Naked, _adj._ RG. 458, 557. AS. nacod. This word is a participle of a verb, of which the root is _nag_ (cf. ON. gnaga), meaning to gnaw, strip off bark or covering from anything

Nakedhed, _sb._ Alys. 7056

Nakins, == no kind. Ps. x.x.xii. 16

Name, _sb._ RG. 367

---- _v. a._ pret. "nempnede." RG. 28

Namely, _adv._ RG. 381, 537

Nanmon, == no more. RG. 291

Nap, _sb._ == napkin. Rel. S. v. 107. Fr. nape. Lat. mappa

Nap, _v. n._ == sleep. Ps. lxxv. 7. Rel. Ant. ii. 211. AS. hnaeppian

Nape, _sb._ == back of neck. Alys. 1347. Swed. nakke

Napping, _sb._ == sleep. Ps. lxxv. 6. AS. hnaeppung

Nare, == narrow, _q. v._

---- _v. a._ == oppress. Ps. x.x.xiv. 5

Narrow, _adj._ RG. 401; [nare]. Fr. Sci. 318. AS. nearo

---- _adv._ == narrowly, closely. O. and N. 68

Natheless, == nevertheless. RG. 375

Navel, _sb._ Alys. 493. AS. nafela

Nawighte, _adv._ == not at all, not a bit. Ps. lxxvi. 3

Nay, _adv._ Wright"s L. P. p. 32

Ne, == not. O. and N. 48. RG. 470

---- == nor. O. and N. 905, 906. RG. 470

_In composition._ A. With the verb To Be

_pres. sing._ 1. "nam." Wright"s L. P. p. 42. 2. "nart." O. and N.

407. 3. "nis." RG. 454

_pret. sing._ 3. "nes." Wright"s L. P. p. 52. "nas." RG. 372

_pl._ "nere." RG. 376

_pret. conj._ "nere." O. and N. 22

B. With the verb To Have

_pret. sing._ 1. "navy." Wright"s L. P. p. 37. 2. "nast." Ibid p.

102, 103. 3. "nath." Wright"s L. P. p. 42. "nafdh." Rel. S. v. 80

_pl._ 3. "nabbeth." O. and N. 253

_pret. sing._ 2. "naddest." O. and N. 1509

_pl._ "nadde." RG. 19

_pres. conj._ 3. "nabbe." Rel. S. v. 41

C. With the verb To Will

_pres. sing._ 1. "nul." Wright"s L. P. p. 32, "nullyt." Id. ibid.

2. "nyltu." RG. 13. "nultu." O. and N. 903

3. "nele." O. and N. 1480.

_pl._ 3. "nolle." RG. 265. "nulleth." O. and N. 1762

_pret._ "nolde." RG. 508. "noldestu." Rel. S. v. 167

D. With the verb To Wit

_pres. sing._ 1. "not." O. and N. 1619. 3. "not." RG. 518

_pl._ 2. "nu?te." O. and N. 1749.

3. "nute." O. and N. 1008. Alys. 3767

_pret. sing._ 3. "nuste." RG. 13

Neat, _sb._ == cattle. RG. 404, 518. AS. nten, neat

Neb, _sb._ == face. Fragm. in Warton, H. E. P. vol. i. p. 24. AS. neb

Neck, _sb._ RG. 539, 375. AS. hnecca

Necromancy, _sb._ Alys. 137

Nedre, _sb._ == adder. RG. 43. AS. naeddre

Need, _sb._ == necessary duty. RG. 527

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