Younghede, _sb._ [?onghede] == youth. Legend of St Cuthbert, in Warton, H.

E. P. vol. i. p. 15, _n._

Younglike, _adj._ Ps. cxviii. 141

Youngling, _sb._ Alys. 2366

Your, _adj._ RG. 455; [ower]. RG. 500; [or]. Wright"s L. P. p. 32

Youth, _sb._ Body and Soul, 111; [?eu?ede]. Moral Ode, st. 178. AS. geogo

Youthhede, _sb._ Ps. xlii. 4

Yox, _v. n._ == sob. 1570 B. AS. geocsa

Yoxing, _sb._ == hiccuping. RG. 34

Ypotanos. See Hippopotamus

Yra?te, _vb._ == procreated? O. and N. 106

Yse, _sb._ == iron. Alys. 5149. AS. isen. Germ. eisen

Ysome, _adv._ == together. RG. 3, 83. AS. gesome

Ysteot, _part._ == fastened. Alys. 2768

Yswerred, _adj._ == having necks. Alys. 6264. AS. sweora

Yswowe, _part._ == in a swoon. Alys. 2262. See Swoon

Ythe, _adv._ == easily. K. Horn, 61. AS. eae

Ythen, _part._ == flourishing, prosperous. See The, _vb._

Ytolde, _part._ == pitched (of a tent). Alys. 5901. See Teld

Yvortrou, _adj._ == mistrustful. RG. 342

Ywrye. See Wreon

?arewe, _adj._ == ready. O. and N. 378. AS. gearo

?ark, _v. a._ == make ready. RG. 391, 399. Alys. 1411. AS. gearcian

?arte. See Yare

?avre, == ever, or perhaps "of yore." O. and N. 1178

?ef. See If

?eines. Rel. S. i. 16. Probably instead of "tharto ?eines" we should read "thar to?eines" == there against, i.e. against death. AS. to-geanes

?eme, _sb._ == care. RG. 135. AS. gman

---- _v. a._ == care for, take care of. HD. 131

?eming, _sb._ == care. Ps. cxl. 3

?ende, _sb._ == end. RG. 169

?ene ? O. and N. 843

?eode, _vb._ == went. See Go

?ep, _adj._ == active. Wright"s L. P. p. 39; bold. O. and N. 465. AS. gaep

?ephede, _sb._ == boldness. O. and N. 683

?erne, _adv._ == earnestly. RG. 487. AS. georne

?ete, _v. a._ == cast. Body and Soul, 189. See yhete

?eu?ede, _sb._ == youth, _q. v._

?eve, == give, _q. v._

?eynchar, _sb._ == repentance. Wright"s L. P. p. 46. See App. to Mapes"s Poems, p. 343. AS. cerran with "gen"

?e?e, _v. n._ == jog along, go. Wright"s L. P. p. 111

---- _v. a._ == jog. Pol. S. 158

?if. See If

?iverness, _sb._ == avarice. Rel. S. vii. 11. AS. gifer

?oe, == she. See under He

?oe, == joy, _q. v._

?okkyn, _sb._ == joking? Wright"s L. P. p. 50

?omere, _adj._ == sorrowful. O. and N. 415. AS. geomor

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