Chapter 90

The Church’s Might — Part 1

Editors: Joker, Speedphoenix

"I don"t mind if he joins us . I"m sure you know already, but we aren’t exactly in the best of spots . We"re willing to take all the help we can get, so we"d be glad to have him on board . Especially if he"s strong," said the knight named Carlotta . "Anyways, why don"t we head inside?"

G.o.d d.a.m.n Nell, talk about trust . I almost can"t believe they"re actually going to let me inside just "cause you vouched for me . I followed the hero, who traced the other knight"s footsteps as she made her way inside the run-down shack .

"What was that…?" I was a.s.saulted by a minor sense of discomfort the moment I walked through the door; an unpleasant sensation shot through my body . The h.e.l.l…? Did they do something to me just now…?

"Wow . You actually noticed that?" The knight regarded me with a surprised gaze . "I guess that means you really are fairly strong after all . "

"What did you just do…?" I asked .

"No need to be so alarmed . It wasn"t anything out of the norm," she replied . "While, yes, Nell did introduce you to us, and that does account for a certain degree of credibility, we"re not so foolish as to let just anyone enter our ranks without prior inspection . The fact that you were able to enter the door means you don"t bear us any ill will . "

Carlotta took what looked like some sort of doc.u.ment from a man that came from further within the building and began to skim through it, muttering as she did . "It looks like you"re human… And that the mask is just a normal mask . I was almost expecting it to be some sort of magically enhanced device…"

"Huh…?" Hearing the report caused Nell"s face to contort with surprise . She looked like she was about to say something stupid, I gave her the look and used my eyes to tell her to keep quiet while shrugging in response to her confusion .

"What else were you expecting? I only came to help, after all . "

"Hmmm…" she seemed to give me another judging, suspicious look . The tense air lasted for a good bit, but she eventually relaxed . "I see . I hope you"ll excuse us for how rude we were being then . "

"All good . " The calm natural manner in which I spoke failed to relay my real emotions . The truth of the matter was that my heart was pounding . Hooooooooooly s.h.i.+t . This woman be scary . She totally managed to get me to relax the moment before she tested me, just so I"d drop my guard . And she even managed to smile like nothing was up . G.o.dd.a.m.n, she"s terrifying . I need an adult .

Oh man, I"m lucky I actually listened to Nell when she was talking about how they had items that would let them ID people . I would"ve been taken off the field before I even got to swing if I hadn"t had any countermeasures in place . The reason that the item Carlotta used to a.n.a.lyze me had identified me as a human was obviously not because I had experienced yet another rebirth . Rather, it came in the form of a skill, a skill I had only recently acquired: Disguise .

Disguise was what I had ended up choosing over the remote-controlled golem strategy that I had in mind at first; it was just a better use of DP . The skill seemed more or less identical to the one that Lefi used to stop me from seeing her stat numbers . It showed my enemies what I wanted them to see and hid what I didn"t . Of course, I had already set up my character sheet to look a certain way in advance .


General Information

Name: Wye

Race: Human

Cla.s.s: Thief

Level: 35

HP: 1603/1603

MP: 1167/1167

Strength: 411

Vitaility: 443

Agility: 682

Magic: 451

Dexterity: 638

Luck: 72


Martial Arts III

Stealth IV

Detect Enemies III

Sword Arts I


One Who Judges


My name, Wye, came from the first letter of Yuki, my actual name . Now, I know where you"re going with this . Yeah, I know I sound like a G.o.dd.a.m.n simpleton, but that"s not the point . What matters is that I didn"t forget that I needed a pseudonym .

All my stats had gone through a bit of tweaking . I adjusted them all to make them significantly lower than the hero"s . My cla.s.s, thief, was just one I happened to think of and like . I went along with the whole thief theme by giving my falsified agility and dexterity stats a little bit of a boost . The only skills I left on my character sheet were ones that were likely to be found on an actual thief, and I"d intentionally kept all their levels fairly low . Apparently, level 5 skills were only supposed to be found amongst the truly skilled, so I avoided them like the plague .

While I could have just left my t.i.tle section blank, I felt as if not having anything would"ve made my stat page seem a bit empty, so I kept the most normal one visible and hid the rest .

I had no idea what the item in question allowed the knight to see, but either way, I a.s.sumed I would come off as someone that was fairly capable as far as humans were concerned either way .

Of course, the stats I had on display were a far cry away from my actual stats .


General Information

Name: Yuki

Race: Demon Lord

Cla.s.s: Demon Lord of Judgement

Level: 43

HP: 3101/3101

MP: 10442/10442

Strength: 911

Vitality: 926

Agility: 818

Magic: 1161

Dexterity: 1423

Luck: 73

Skill Points: 0

Unique Skills

Magic Eye




Item Box

a.n.a.lyze VIII

Martial Arts IV

Primordial Magic V

Stealth V

Enemy Detection V

Sword Arts II

Weapon Trans.m.u.tation IV

Enchant IV

Trap Techniques I

Greatsword Arts II

Disguise II

Crisis Detection I


Demon Lord From Another World

Supreme Dragon’s Owner

One Who Judges

One Hostile to Humanity

DP: 104356


I was coming along fairly well, if I did say so myself . My level had risen, and most of my skills were a good bit higher than they"d been just a while ago . I was particularly proud of Sword Arts, which had finally risen to its second level . Hnnng .

I"d also gotten several new skills: Greatsword Arts, which I had naturally obtained while swinging a ma.s.sive blade all w.i.l.l.y nilly; Disguise, which I bought with DP for the purposes of this outing; and Crisis Detection, which seemed pretty d.a.m.n useful as far as I was concerned . Unlike the Greatsword Arts skill, the Disguise skill had been levelled artificially; I had dumped all my skill points into it in order to provide it with a bit of a boost . Like many other skills, its effectiveness was based on both its level and the difference between my stats and the stats of those around me . That was why I was able to deceive many others despite the skill being only level 2 .

"Wye, was it? I"m going to refrain from asking exactly who you are for now . I"ve no problems with you since you don"t seem to be harbouring any sort of malicious intent," said the lightly armoured female knight . "Can I count on you to use those skills of yours to help our cause?"

"That"s why I"m here . "

"Thank you . I do appreciate it given how understaffed we are . " She nodded . "Alright, why don"t we make for our destination? For real this time . "

And so, Nell and I followed Carlotta deeper into the shabby excuse of a building . I looked around our surroundings from behind my mask as we moved, surveying every last detail out of sheer curiosity . But soon, I was stopped . The hero tapped me on the shoulder and whispered in a voice too quiet for anyone but me to hear . "What did they do? Why do they think you"re human?"

"Oh, you know, just messed with my stat page a bit" I whispered back . "And, see, I told you there wouldn"t be any problems . "

"To be honest, I was feeling really anxious and on edge . Thank goodness nothing happened . "

Me too . Me too . The she-knight honestly deserved to have found me out . The way she had come snooping the moment I let my guard down had me spooked . Chances were, she"d been planning it all right from the start .

"Over here . Watch your feet . The floor here isn"t exactly in the best of states . " Carlotta issued a few instructions after stopping in front of what looked like nothing more than just another wall . “May the Lord guide us to salvation . ”

A secret panel rose to reveal a hidden pathway the moment she finished reciting some sort of phrase or pa.s.scode .

“…Woah . ” I blinked a few times as I looked on in astonishment . Holy s.h.i.+t . Is that a secret pa.s.sageway? f.u.c.k yes! I"ve always wanted to try using one of these!

The door the knight had opened seemed to lead deeper underground . Dim lights hang from the pa.s.sage"s ceiling, illuminating a dull looking path .

"Let"s go . " And with her words as the cue, the knight once again began to lead us .

I couldn"t help but feel a sense of excitement rise within me as I followed .


TL Note: I might change the way I"ve chosen to word some of the skills and t.i.tles and stuff soon . I"ll make retrospective changes once I"m done deciding what things should be called .

Editor"s note (Joker): Hey, guys! Joker here . Looks like Yuki had everything figured out . But really, it was fairly obvious . Isekai protags who aren"t human who decide to mingle with humanity usually get a Disguise skill like that, or they"re sent to that world with it . Same old hat trick, but Yuki actually had to work for it . Okay, well not work . More like… give Lefi a chocolate bar and let her rack up the DP for it . On an unrelated note, I"ve been playing a ton of Ace Attorney Trilogy for PS4, plus Yugioh Legacy of the Duelist . They"re both pretty fun games, and I"m happy I bought them . Okay, let see the Letter Sack today… *rummages around* Oh, neat . Six letters today . Thanks so much guys . Thanks to Cielitojeff, ~Fran Fan (or rather as they"ll soon be known, Tonatsi), kx, Zehd Cashew, sakana-kun[CS-chan mk . vi], and kotarou inugami . satria gets an honorable mention for asking a question to me, but it was something that Boss Young"un did . Remember, if you"ve got a question you"d like to ask, leave it in the comments with the hashtag #AskJoker and I"ll reply . Get noticed by your senpai today . And with that, I"ll leave y"all here . See y"all in the next chapter!

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