Afar, _adv._ 1226 B.

Afaunce, == affiance? Weber. Gl. ad Alys. 732

Afear, _v. a._ == frighten. RG. 504, 22

Afeard, _adj._ RG. 388

Afell, _v. a._ == fell, cut down. Alys. 5240

Afeng, _v. a._ == take up, receive, pret. afong. RG. 368

Aferd, _part._ == affaired, i.e. charged with an affair to be executed.

Alys. 1813

Affair, _sb._ Alys. 410

Affie, _v. a._ == give confidence to a person. Alys. 4753

Affirm, _v. a._ Alys. 7356

Afighteth. See Afaytye

Afiled, == defiled. Alys. 1064

Afind, _v. a._ == find. O. and N. 527

Afingred, _part._ == hungered. 416 . Cf. "fyrst" for "thirst," "frefownd"

for "greyhound;" and see Wright"s Vocab. pp. 250, 259, note

Afire, _adv._ RG. 380, 541, 546

Afoled, _part._ == befooled, made a fool of. O. and N. 206

Afoot, _adv._ RG. 378

Aforce, _v. a._ == force, compel. RG. 121. Alys. 789

Aforeward, _adv._ == foremost, foreward. 492 B.; first of all. RG. 567

Aforth, _adv._ == forwards. O. and N. 822

Afretie, _v. a._ == devour. Pol. S. 237, 240. AS. fretan

Afte, _sb._ == folly? Pol. S. 210

After, _prep._ == in expectation of, "after betere wynde hii moste ere at stonde." RG. 367

---- == of time, "after Mydsomer." RG. 407

---- == like. Alys. 5418

---- == in; "after eche strete." M. Ode, st. 117

---- == "behind," of place. RG. 398

Afterblismed, == pregnant. Ps. lxxvii. 70. AS. blosma == a bud

Afterward, _adv._ == in the after part (of a book). RG. 6

---- == next in order, afterwards. Wright"s L. P. p. 24

Aftertale, _sb._ == postscript. 627 B.

Afterwending, _sb._ == following. Alys. 7280

Again, _adv._ == iterum, a second time. RG. 36

---- == back again [a?e]. 147 B.

Againbuy, _v. a._ == redeem, pret. "agaynboghte." Ps. lxxiii. 2

Againbuying, _sb._ == redemption. Ps. xlviii. 9

Againcall, _v. a._ Ps. ci. 25

Againlook, _v. a._ == look back upon. Ps. x.x.xiv. 3

Againres, _sb._ == meeting. Ps. lviii. 6. [ogain raas]. Ps. xviii. 7

Againsaw, _sb._ == contradiction. Ps. lx.x.x. 8

Againsaying, _sb._ == contradiction. Ps. cv. 32

Against, _prep._ == contra, [a?e]. 54 B. [a?en]. RG. 367. [ogaines] Ps.

lx.x.xii. 4

---- == opposite to, of place, [a?eyn]. RG. 6

---- == by the time that. Wright"s L. P. p. 23

---- == in comparison with, [a?eynes]. Wright"s L. P. p. 68

Againstand, _v. n._ Ps. lxxv. 8

Againturn, _v. n._ == return. Ps. lxxvii. 39

Againward, _adv._ Ps. lxxvii. 57

Againwend, _v. n._ == retreat, part, "a?enwendand." Ps. lxxvii. 9

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