Chapter 33

Maou Ni - Chapter 33

The Relaxing Hot spring


I unconsciously let out a loud sigh as my body sank deep into the hot water .

I"m soaking in the newly built ryokan"s hot spring in order to test the temperature of the water . And it was quite amazing .

The bathtub was made of cypress wood and was large enough for two people to stretch their bodies out and still have ample s.p.a.ce to move .

There was no roof above, so you could see the stars and moon s.h.i.+ning in the sky . A dim lamp alone illuminated over the steaming water which reflected the starry sky .

The time here was synced with the outside world . The sun came out in the morning, and in the nighttime, you would be able to see the moon and countless stars .

At first, I had considered having this world be in a persistent night, but it would be very inconvenient, so I settled on having a proper morning, afternoon and night cycle .

"Ahhh, s.h.i.+, this is amazing . "

I said to s.h.i.+ who was floating lightly on the water .

s.h.i.+ was an avid lover of baths, often forcing her way in, whenever I happened to be in a tub .

I wondered if she didn"t get soggy from it, but s.h.i.+"s body was always very smooth whenever she got out of the way, so maybe being submerged in the water affected her metabolism .

"Older brother!"

Just then, the door to the bathing room slid open and in came Iluna .

"Iluna, you came? I thought that I told you to come in later on . "

"Ehehe, sorry about it . "

Iluna said with a mischievous smile .

…with such a happy face, I could not help but forgive her .

"Hey, older brother, wash my head!"

"Fine, fine . Now, sit over there . "


I got out of the bath tube and brought over another bath chair and placed it behind where Iluna was sitting .

"Umphhh . "

"What, you seem to be in a good mood?"

I asked as I washed her head, Iluna nodded happily and answered .

"Yes! It"s been a while since we were together!"

…It was true, I don"t think I"ve spent much time with her recently .

…I supposed I could play with her in the gra.s.sland area in the near future .

A picnic might be a good idea . In that case, it may not be just the two of us, but we could play for the entire day .

That would be great, a picnic . I was starting to look forward to it myself .

As I was was.h.i.+ng Iluna"s head and thinking of such things, the bathing room"s door slid open once again .

"Oh, Iluna, you were here too?"

"Ah, older sister!"

"Ahh, it"s Lefy… Lefy!?"

"? What, why are you making that stupid face?"

It was Lefy that came in next .

"Wha- why are you coming in as well?"

"Am I not allowed to enter?"

"No, not exactly, but…"

Age-wise, Iluna was perfectly acceptable, but Lefy was a bit much; in various ways . I would prefer it if she gave me a break, if possible . In various ways .

"Older sister wants to be with older brother too!"

"Tha- that"s not it! … *cough* I just thought I would allow you to wash my head once in a while . It feels quite good when you wash my hair for me . "

"Oh, huh, is that so . …Um, well then . Iluna, why don"t you get in the bathtub first?"


Now that Iluna"s head was washed clean, she cheerily agreed and went directly to submerge herself in the bathtub .

In her place, Lefy came down to sit on her chair .

What came into my vision was a beautiful, eye-catching white neck that peeked through the gaps of silver colored hair . From there my gaze automatically continued to her rounded shoulders and her curvaceous and womanly back .

Further below that was her cute and tight b.u.t.t . Slightly above it was her dragon tail, wagging back and forth from side to side, tickling my feet .

…Don"t think, don"t think .

I slowly took a deep breath to calm my rising heartbeat so that Lefy wouldn"t notice, and began to apply shampoo to her hair .

And then I used both hands to foam the shampoo and started to scrub and wash her hair .

Her sensitive hair was soft to the touch, my finger gently roamed towards the horns that grew from her head .

"…mmm . "

Audible sighs would occasionally escape Lefy"s lips .

It was oddly alluring and distracting for me .

…do- don"t think, don"t think . Calm down, why are you getting so bothered . This is Lefy .

"… . We- well, we"re done here, Lefy .

After I washed the bubbles from her hair, I said with a sigh of relief . I don"t know what she was thinking, but she just fell back into me, leaning her weight into mine .

Her body heat was directly transferred to my skin, my heart leaped into my throat .

"Wait, what are you…"

"Ahh, that felt good, Yuki . But for some reason your breathing is getting hard, are you alright? Were you perhaps taken in by my naked body?"

She looked up at my face from below, a mischievous grin appeared on her face .

What, she, she had noticed all along…!!

"Do- don"t be stupid . You think too much of yourself . As if anyone would get excited over your kid body?"

"Ah? Kid body you say!? How dare you, you were breathing quite hard just a moment ago!"

"No, no I wasn"t . My nose was clogged and my breathing just got a little heavy . "

"What kind of an excuse is that!?"

"Hey, older brother and sister . The water will get cold if you just stay over there, you know?"

""… . ""

After being admonished by a child, I and Lefy both wordlessly went to the bath tube and sank into the hot water .

"…Ahhh…it feels good… I had no idea that hot springs were this good…"

"Yes, it feels so good . Right, s.h.i.+?"

s.h.i.+ bounced in the water as if to show her agreement .

"So, you like it then? I"m glad . "

For a while, the time pa.s.sed in peaceful silence .

This really…did not feel bad at all .

I"m not the right age to be a father…but perhaps this was what it felt like to be a father with children .

"…but really, why did you suddenly think to make a place like this? Though the scenery is pretty great . "

Questioned Lefy as she gazed at the view of the gra.s.slands that was visible from the bathing area .

"Well, I was actually thinking about making a castle . "


"A castle . And as a first step, I created this gra.s.sland . "

"…a.s.suming that"s all true and you"re going to make a castle, why did that lead to making a hot spring and an inn?"

"It just kind of happened before I noticed . "

"…I, I see . "

Lefy did not seem to understand but nodded anyway .

After that, we stayed and warmed ourselves in the water for a while, when suddenly something started to move in the corner of my vision .


I turned my gaze in that direction, perhaps she had gotten sleepy from being warm . At some point in time Iluna had apparently fallen asleep, she was rocking back and forth in the water .

"Ahh, I guess she got sleepy . Come on, Iluna, stay awake just a little longer . We"ll take you to your bed . "


I took her hand as she sleepily rubbed her eyes .

"Sorry, Lefy, but would you help Iluna get into her clothes?"

"Uh, fine . "

"s.h.i.+…hey, s.h.i.+ . Are you okay? What happened?"

As I looked, s.h.i.+"s body had stretched out and was no longer in its original shape .

It was very worrying to see her melt like that, but s.h.i.+ did not seem to care at all . "I"ll get out in a few minutes!" she said as her body shook like jelly .

"Ah…don"t stay in for too long . "

I said with a somewhat awkward smile and left the bathing room along with Lefy and Iluna .

The three of us walked on, side by side, the pale moonlight gently illuminated our way .

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