Swine, _sb._ RG. 376

Swing, _v. a._ == strike, beat. Wright"s L. P. p. 84. AS. swingan

Swink, _v. n._ == labour. RG. 41; [iswinc]. Moral Ode, st. 94

---- _sb._ == labour, toil. RG. 40, 234. AS. swincan

Swire, _sb._ == neck. Wright"s L. P. p. 35. AS. sweora

Swise. See Swithe

Swithe, _adj._ == vehement. 340 . AS. swi

---- _adv._ == quickly. HD. 140, 682

---- == very. HD. 111; [swise], O. and N. 1565. AS. swie

Swithe, _v. a._ == burn; pret. "swath." Ps. cv. 18; part. "swithand." Ps.

lx.x.xii. 15. ON. svia

Swiving, _sb._ == fornication. Pol. S. 69 Swed. besofva

Swo, _adv._ == so. Wright"s L. P. p. 49

---- == as if. O. and N. 76

Swoon, _sb._ RG. 13. AS. a-swunan

---- _v. n._ [swoghen]. Alys. 5857; part. "yswowe." RG. 290. Alys. 2262; "yswawe." Alys. 2379

Swooning, _sb._ K. Horn, 454

Swop, _sb._ == blow. Marg. 30. ON. svipa

Sword, _sb._ RG. 395

Swore, == sworn? Pol. S. 157

Swored, _sb._ == neck. Alys. 974

Sworre, _sb._ == war. RG. 413

Swost. Rel. S. v. 152. The rhyme requires "swo?," for which "swost" is probably an error; "swo?" may mean "throw." See Hall. _s. v._ Swot

Swynde, _v. n._ == waste away. Pol. S. 150. AS. swindan

Sygaldry, _sb._ == nonsense, trick. Alys. 7015. Fr. singe, singerie? In the Manuel des Pecches, v. 503, "sygaldry" occurs as a verb, in the sense of "sing charms, or spells"

Syke, == sigh, _q. v._

Synagogue, _sb._ Ps. lx.x.xi. 1

Sytoling, _sb._ == playing on the citole or guitar. Alys. 1043

Sywe, Sywinge. See Sue

Sywete. See Suite


Tabard, _sb._ == a short cloak worn by military personages. Alys. 5476.

Fr. tabar. Ital. tabaro. See Wright"s Vocabb. p. 133

Tabernacle, _sb._ RG. 20

Tabor, _sb._ == a musical instrument. RG. 396

Taboring, _sb._ Alys. 925

Tache, _v. a._ == spot or stain. Wright"s L. P. p. 70. Fr. tache

Tail, _sb._ (cauda). RG. 416. AS. t?gel

---- == retinue of followers. RG. 305

Tail, _sb._ == tax. RG. 524. Fr. taille

---- == figure. RG. 117. Fr. taille

Tail, _v. a._ == cut up. Alys. 2133. Fr. tailler

---- _sb._ == slaughter. Alys. 2217

Tailed, _adj._ RG. 416

Taillage, _sb._ == tax. 343 B.

Take, _v. a._ 3 s. pres. "tas." Ps. i. 4; "thas"? HD. 1129; pret. "took."

RG. 384

---- _v. n._ to "take on" about a thing == be annoyed at it. 639 B.

Tale, _sb._ == story. HD. 5; talk. O. and N. 3. RG. 195

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