something.

The content…must be something related to his own kin.

He was holding what appeared to be the corpse of a woman on his chest, and I could see that he was shedding tears.

From the looks of it, he may be pleading for the resurrection of the dead.

But it seemed that his plea was not heeded.

The G.o.ddess sadly shook her head in rejection, and moved away from that single pillar.

The remaining Demon G.o.d was stunned, then knelt on the ground in lamentation, weeping for a while – and then produced a weapon….

He took a piece of his own soul and transformed it into a weapon using his [Weapon Refining] skill-like power.

From the shape, was it a long sword?

Weapons were tools for battle… They were used to defeat opponents and enforce one’s own wishes with force.

What on earth was G.o.d thinking when he created the weapon?

Then, the race created by the Demon G.o.d also became hostile to other races… and the first conflict occurred since the birth of the world.

Perhaps it was between demons and humans.

I didn’t know what the reason was, but it seemed that the demons killed the humans in the ensuing conflict.

The Human G.o.ddess was angered by that… She was probably the G.o.ddess that Nell wors.h.i.+ped.

She seemed to have protested to the Demon G.o.d.

In response, the Demon G.o.d straight up pointed his sword at the Human G.o.ddess, but he did not slash at her and quietly talked to her.

The Human G.o.ddess, who was angry at first, looked surprised, then sadly wept. She then asked the Demon G.o.d what exactly happened.

The Demon G.o.d shook his head and replied to the Human G.o.ddess.

With that, they parted, and the scene ended, perhaps because Lynn had finished what he wanted to show.

I didn’t know the exact details of the events because they were shown in a greatly simplified form.

All I could make out was the general flow of how things happened.

Still, there were things I could figure out.

“Did they rebel against the Creator G.o.d…”

Lynn slowly nodded his head.

The Divine Spear must also have been created in that struggle.

“Then, are you here, like the sword I just saw, a piece of their soul?”

He nodded his head in affirmation, then held out his hands to create what appeared to be two camps in s.p.a.ce.

One camp was the Human G.o.ddess’s side, which was trying to protect the G.o.ddess Gaia, and the other camp was the Demon G.o.d’s side, which was aiming at her.

The only one not involved in the war was the Dragon G.o.d.

Among them, Lynn seemed to be on the side of the Demon G.o.d.

“So you were on the side of the Demon G.o.d.”

Although I didn’t know the details, this flow of events showed that the Demon G.o.d had a weighty reason for taking up arms.

I would bet that the G.o.d who was residing inside the spear had an equally good reason to fight as well.

So, he, who had been explaining everything up to this point with a kind of video, opened his mouth for the second time since coming to this place.

-Simply want to Rebel.

“You’re just being rebellious!”

I couldn’t help but chuckle, and then I realized… he was probably laughing too… as his shoulders were shaking.

This G.o.d might be surprisingly interesting.

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