---- == give in charge to a person, i.e. cause another to take. RG. 201, 354; so "was bitake four erles," == was given in charge "to four earls."
RG. 523; see p. 301. Hence == commend to a person, RG. 475; "hand over to another," HD. 203. AS. be-taecan
Betaught, [bi-tahte] == taught. Rel. S. v. 124
Bete, _v. a._ lit. == "make better;" hence, "heal," "save." Marg. 68
---- == "recompense," "make amends for." RG. 369. AS. betan
Bete, _part._ == beaten. Vid. Beat
Beten, [y-beten] == overlaid, covered, as with silk, gold, &c. Alys. 1034, 1518
Beth, Beoth, &c. See Be
Bethink, _v. a._ == "to bethink oneself" of a thing. RG. 368, 458
Betide, _v. n._ == happen. RG. 418, 14
Betime, _adv._ K. Horn, 995
Betoken, _v. a._ RG. 152
Betokening, _sb._ RG. 560
Betray, _v. a._ RG. 135
Better, _adj._ RG. 367, 422
---- _v. n._ == get the better. Ps xii. 5
Betterness, _sb._ Ps. li. 5
Between, _prep._ RG. 371, 513
Betwixt, _prep._ [bi-tuxen]. O. and N. 1745
Beverage, _sb._ == drink. RG. 26
---- == reward, consequence. RG. 299
Bewail, _v. a._ Alys. 4395
Beware, _v. n._ RG. 547
Beweep, _v. a._ O. and N. 972
Bewind, _v. a._ == entwine. part. "bewound." Christ on the Cross, 3
Bewray, _v. a._ == betray [by-wrye]. Alys. 4377. pret. "bi-wro." O. and N.
673. AS. wregan.
Beyen, == are? Wright"s L. P. p. 32
Beyond, _prep._ RG. 368, 420
Beyre, == of both, gen. pl. RG. 388, 398
Bezant, _sb._ == a piece of money. RG. 409. From Byzantium, or Constantinople, where they were originally used
Bible, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 174
Bicast, _v. a._ == cast over, cover. 92
Bicatch, _v. a._ == deceive, ensnare. Alys. 258. K. Horn, 318
Bicharred, _part._ == deceived. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 211; M. Ode, 160. AS.
Bicherme, _v. a._ == chirp about or around. O. and N. 279. AS. cyrm
Bick, _v. n._ == fight. Alys. 2337
Bicker, _v. n._ == quarrel. RG. 540. Fr. becquer. W. bicra == to fight
Bicker, _sb._ == a quarrel, contention, battle. RG. 538, 543
Biclipe, Biclupe, _v. a._ == accuse. 365 B.
---- == appeal. RG. 473
Biclose, _v. a._ == enclose. RG. 558, 218
Bid, _v. a._ == ask. RG. 77. 3 pl. pret. "badden." Alys. 5823. See "bede"
---- == command. RG. 29. pret. "bad." 683 B. part. "y-bede." RG. 383. AS.
Bid, _v. a._ == offer, pret. "bode." RG. 379. "beod"? O. and N. 1435. AS.
Bid, _sb._ == asking, demand. Pol. S. 149
Bidding, _sb._ == demand, request. Pol. S. 150
Bide, _v. n._ == remain. Pol. S. 204
Bidene, _adv._ == presently. Ps. l. 4; ciii. 30