Overhead, _sb._ == blow on the head. Alys. 7396

Overheave, _v. a._ part. "overhoven." Ps. lxxi. 16

Overhele, _v. a._ == conceal. Ps. xliii. 16

Overhohe, _v. a._ == despise. O. and N. 1404. AS. ofer-hogian

Overhope, _v. n._ == hope constantly. Ps. cxviii. 43

Overmirth, _v. n._ == insult. Ps. x.x.xiv. 19

Overmost, _adj._ == highest. Ps. ciii. 13

Overnoon, _sb._ == midday. Ps. x.x.xvi. 6

Overquatie, _v. a._ == overfill. O. and N. 353. Halliwell gives "Quatted"

== full, satiated. Probably from the ON. kvett, meat; another form of kjot

Oversee, _v. a._ == look over (lit.). O. and N. 30

Overshun, _v. a._ == swallow up? Ps. cxxiii. 4

Oversid. O. and N. 1436; either == oversees, looks after, from AS.

ofer-seon; or == regards, takes charge of, from AS. ofer-sittan

Oversore, _adj._ RG. 280

Overspread, _v. a._ RG. 380

Overstie, _v. a._ == go over, surpa.s.s. Rel. S. iii. 1

Overswallow, _v. a._ [oure-swelyhe]. Ps. lxxviii. 16

Overtake, _v. a._ HD. 1816. Ps. vi. 2

Overthwart, _adv._ HD. 2822

Overward, _adv._ RG. 531

Overwerp, _v. n._ == lit. to throw over; hence neut. to overflow, boil over. Wright"s L. P. p. 83

Overwin, _v. a._ Ps. cviii. 3

Owe, _v. a._ == own or have. pres. "owe." RG. 432. pret. "ow." Pol. S. 204

---- _v. a._ == owe a person a thing, pres. "on." (_s. q._ if not "ou.") RG. 311

---- _v. n._ == be obliged; have to do a thing. pres. "oh." Wright"s L. P.

p. 70. pl. "ohen." Rel. S. v. 2; pret. "aute." RG. 452; "a?te." RG. 202

Own, _adj._ [owe]. RG. 372, 437; [o?e]. O. and N. 1648; [onne]. Wright"s L. P. p. 104

Ox, _sb._ 133

O?er, _adj._ == great, dreadful. O. and N. 118. AS. oga

O?yrt, == other. RG. 192


Pace, _sb._ == step. RG. 387, 513

Pack, _sb._ == bundle, burden. Ritson"s AS. viii. 248

Paddock, _sb._ == toad. Alys. 6126. ON. padda

Pae, _sb._ == peac.o.c.k. Ritson"s AS. viii. 20. AS. pawa

Page, _sb._ == a lackey. Pol. S. 237. Fr. page. Vid. Roq. _s. v._

Pain, _sb._ == penalty. 481 B. RG. 377

---- == anguish, [pyne]. Alys. 5059; [peyne]. Ibid. 5060

Paint, _v. a._ part. "ypeynt." RG. 174

Pair, _sb._ RG. 390

Palace, _sb._ RG. 190

Palfreiour, _sb._ == palfrey-keeper. Pol. S. 237

Palfrey, _sb._ RG. 490. Fr. palefroi. Lat. paraveredus

Pall, _sb._ == coverlet. Alys. 7733. Body and Soul, 15. Lat. palla

Pall, _v. n._ == grow pale. Rel. Ant. ii. 211

Pallion, _sb._ == pall. 248 B.

Palmer, _sb._ Alys. 4981

Palter, == bough. Ps. lxxix. 12; _s. q._ if "paltres" be not == "palm-trees." Lat. palmites. See the V. L.

Pan, _sb._ == dish. Alys. 4939. AS. panne

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