Intent, _sb._ RG. 140

Interdict, _v. a._ RG. 495

---- _sb._ RG. 505

Intermit, _v. a._ == interfere with. Alys. 4025

Inward, _sb._ == stomach. RG. 135; pl. "inwards" == interior parts. Ps.

cviii. 18. AS. inno

Inwardly, Ps. iv. 2

Inwit, _sb._ == mind, conscience. 561 . AS. inwit

Inwon, _v. a._ == dwell in. Ps. lxvii. 7

Ioupe, _sb._ == a jacket. HD. 1767. Cf. "jopen," in the "Cambriae Epitome,"

App. to Mapes. p. 350. Fr. jupon

Irain, _sb._ == a spider. Ps. x.x.xviii. 12. Lat. aranea

Ire, _sb._ == anger. Alys. 906

Irened, _adj._ == made of iron. Ps. ii. 9

Iron, _sb._ RG. 461, 2, 6; [ire]. O. and N. 1028

---- _adj._ [yren]. RG. 399

Is, _vb._ RG. 405; [esse], Ps. xci. 16

---- == art. Ps. l. 6

Ischire, _v. a._ == give, return. O. and N. 1530. AS. sceran

Isle, _sb._ RG. 405; [ydle]. Alys. 4856

Iso, == see. _q. v._

Isome, _adv._ == together. O. and N. 1733. AS. gesam

---- _adj._ == reconciled, united. Rel. S. v. 254

Ito?en, _part._ == educated. O. and N. 1723. See "i-teon," in Gloss, to La?. See Te

Ivored, _adj._ == of ivory. Ps. xliv. 9

Ivory, _sb._ Alys. 7666

Iwarte, Iwarness, == ware, wariness, _q. v._

Iweived, _part._ == waved or strayed. RG. 526. (Hearne)

Iwis, _adv._ == certainly. RG. 439, 370. AS. gewis

Iwrne, == formerly? O. and N. 637. See "i-uurn," in Gloss, to La?.; or perhaps for "ge-urnen," part, of "yrnan," to run, so that "i-wrne" would mean "current"


Jacinth, _sb._ Alys. 5682

Jangler, _sb._ == musician. Alys. 3426

Jasper, _sb._ Wright"s L. P. p. 25

Jay, _sb._ Wright"s L. P. p. 52

Jealous, _adj._ O. and N. 1075

Jest, _sb._ Alys. 30

Jewel, _sb._ RG. 508

Join, _v. a._ RG. 71

Joliflich, _adj._ == pleasantly. Alys. 4753

Jollity, _sb._ [jolyfte], Wright"s L. P. p. 89

Jolly, _adj._ [jolyf]. Wright"s L. P. p. 52; [joly]. Alys. 1967, 2467

Journey, _sb._ St Kath. 297. Rel. Ant. ii. p. 178

Joust, _sb._ == encounter in a tournament. RG. 137. Fr. jouste. Lat. juxta

Jouster, _sb._ Alys. 3325

Joustynde, _part._ == jingling, justling. Pol. S. 104

Joy, _sb._ RG. 401; [?oe]. RG. 187

---- _v. n._ == rejoice. Wright"s L. P. p. 27

Joyful, _adj._ Alys. 30. RG. 53

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