Harle, _vb._ See Hurl

Harlot, _sb._ == used of a man. Pol. S. 237. W. herlawd

Harm, _sb._ RG. 409, 377

Harmless, _adj._ RG. 335, 509

Harness, _sb._ Alys. 7479. Fr. harnas

Harp, _sb._ RG. 272

---- _v. n._ RG. 272. Alys. 1043

Harper, _sb._ RG. 272

Hart, _sb._ RG. 376

Harvest, _sb._ RG. 414, 500

Has, == ars, art? Alys. 444

Hasp, _sb._ Body and Soul, 199. AS. haeps

Haste, _v. n._ RG. 305

---- _sb._ Ps. lxxvii. 33

Hastiness, _sb._ RG. 475

Hastily, _adv._ RG. 382

Hasty, _adj._ RG. 414, 458

Hat, _sb._ == a command. Pol. S. 158. AS. hatan

Hatch, _sb._ == a small door. O. and N. 1056. AS. haeca

Hatch, _v. a._ pret. "ha?te." O. and N. 105; part, "y-haht." Pol. S. 237

Hatchet, _sb._ Pol. S. 223

Hate, _sb._ 1667 B.; [hete]. O. and N. 167

---- _v. a._ Wright"s L. P. p. 90. RG. 437

Hatred, _sb._ Pol. S. 157

Hattest. See Hight

Hattren, _sb._ == clothes. Wright"s L. P. p. 110. Alys, 4264, 7054. AS.


Hauberk, _sb._ RG. 99, 174, 297. Fr. hauber. See Roq.

Haught, _adj._ [ha?t], == haughty. RG. 418

Haughtiness, _sb._ RG. 29

Haul, _v. a._ Alys. 992; part, "ihauled." 1499 B. ON. hala

Haumudeys, _sb._ == a purse. Alys. 1707. Fr. aumoniere (Weber)

Haunt, _v. a._ == frequent. RG. 534

---- == practise. Alys. 7496

---- _sb._ Alys. 6531

Hautain, _adj._ == haughty. RG. 66

Have, _v. a._ pres. "abbe." RG. 423; 2 s. pres. "havest." O. and N. 1148; 3 s. pres. "ath." RG. 368; pl. "habbeth." RG. 9; pret. "adde." RG. 368

---- _vb. aux._ Rel. S. ii. 13, 31

Haven, _sb._ RG. 423; [have]. RG. 134

Haver, _adj._ == clever, Pol. S. 155. ON. hagr

Haw, _sb._ == the fruit of the hawthorn. RG. 524. AS. hagan

Hawe, _sb._ == care, attention. Marg. 18

Hawk, _sb._ RG. 275

Hay, _sb._ RG. 406

Hayward, _sb._ == "a person who guarded the corn and farmyard in the night time." Halliwell. Wright"s L. P. p. 110. Pol. S. p. 149

Hazardry, _sb._ RG. 195

Ha?e, _sb._ == courtyard of a house. O. and N. 585; [hahe]. O. and N. 1610

---- == wall of a yard. Ps. lx.x.xviii. 41. Fr. haie. AS. haga

Ha?t, _adj._ == haughty, _q. v._

HE, _nom._ RG. 367, 443; gen. "his." RG. 367; dat. "him." RG. 367; acc.

"him." RG. 367; "hine." O. and N. 1372

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