Ninety. RG. 485

Ninth, _adj._ RG. 473

Nithe, _v. a._ == lower, bend. Marg. 17

Nithe, _sb._ == hatred, envy. Wright"s L. P. p. 49. AS. ni

---- _v. n._ == strive, emulate. Ps. x.x.xvi. 8

Nitheful, _adj._ == malicious. M. Ode, 138

Nithemest, _adj._ == nethermost, lowest. Fragm. Sci. 331

Nithing, _sb._ == villain. K. Horn, 202. AS. niing

No, _adv._ "no shaltow" == shalt thou not. Alys. 6925

No, _adj._ == none. 24 B.

n.o.ble, _adj._ RG. 367

n.o.bleman, _sb._ RG. 393

n.o.bleye, _sb._ == n.o.bility. RG. 376, 420

n.o.bly, _adv._ RG. 367; [n.o.blelike]. HD. 2640

Noise, _sb._ RG. 151, 396. Fr. noise. Prov. nausa. Lat. nausea

Noll, _sb._ == head. Pol. S. 157. AS. cnoll, hnol

Nomore, _adv._ [namore]. RG. 384

None, _adj._ before a consonant. RG. 369, 370; [nond]. Ritson"s AS. xvii.


---- == no one. RG. 468

Nook, _sb._ == "note" or value? "not a far-things nook." HD. 820

Nook, _sb._ == corner, nook. Ps. cxvii. 22. ON. hnocki, a hook; hence an angle or corner

Noon, _sb._ RG. 398

North. RG. 14

Northern, _adj._ Wright"s L. P. p. 51

Northward, _adv._ 1127 B.

Norye, _sb._ == a foster-child. Alys. 4730

Nose, _sb._ RG. 94

Not, _adv._ [no?t]. 102 B.

Note, _sb._ (in music). St Dunstan, 165

Note, _sb._ == use, power, possession. O. and N. 51. AS. notu. The Jesus Coll. MS. however reads "vote," i. e. "foot"

---- _v. a._ == employ. O. and N. 1031

Notheles, _adv._ "notheles A" == without the aid of A. Alys. 3658

Nother, _conj._ == nor. RG. 421

Nothfulhede, _sb._ == use, advantage. Ps. xxix. 10

Nothing. RG. 367

Nought, == nothing; [na?t]. RG. 403; [no?t]. 1094 B.

Nourish, _v. a._ [norysy]. RG. 434, [norischi]. 1876 B.

Nourishing, _sb._ == nourishment. Fragm. Sci. 382

Now, _adv._ [nou]. RG. 368; [nouthe]. RG. 458

Nowe, _sb._ == cattle. Body and Soul, 73. Yorksh. "nowie." ON. naut

Nowhere, _adv._ RG. 428

Nowhither, _adv._ Body and Soul, 179

Noy, _v. a._ == annoy. 198 B.

Nughtsom, _v. n._ == abound. Ps. lxiv. 14. AS. genihtsumian

---- _v. a._ == make to abound. Ps. xlix. 19

Number, _sb._ RG. 396

Numbering, _sb._ RG. 61

Nun, _sb._ RG. 370. Fr. nonne

Nunnery, _sb._ RG. 369

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