Thong, _sb._ RG. 115

Thonk, _sb._ == thought. O. and N. 490

---- == will; "hire thonkes," gen. abs. == with her will. O. and N. 70, 292 B. M. Ode, st. 43. AS. onc, anc

Thonkyng, _sb._ == thought. "heore thonkyng." Alys. 1660

Th.o.r.e, _v. n._ == dare. 581 . 2 s. pres. "therstou." 585 ; pret.

"therste." 895 B. ON. ora

---- _v. n._ == need. 120 . 3 s. pres. "tharf." O. and N. 190; "thar."

Ritson"s AS. viii. 57. AS. earfan. Germ. durfen

Th.o.r.e. See There

Th.o.r.e, "on th.o.r.e lay." Wright"s L. P. p. 95; probably, "on or according to the law." "Th.o.r.e" is the dat. sing. of the def. art. AS. ?re

Thorn, _sb._ 389

Thornback, _sb._ == a fish. HD. 759

Thorough, _prep._ See Through

Thoroughly, _adv._ == going right through. HD. 680

Thoste, _sb._ == dung. Pol. S. 237; Ps. lx.x.xii. 11. AS. ost

Thou, _sing._ N. "thou." RG. 115; "thu." O. and N. 71; "thow." Alys. 3371

G. "thin." "maugre thin." HD. 1128

A. "the." 424 B.

_plur._ N. "?e." 26 B.

A. "?ou." 583 ; "eu." O. and N. 1791; "ow." Ibid. 1696

Though, _adv._ [tho]. RG. 371; [thei]. RG. 64; [thah], O. and N. 1272; [thof]. Creed of St Athan. 79; [the?]. 156 B.

Thought, _sb._ 38 and 41 B. Ps. cxviii. 97

---- == care, anxiety. RG. 506. Wright"s L. P. p. 53

Thoure, perhaps for "o were." RG. 534, sed qu?

Thousand, _adj._ RG. 368, 454

---- _sb._ Ps. cxviii. 72

Thowen, _adj._ == virtuous. Wright"s L. P. p. 23. AS. eaw

Thraldom, _sb._ RG. 12, 480

Thralhede, _sb._ == thraldom. RG. 47

Thrall, _sb._ == a slave. HD. 1097. AS. rael

---- == subjection, servitude. RG. 143

Thraying, _part._ == chastening. Ps. lxxii. 14; [?raihand]. Ps. cxvii. 18.

AS. reagan

Threat, _v. a._ RG. 110; pret. "thrat." Wright"s L. P. p. 53; part.

"thrat." Pol. S. 158

---- _v. n._ Wright"s L. P. p. 23

Threaten, _v. a._ RG. 457; 501

Threating, _sb._ 2107 B.

Threde, _v. a._ == either "dread" or "threaten." 2107 B. Numerous examples of the interchange of "th" and "d" may be found in the Romance of Lybeaus Disconus, in Ritson"s Rom. vol. ii.; as "thoghty" for "doughty," "tho" for "do," &c.

Three. RG. 371; [thrinne]. HD. 716

Threpe, _v. a._ == convict, refute. Ps. xciii. 10. AS. reapian

Threstelc.o.c.k, _sb._ == thrush. Wright"s L. P. pp. 40, 43

Threte, == destroyed, worn out? Wright"s L. P. p. 23. From AS. "roten,"

part. of "reotan," to vex, oppress, wear out

Thrice, _adv._ RG. 490; [thrye]. RG. 191

Thrie, _sb._ == affliction. HD. 730. AS. ryccan, rycnes

Thriddendele, _sb._ == third part. Alys. 5161

Thrift, _sb._ Wright"s L. P. p. 47

Thring, _v. n._ == push, press. O. and N. 794. AS. ringan

---- _v. a._ == dash to pieces. Ps. lxxii. 20; pret. "thrange." Ps.

lxxvii. 59; part. "thrungen." Ps. lxxii. 22; "ithrunge." O. and N. 38

Thrinnes, _sb._ == Trinity. Creed of St Athan. 10, 11. AS. rines

Thriste, _adj._ == bold. O. and N. 758. AS. rist

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