Coming, _sb._ Alys. 5541

Commandment, _sb._ 2022 B.

Common, _adj._ "common right." RG. 500. "the common bell." RG. 541

Common, _sb._ == the commons, plebs. Pol. S. 188

---- == "commons," i.e. food. RG. 528

Commonalty, _sb._ 1302 B.

Commonly, _adv._ == all in common, universally. Fall and P. 46

Commune, _v. n._ RG. 571

Companage, _sb._ == sustenance. Pol. S. 240

Companion, _sb._ RG 552

Company, _sb._ == band of men. RG. 544, 370

Compa.s.s, _v. a._ == seek after a thing by design. Pol. S. 202. part.

"ycompa.s.sed." RG. 109

Compa.s.sment, _sb._ Alys. 1345

Compline, _sb._ == the last service in the day. 2090 B. Fr. complie

Con, _v. a._ == know. pret. "couthe." RG. 559; "kuthe." O. and N. 663; part. "cud." Wright"s L. P. p. 27.

Con, _v. a._ == acknowledge, [kan]. HD. 160. "to kan thank"

Conceive, _v. n._ == bear oneself, behave. Alys. 2204

Concubine, _sb._ RG. 27

Conduct, _sb._ == guidance. RG. 40

Coney, _sb._ [cunig]. M. Ode, 182

Conferment, _sb._ == confirmation. RG. 349

Confessor, _sb._ 2341 B.

Confirm, _v. a._ RG. 440, 446

Confirming, _sb._ RG. 277

Conger, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 174

Conjure, _v. a._ == adjure a person to do a thing. 2330 B.

Conjurison, _sb._ == sorcery. Alys. 81

Conscience, _sb._ 426

Consent, _v. n._ RG. 526

Consistory, _sb._ [constory]. Pol. S. 159

Consonant, _sb._ Rel. Ant. ii. p. 174

Constable, _sb._ RG. 538

Contek, _sb._ == strife. RG. 470, 509. Fr. contencer

---- _v. n._ == to strive. RG. 259

Contecker, _sb._ == a striver. 196 B.

Convent, _sb._ RG. 433

---- == the body of people in the convent. 225 B.

Cook, _sb._ HD. 903

Coot, _sb._ [cote]. Body and Soul, 201

Cop, _sb._ == head. Pol. S. 70. Rel. Ant. i. 144. AS. copp.

Cope, _sb._ RG. 566. HD. 429

Copener, _sb._ == paramour. O. and N. 1340. AS. copenere

Coral, _sb._ Wright"s L. P. p. 25

Cord, _sb._ St Andrew, 66

Corn, _sb._ RG. 13, 372

Cornel, _sb._ == embrasure. Alys. 7210

Corour, _sb._ == courser. Alys. 2475

Corporas, _sb._ == a cloth on which the elements were laid at the Eucharist. HD. 188

Corpse, _sb._ RG. 145

Corrin, _sb._ == a churn, or vessel? Rel. Ant. ii. p. 175. AS. cyrin

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