Primerole, _sb._ == primrose. Wright"s L. P. p. 26
Prince, _sb._ RG. 367, 402. In Alys. 4727 Weber suggests that "prynces" is a mistake for "traitors," but may it not be another form of "prenches" == stratagems, tricks? see "at-prenche," supra, _adj._ RG. 446
Prior, _sb._ == head of a priory. 2462 B.
Priory, _sb._ RG. 369, 370
Pris, _sb._ == a note of a horn blown on the death of the deer. Body and Soul, 214. Fr. pris, from prendre
Prison, _sb._ RG. 376
---- == prisoner. RG. 550
Privilege, _sb._ Pol. S. 157
Privily, _adv._ RG. 518. Alys. 3765
Privity, _sb._ RG. 468
Privy, _adj._ RG. 435
Procession, _sb._ (of friars). RG. 405, 530
Procurator, _sb._ 352
Procure, _v. a._ RG. 551
Professe, _sb._ == a professed person. RG. 434
Profession, _sb._ == a professing. 1407 B.
Proffer, _v. a._ Alys. 3539
Proper, _adj._ == suitable, fit. 934 B.
Prophecy, _sb._ RG. 132
Prophet, _sb._ RG. 38
Prou, _sb._ == advantage. Ritson"s AS. viii. 88. Fr. prod
Proud, _adj._ RG. 377, 465
Proudly, _adv._ Alys. 3413
Prove, _v. n._ == turn out, result. 2400 B.
---- _v. a._ == try; part, "yproved." RG. 457
---- == confirm, prove. Ritson"s AS. xviii. 30
Provender, _sb._ Pol. S. 239
Prow, _sb._ == prowess. RG. 65
Prowess, _sb._ RG. 462, 453
Psalm, _sb._ Ps. lxv. 4
---- _v. n._ == sing psalms. Ps. vii. 18
Psaltery, _sb._ Ps. x.x.xii. 2
Pudding, _sb._ c.o.k. 57. Dan. budding. Fr. boudin
Puff, _v. n._ [pofte]. Rel. Ant. ii. 211
Pulte, _v. a._ == push. RG. 376; put. RG. 459. 1316 B.
Pulting, _sb._ == pushing. RG. 212
Punge, _sb._ == purse. Alys. 1728. AS. pung. ON. pung, our Engl. "bung"
Puppet, _sb._ == small figure. Alys. 77
Purblind, _adj._ RG. 376, written divisim == entirely blind; not as in the modern sense == one whose sight is impaired. Probably therefore from "pure" == entire, and blind. Cf. "purewhite." RG. 8. In Wiclif, Ex. xxi.
26, it means, "blind of one eye," and is still written divisim; the later version gives "oon i?ed"
Purchase, _v. a._ == procure. RG. 472, 499; to procure food. Alys. 5197.
Fr. pourchacer. Ital. procacciare
Purchase, _sb._ RG. 381, 516
Pure, _adj._ == entire, complete. RG. 546
---- == rightful, legitimate. RG. 106
---- _adv._ == entirely, very. RG. 397
Purely, _adv._ == entirely, completely. RG. 66, 173
Purewhite, _adj._ RG. 8
Purgatory, _sb._ 622
Purge, _v. a._ 371 B.