---- _sb._ == joy. Ps. lxiii. 11; lx.x.xviii. 27

Quethe, _v. n._ == speak, say. [iquethe]. O. and N. 502. 3 s. pres.

"quath." RG. 435; part. "icwede." O. and N. 1651. AS. cwean

Quibibe, _sb._ == cubeb. Wright"s L. P. p. 27. Alys. 6796

Quick, _adj._ == swift. RG. 369, 387. AS. cwic

---- == alive. RG. 289

Quicken, _v. a._ Ps. lx.x.xiv. 7

Quickly, _adv._ RG. 383

Quide, _sb._ == a saying. O. and N. 685. AS. cwide

Quilt, _sb._ [cowlte]. Body and Soul, 15

Quinre, _sb._ == an unknown animal. Alys. 5609

Quire, _sb._ (of a church). RG. 534

Quiste, _sb._ == bequest. HD. 219

Quistron, _sb._ == scullion. Alys. 2511. Fr. questron, quistoun

Quit, _adj._ == free from, released. RG. 392, 522

---- _v. a._ == leave. Rel. S. vii. 75

Quite, _v. a._ == pay, requite. Pol. S. 71

Quithe, _v. a._ == promise, grant? Marg. 72. AS. cwean?

Quiture, _sb._ == care, release. RG. 435


Rabbe, _sb._ == turnip. Alys. 4983. Dut. raap.

Race, _sb._ == course. Wright"s L. P. p. 100. AS. raes

---- == speed, hence a short time [res]. Pol. S. 200; [ras]. Alys. 7830

Rache, _sb._ == hound, brach. Body and Soul, 214. AS. raecc

Rack, _sb._ == torture. Body and Soul, 66. Swed. racka, to stretch

Rade, _adj._ == ready. O. and N. 423; [rath]. HD. 75. AS. rad

Radely, _adv._ == readily, swiftly. Ps. vi. 11

Radness, _sb._ == terror, horror. Ps. liv. 5. AS. hre

Rag, _sb._ Pol. S. 150. AS. hrac? implied in "hracod"

Rage, _sb._ == haste? Alys. 980; rashness. Alys. 4336

Ragged, _adj._ Body and Soul, 185. AS. hracod

Ragged, _adj._ == raged, raging. Alys. 4471

Rail, _v. a._ == put on as a garment. Wright"s L. P. p. 43. AS. hraegl.

Rain, _sb._ RG. 416, 560

---- _v. n._ [ryne]. Fr. Sci. 212. Alys. 6450

---- _v. a._ Ps. lxxvii. 27

Rainbow, _sb._ Signa ante Jud. 170

Raise, _v. a._ Wright"s L. P. p. 100. Ps. cxii. 7

Rake, _v. n._ == depart, go away from. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 193. ON. reka

Rake, _v. n._ == hawk, spit. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211. AS. hracan

Rake, _sb._ == the common instrument so called. Rel. S. v. 214. AS. race

Raisin, _sb._ Alys. 5193

Raketyne, _sb._ == chain. RG. 142. AS. raccenta

Ram, _sb._ == the animal. Alys. 388

Randon, _sb._ == haste, eagerness. Alys. 2484; "into randon." c.o.k. 130.

AS. randun. Probably from the ON. rond. Germ. rant, the border or edge of a thing. In Provencal we have the phrase "a randa," on the edge or border, hence close or pressing. From this comes the Fr. verb, "randir," to approach, rush towards a thing, and "randon," lit. rushing, and generally "haste, violence." See Burguy"s Grammaire, vol. ii. p. 323, whence the above is derived

Rank, _adj._ Ps. lxxvii. 44. AS. ranc

Ransack, _v. a._ Ps. vii. 10; lxiii. 7. ON. ransaka

Ransacking, _sb._ Ps. lxiii. 7

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